The fringe is making mainstream rulings and legislation - America is crumbling from within

They have figured out how to use the system to install their White Nationalist theocracy. We'll see how close we ultimately get.

I've been saying that we're going to look like the Middle East, with states are divided by the nature and intensity of their religious dogma.

This could never have happened here. Never. Ever.

Yes, the failed attempt to steal an election at the Federal level will now be accomplished at the state level.

Say hello to Christian Dominionism.

It is as fringe a movement as there is. Mainstream Christianity does not adhere to it. I have been and around Christian circles since 1972, I've met exactly 2 of them.
The far right is now the middle of the Republican Party with some powerful impacts to this country. There are some seriously crazy actions happening in Red power circles in America that affects us all. Welcome to the new world order.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court questions the legitimacy of Biden's 2020 win there, and compares the US voting system to those of Cuba and North Korea

Oklahoma Governor calls for special audit of the Tulsa school system via video announcement because they "might" be teaching critical race theory. Tulsa? hmmmmm

NC House Bill includes language to destroy EV Charging stations unless there are adjacent free gas and diesel pumps

"Welcome to the new world order."

Are you really so stupid as to think the Left isn't bed with people trying to usher in the NWO?
"Welcome to the new world order."

Are you really so stupid as to think the Left isn't bed with people trying to usher in the NWO?
This is what your masters strive for:


The fringe is making mainstream rulings and legislation - America is crumbling from within​

The fringe leftarded have been making rulings and legislation for far too long. And America was crumbling. As soon as the mainstream right and center sane folks start reclaiming some authority, the leftarded ones start whining like bitches.

Pretty funny.
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You are embarrassing yourself. They are all apart of it. Yes even your precious Joe.
I didn’t vote Joe for Primary. He was 5 for me. But he’s doing a C+ job.
The far right is now the middle of the Republican Party with some powerful impacts to this country. There are some seriously crazy actions happening in Red power circles in America that affects us all. Welcome to the new world order.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court questions the legitimacy of Biden's 2020 win there, and compares the US voting system to those of Cuba and North Korea

Oklahoma Governor calls for special audit of the Tulsa school system via video announcement because they "might" be teaching critical race theory. Tulsa? hmmmmm

NC House Bill includes language to destroy EV Charging stations unless there are adjacent free gas and diesel pumps

now with the Court ruling about the Wisconsin election it’s clear xiden is not the legit president
What do you expect when they ILLEGALLY changed the rules right before the election?

Yeah, we had the old rules for a reason. They were massively relaxed, supposedly because of covid. Questioning how secure an election was, after the rules were massively relaxed,

is not extreme.
What do you expect when they ILLEGALLY changed the rules right before the election?
MANY states had their election laws changed without their Congress doing it. Which is unconstitutional and downright wrong.

Which states did that?
How did they do it?
To what effect?
Did it change the national results in either popular vote or EC ballots?
How do you know?

Russia manipulated the results of the election through a concentrated effort of propaganda, especially in social media.
"Concentrated effort" guided by Paul Manafort's sharing of Republican and Campaign polling data with Russian operatives.

Trump knew he was going to lose by late September. His staff knew he was going to lose.
True that. He was told by any number of campaign officials and hired polling guns that he was underwater. And post-election polling by his very own in-house pollster, Tony Fabrizio, informed Don Trump and everybody who read his 27-page report why he lost.
Because more voters than otherwise... felt Don Trump was 'untrustworthy' and 'incompetent'....and that is why they voted the way they did. Fabrizio told Don Trump that. And Trump still went ahead with his Election Denier activities which harmed America then, and continue to do so today. IMHO
Here, read this: Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat


How much evidence viewed by judges? None.
I was watching and every judge refused to look at the evidence and it takes more than 5 minutes to evaluate evidence. (underlining by my avatar, Chillicothe)
This is demonstrably wrong. It is a canard that needs be put to rest. It is corrosive to America. Those who continue to broadcast it and intensify it are harming America.

Aware and informed people know otherwise. Do this poster Indeependent: Watch the included link below, ....or.....go to the compiled videos of the Select Committee's hearings and watch the whole enchilada of Benjamin Ginsberg's testimony (under oath) about those 60+ court cases presented to about 111 judges.

FYI, poster Indeependent, Ginsburg is a nationally recognized attorney specializing in election law. He is considered an expert by both Republican and Democrat political parties. Although, the vast majority of his work is for Republicans. He was instrumental in the Florida re-count that gave the election to George Jr. His professional expert opinion is diametrically opposed to the amateur opinion you have just offered this venue. One of you is wrong. If you think you are right....then you need to present to this forum a more persuasive argument than you have to date.
Which states did that?
How did they do it?
To what effect?
Did it change the national results in either popular vote or EC ballots?
How do you know?


