Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,

I would like president who protects our borders and thereby freeing up those funds to help fund programs for US citizens

Run somebody who is willing to do that - other than your sociopathic traitorous Orange Baboon - and I'll vote alongside you.

Run somebody who is willing to do that - other than your sociopathic traitorous Orange Baboon - and I'll vote alongside you.
He isn’t my Baboon, I’ve never voted for the man, he is an opposite side of the same turd the Democrats ran the last two cycles. In a Trump v Biden round 2, I’m pulling for asteroid to hit next October.
WWIII is your idiot fantasy.

Social Security is reality for millions of Americans

Iran and Israel threatening to blow each other up isn’t a fantasy, they are saying it.
US Embassies are being evacuated all over the Islamic world.

Social Security isn’t going anywhere. I’ve heard all my life how supposedly Republicans want to take it away. Yet it never comes close to happening.

Besides, in case you haven’t noticed our government just prints money to pay for everything.
Iran and Israel threatening to blow each other up isn’t a fantasy, they are saying it.
US Embassies are being evacuated all over the Islamic world.

Social Security isn’t going anywhere. I’ve heard all my life how supposedly Republicans want to take it away. Yet it never comes close to happening.

Besides, in case you haven’t noticed our government just prints money to pay for everything.
Social Security isn’t going anywhere?

Yeah… neither was Roe… until it did

Amid House Speaker Chaos, GOP Confess Attack on Social Security, Medicare Still Top Priority

Don't forget what these criminals stand for. They'd see all seniors eating cat food so their beloved donors could add another million to their swiss accounts.

Only ones I see stealing are the filthy dems. Reps can't find out who paid for even 1 Antifa brick or stop 1 illegal from coming into the country. The reps can't even pick a speaker. I think your cat food is pretty safe...bub. Reps are as incompetent as can be.

best thing.jpg
I am beginning to think that fear of a Republican cancellation of Social Security is a litmus test for a mid-two-digit IQ.

Seriously, you have to be a moron to take that seriously. It's not even worth rebutting anymore. It's like engaging in a debate about whether the earth is flat.
I am beginning to think that fear of a Republican cancellation of Social Security is a litmus test for a mid-two-digit IQ.

Seriously, you have to be a moron to take that seriously. It's not even worth rebutting anymore. It's like engaging in a debate about whether the earth is flat.
Read the OP. Why did Rep Cole (R) say that it was their goal then?

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