Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,

It’s not worth debunking the nonsense of these Republicans AGAIN(we’ve done this so many times).

It’s enough to simply point out how DESPERATELY they want to kill Social Security
It is impossible for you to debunk facts, which is why your cute little ploy won’t work, Simp.

It is a Ponzi scheme on the verge of going broke like all Ponzi schemes.
It is impossible for you to debunk facts, which is why your cute little ploy won’t work, Simp.

It is a Ponzi scheme on the verge of going broke like all Ponzi schemes.
It’s obvious how BADLY these fuckers want to undermine Social Security
That or how most of America feels…

But then people like you would say Social Security has always been a Ponzi scheme
It was not a Ponzi scheme when it was originally instituted. Today, and for decades, you can't deny that a Ponzi scheme is what it has become. New "investors" paying old "investors" with no plan or income to pay those coming in too late.

Our unfunded liability.

Since they have absolutely no control in the Senate nor the Executive Office, it won’t pass and you already knew that. You are just stirring the kettle, trolls will be trolls.
WHo's being the troll, me or the republicans who say this?
Not for lack of trying.

But good job of pointing out how important it is for folks who depend on Social Security to keep Republicans out of the Senate and the White House… the House of Reps as well
Democrats are terrible when it comes to taxing Americans, they promise not to and yet they raise the taxes on working class Americans, that is why you’ll see me rarely vote Democrat or Republican
Democrats are terrible when it comes to taxing Americans, they promise not to and yet they raise the taxes on working class Americans, that is why you’ll see me rarely vote Democrat or Republican
Where have they raised taxes on middle class folks?
Further proof of the right’s war on working Americans.

So if I supported "working Americans," I would not say that none of the money that wasn't saved, wasn't saved.

This is so fundamentally the difference between us, I understand that my opinions don't change factual information.

You do believe your opinions change factual data.

They spent ALL the FICA taxes and a whole lot more, but you think that you "support working Americans" changes factual data.

On another hand, you support charging "working Americans" with crimies when they are crime VICTIMS. You support women and girls of working families being raped and held in sex trafficking because you think it will get Democrats more votes. You support calling blacks who disagree with you "Uncle Toms."

The one of us who hates working Americans is clearly you, asshole

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