"Concentrated effort" guided by Paul Manafort's sharing of Republican and Campaign polling data with Russian operatives.

True that. He was told by any number of campaign officials and hired polling guns that he was underwater. And post-election polling by his very own in-house pollster, Tony Fabrizio, informed Don Trump and everybody who read his 27-page report why he lost.
Because more voters than otherwise... felt Don Trump was 'untrustworthy' and 'incompetent'....and that is why they voted the way they did. Fabrizio told Don Trump that. And Trump still went ahead with his Election Denier activities which harmed America then, and continue to do so today. IMHO
Here, read this: Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat


This is demonstrably wrong. It is a canard that needs be put to rest. It is corrosive to America. Those who continue to broadcast it and intensify it are harming America.

Aware and informed people know otherwise. Do this poster Indeependent: Watch the included link below, ....or.....go to the compiled videos of the Select Committee's hearings and watch the whole enchilada of Benjamin Ginsberg's testimony (under oath) about those 60+ court cases presented to about 111 judges.

FYI, poster Indeependent, Ginsburg is a nationally recognized attorney specializing in election law. He is considered an expert by both Republican and Democrat political parties. Although, the vast majority of his work is for Republicans. He was instrumental in the Florida re-count that gave the election to George Jr. His professional expert opinion is diametrically opposed to the amateur opinion you have just offered this venue. One of you is wrong. If you think you are right....then you need to present to this forum a more persuasive argument than you have to date.

Do me a favor and check out Reuters and AP News once in a while (as though I haven't posted this 1,000 times already).
When someone brings in evidence Monday morning at 9:00AM and it's dismissed by 9:15M, don't tell me anyone looked at it.
These judges were, and are, afraid for their lives.
Do you not see a difference? Nobody said Trump did not get more electoral college votes. No one claimed "fraud", no one said, "stolen election". What was claimed, and has actually been proven, was that Russia manipulated the results of the election through a concentrated effort of propaganda, especially in social media. The only open question, and it really isn't that open. Indictments have been handed down, pardons have been handed out. But the question remains, did the Trump campaign actively "collude" with Russian operatives.

But Trump and his minions are claiming something entirely different. The election was "stolen", it was corrupt. The system manipulated the results. Instead of an outsider manipulating the system. Look, Trump knew he was going to lose by late September. His staff knew he was going to lose. And it was at that point that he began planning this "stolen election" strategy. I knew it the moment he began discouraging people from voting my mail, early, or absentee.
He knew he was going to lose? Is that why he increased his vote total by 17%?
When someone brings in evidence Monday morning at 9:00AM and it's dismissed by 9:15M, don't tell me anyone looked at it.
These judges were, and are, afraid for their lives.
OK, you be you.

However, I do not give credence to the above hypothetical you pose.
If you can offer a more persuasive argument ...with times, dates, places, names....than what you have to date, then you may have an audience.
OK, you be you.

However, I do not give credence to the above hypothetical you pose.
If you can offer a more persuasive argument ...with times, dates, places, names....than what you have to date, then you may have an audience.
It’s obvious you read headlines the next week.
If it ain't then show the forum.....the facts, names, places, dates, and the wording of the court.

And if you are able to show a single incident...then please explain how that single development effected the 60+ other cases, and the approximately 111 judges (including the Supreme Court) who reviewed the pleadings Trump brought to their courts.

The assertion that no judges reviewed Trump's court challenges to the election is a canard. And it is harmful to America.
If it ain't then show the forum.....the facts, names, places, dates, and the wording of the court.

And if you are able to show a single incident...then please explain how that single development effected the 60+ other cases, and the approximately 111 judges (including the Supreme Court) who reviewed the pleadings Trump brought to their courts.

The assertion that no judges reviewed Trump's court challenges to the election is a canard. And it is harmful to America.
Look schmuck, try reading the news every day.
I don't save Links for inveterate assholes such as yourself.
Do me a favor and check out Reuters and AP News once in a while (as though I haven't posted this 1,000 times already).
When someone brings in evidence Monday morning at 9:00AM and it's dismissed by 9:15M, don't tell me anyone looked at it.
These judges were, and are, afraid for their lives.
Nah, it ain't that bad. They just don't want to lose their cushy jobs, just like all the schmucks in Congress.

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