The fundamental reason Repubs are unable to agree on a new Speaker is....


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
they lack a philosophical organizing principle. What they have instead is not a fight over policy differences but rather a struggle among the factions for power. Kevin was able to keep the fractious coalition of disparate clans together for a short while. But the rules established an easy way for him to be disposed of. Now those clans are jockeying for influence more than they are advocating for a particular goal.

What's the path forward? I suppose a recognition this chaos can't go on. The challenge being some clans want the chaos.
they lack a philosophical organizing principle. What they have instead is not a fight over policy differences but rather a struggle among the factions for power. Kevin was able to keep the fractious coalition of disparate clans together for a short while. But the rules established an easy way for him to be disposed of. Now those clans are jockeying for influence more than they are advocating for a particular goal.

What's the path forward? I suppose a recognition this chaos can't go on. The challenge being some clans want the chaos.
Because as a whole, they don't agree that the democrat party is destroying the country, so part of them, if not all, wishes to continue to go along with them.
I think the OP is talking about a hive mind.

Career politicians outnumber principled representatives. Until serving in Congress isn't a get rich career, we will continue to have problems.
they lack a philosophical organizing principle. What they have instead is not a fight over policy differences but rather a struggle among the factions for power. Kevin was able to keep the fractious coalition of disparate clans together for a short while. But the rules established an easy way for him to be disposed of. Now those clans are jockeying for influence more than they are advocating for a particular goal.

What's the path forward? I suppose a recognition this chaos can't go on. The challenge being some clans want the chaos.
They chaos started when republicans lost the white house, NOOT was one of the first, after him it just got worse.
Teabaggers are bound and determined to prove the government doesn't work, they prove it.....................when they are in charge.
Career politicians outnumber principled representatives. Until serving in Congress isn't a get rich career, we will continue to have problems.
Democrats and Rhinos band together to feed off the system, like Nancy Pelosi and her insider trading.

The GOP wants to do NOTHING about it, so they can do the same.

As the country goes down the toilet in the process, they all could care less.

Sometimes I think none of the have a pulse as the only reason they got rid of their Speaker is because they did not want to go after their buddy Joe Biden.
Because as a whole, they don't agree that the democrat party is destroying the country, so part of them, if not all, wishes to continue to go along with them.
I suppose you could say your crazy assertion is one part of the problem. That is, holding a belief Dems are not people who want the country to succeed. Seeing them as the devil and not representatives of constituents who don't believe what you believe.
Democrats and Rhinos band together to feed off the system, like Nancy Pelosi and her insider trading.

The GOP wants to do NOTHING about it, so they can do the same.

As the country goes down the toilet in the process, they all could care less.

Sometimes I think none of the have a pulse as the only reason they got rid of their Speaker is because they did not want to go after their buddy Joe Biden.
The Republicans look like a confused bunch of clowns because they actually have some principled reps.
I suppose you could say your crazy assertion is one part of the problem. That is, holding a belief Dems are not people who want the country to succeed. Seeing them as the devil and not representatives of constituents who don't believe what you believe.
I don't see any overlap between common sense sanity and freaks like you who sexualize and seek to mutilate minor children.
I suppose you could say your crazy assertion is one part of the problem. That is, holding a belief Dems are not people who want the country to succeed. Seeing them as the devil and not representatives of constituents who don't believe what you believe.
Succeed at what? Driving up inflation with out of control spending till people can't afford to live?

Yea, they succeeded.

The rest is just all circus stupidity.
The Repubs responsible for ousting Kevin have been given a name. The Crazy Eights. I imagine those folks believe what you believe. But then they're Crazy.
People who oppose a debt that is the highest in human history and one of the main drivers of inflation are the crazy ones.

Yes, we know.
The Republicans look like a confused bunch of clowns because they actually have some principled reps.
I'm not sure any of them are principled. As I said, it may all be a ruse so they don't have to go after Biden or do anything about the debt.
Democrats want to spend another $100 trillion on fighting the air.

Will the GOP stand in their way?

Hell no.

Then when we are all eating out of garbage cans as the Climate cult reduces the temperature of the globe by half a degree, we can all throw a party.

More success!!
People who oppose a debt that is the highest in human history and one of the main drivers of inflation are the crazy ones.
Sure......................Teabaggers only scream about the debt, when democrats are in charge.

Teabaggers want to get this guy back in the white house?

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Jan 23, 2023 — What explains the surge in U.S. national debt during President Trump's time in office? The national debt level went up by $7.8 trillion during ...
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