The French know little about wine ...

first thing: ignoring grape varieties
second thing: wine only as a second thought for a meal - not as the first thought
For me it is more important to know the grape than the chateau
The French usually drink wine only at meal time.
But one can also enjoy a good wine on its own.
French wine in general isn't better then that of other countries. But their marketing is far superior, due to their wineries being far larger then the average German winery and the French winery association being far better organized - Furthermore the French already enjoyed the best reputation amongst Champagne - and that is why French wines can be found in majority throughout the world.

China is a great example. Not very familiar with wine and only a very few own wineries - the first large supermarkets were Metro and Carrefour. Even though METRO being German it's main purchase officers were French - therefore The French Wine selection outnumbered others by far.
For the upcoming class of rich Chinese - most important items to display were Houses, cuisine&wine, cars and watches - this sequence is valid until today. And also applies to most other countries - especially amongst the growing economies.

The ones who offered high priced wines were only the French - see the Rothschild hype in China around 2010 - a single bottle costing around US$ 3000+
If you ask Chinese people as to who has the best wine - the general answer is: Oh French wine is very expensive, very good. However believe me - they gulp it down like beer no matter how awful or good it tastes. It is simply a way of showing off wealth - in conjunction with their cuisine culture - the more expensive the better. And amongst business friends or at e.g. a wedding party, it is simply inappropriate to offer wine - were a bottle would cost less then Rmb700 = US$100
If you ask Chinese people as to who has the best wine - the general answer is: Oh French wine is very expensive, very good.
Many Germans are no better. They automatically say like the sheep in 1984:

"French wine goooooooooooooooooooo!
German wine baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"
I have actually met such German sheep, who think and say:
"French wine gooooooooooooooooooood!"
"German wine baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"

Some think it is enough to just say: "German wine is bad!" to be seen as a connaiseeur.
For me these people are not connaiseeurs, but stupid snobs.
Another point:
The French only drink French wine.
So they miss out on the many wonderful wines from elsewhere,.
I have actually met such German sheep, who think and say:
"French wine gooooooooooooooooooood!"
"German wine baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"

Some think it is enough to just say: "German wine is bad!" to be seen as a connaiseeur.
For me these people are not connaiseeurs, but stupid snobs.

Blue Nun and some other crap, l’ve forgotten the name of. Unheard of in Germany.
I was in an ‘old Germany’ Lokale today, where the food was the accompaniment to the wine. I had smoked trout pared with Riesling.

Truly the land of Bacchus..
It was an Englisman who wrote a book on wines - with the title: "Der Wein spricht deutsch!"

The Germans like and understand wines - for the sake of the wine.
For the French the wines are only an afterthought for the meals.
Many wine nations know more!

I can prove that.
The French keep and drink the best wines for themselves, the stuff they export is crap. Last time I was there, I bought a bottle of Pouilly-Fume, it was damn nice. Back in the UK, bought the stuff from Asda and it was like piss

I still say:

The French know remarkable little about wine.


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