Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,

Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare​

Actually, the Republican Study Committee report I discussed in post 73 says, "Reduce initial benefits and auxiliary benefits for high-income earners."

But they don't have your killer Trumpatar. bam!
Actually, the Republican Study Committee report I discussed in post 73 says, "Reduce initial benefits and auxiliary benefits for high-income earners."
I'm "extremely" opposed to any means testing by any name for either program. The argument against capped taxes is actually we all get the same benefits although taxes are progressive.
I'm "extremely" opposed to any means testing by any name for either program. The argument against capped taxes is actually we all get the same benefits although taxes are progressive.
I inferred by your posts up to this point that you wanted means testing. You sounded like you believed the GOP would not institute such things and came across as their opposition to it being a bad thing.

How do you feel about the fact we are all taxed to pay for schools, including people who don't have kids?

There are plenty of examples of taxpayers paying for things for which they get no direct benefit.
I have two revenue checks. One has Income Only, one has FICA and Income.



You're a government employee? I'm not into playing 20 questions with you. If you earn private company income, you pay FICA (payroll taxes) on all of it. There are exceptions for some government workers covered by other government plans
You're a government employee? I'm not into playing 20 questions with you. If you earn private company income, you pay FICA (payroll taxes) on all of it. There are exceptions for some government workers covered by other government plans

Military retiree. Income tax only.

Employer. FICA and Income tax.

I inferred by your posts up to this point that you wanted means testing. You sounded like you believed the GOP would not institute such things and came across as their opposition to it being a bad thing.

How do you feel about the fact we are all taxed to pay for schools, including people who don't have kids?

There are plenty of examples of taxpayers paying for things for which they get no direct benefit.
I don't think there's any question that all of us pay taxes for programs we are not direct beneficiaries of. The reason I'm against means testing is simply because the programs have enjoyed support, partially, because all people are treated equally in benefits .... if you live long enough to be eligible. They are NOT welfare. I pay more tax than some, and less than some. That's the way America works, and we don't really have much class envy.

There is an irony in the Soc Sec tax structure though. If you earn very little, the taxes are very progressive. Yet, if you are more or less middle class, the taxes are regressive when compared to those making over the cap.

But I'm not against raising the full or partial benefits age requirements. Except, as a matter of simple fact, some people can't keep doing their jobs till age 67 (or whatever), and even then not all would qualify for soc sec disability. We gotta do something for those folks.
I don't think there's any question that all of us pay taxes for programs we are not direct beneficiaries of. The reason I'm against means testing is simply because the programs have enjoyed support, partially, because all people are treated equally in benefits .... if you live long enough to be eligible. They are NOT welfare. I pay more tax than some, and less than some. That's the way America works, and we don't really have much class envy.

There is an irony in the Soc Sec tax structure though. If you earn very little, the taxes are very progressive. Yet, if you are more or less middle class, the taxes are regressive when compared to those making over the cap.

But I'm not against raising the full or partial benefits age requirements. Except, as a matter of simple fact, some people can't keep doing their jobs till age 67 (or whatever), and even then not all would qualify for soc sec disability. We gotta do something for those folks.
When Social Security was enacted, blue collar workers were in far worse physical condition than they are today. They were lucky if they lived to collect SS. The system was more unfair to them than it is today.

As I keep saying, the ever growing percentage of over-65 citizens is simply unsustainable to support with an ever decreasing percentage of under 65.

All these quick fixes do is kick the can down the road. They do not solve the problem.

Enacting a life expectancy index fixes the problem permanently. Once and for all.
All I'm saying is we gotta do something about people who physically cannot work anymore even though they aren't retirement age (whatever that # is), and who are not disabled according to soc sec regulations. And raising the age increases that pool of people. Those people have to eat, even if their sustenance doesn't come from the Soc Sec Program.

I'm not against raising the age, but it's not a fix all in itself, and a fix will cost money.
When Social Security was enacted, blue collar workers were in far worse physical condition than they are today. They were lucky if they lived to collect SS. The system was more unfair to them than it is today.

As I keep saying, the ever growing percentage of over-65 citizens is simply unsustainable to support with an ever decreasing percentage of under 65.

All these quick fixes do is kick the can down the road. They do not solve the problem.

Enacting a life expectancy index fixes the problem permanently. Once and for all.

Exactly the sort of opportunity you government lovers pounce on, ye with the kick ass trump avatar
Knowing a background has nothing to do with the fact that not all payment checks have both FICA and Income Tax taken out.ta



Knowing you were a government worker can impact if you pay fica. You're making no point
When Social Security was enacted, blue collar workers were in far worse physical condition than they are today. They were lucky if they lived to collect SS. The system was more unfair to them than it is today.

As I keep saying, the ever growing percentage of over-65 citizens is simply unsustainable to support with an ever decreasing percentage of under 65.

All these quick fixes do is kick the can down the road. They do not solve the problem.

Enacting a life expectancy index fixes the problem permanently. Once and for all.

The percentage of seniors will not be "ever growing". Will it will continue for decades, there is a baby-boomer bulge working through the system now.

This to shall pass.

You're such a liar, why would anyone cut what they paid for their entire life? It's the democrats that spent social security on people that hasn't paid into it.
Their words, not mine. Ask your congresscritters.

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