Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,

This is one thing in which I am in total agreement with the handful of Republicans advocating for raising the retirement age.

And if Gym Jordan is one of them, then by golly stop the presses because I agree with him.

I've been saying it for far longer than they have.

We are living longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer than they did. This is just plain common sense.

Look, when SS was enacted, only 5.4 percent of the population was over 65. The average life expectancy at the time was 60. Social Security was intended for those few Americans who beat the actuarials.

In 1965, when Medicare was added to retiree benefits, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 16.8 percent of the population is over 65.

Anyone with a lick of common sense can see this trend is unsustainable. A smaller and smaller percentage of the US population is supporting a larger and larger percentage. This is a phenomenon breaking the budgets of governments all over the developed world.

We need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, which is currently 9 percent of the population. Then we need to index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Just think what would happen if modern medicine continues its miraculous achievements of life extension and we all live to 100. Do you really think we should be living on SS for a THIRD of our lives?
I don’t disagree but there must also be legislation that protects the rights of older workers from being forced out of or not considered for employment. It is done routinely in corporate America.
Your Concession is NOTED.

Nope, the Rich Person receives that same benefit, at $168,600.

My Belief, the 12 Million earner needs to keep contributing to the SS fund after the current MAX amount.
This will be very confusing for you.
Bottom Line, we are ALL in this Society, and those that earn more NEED TO PAY MORE.
That would then be an income tax and not a payroll tax.

Amid House Speaker Chaos, GOP Confess Attack on Social Security, Medicare Still Top Priority

Don't forget what these criminals stand for. They'd see all seniors eating cat food so their beloved donors could add another million to their swiss accounts.
I would rather have a speaker who wants to secure the border, stop giving $Billions a month to non citizens and 10s $Billions a month to people who have no intention of ever getting a job.
That would more than pay for SS and Medicare
I would rather have a speaker who wants to secure the border, stop giving $Billions a month to non citizens and 10s $Billions a month to people who have no intention of ever getting a job.
That would more than pay for SS and Medicare

Every time they shut down the government, I don't notice the difference
The result is reduced benefits by reducing the number of months from FRA to death that you can draw benefits.

A cut.

Absolutely. The entire rationale is that, on avg, each soc sec recipient would get less in total benefits. But that, even with a higher cap on taxes, would seem to me to .. not be enough. Soc Sec Disabiity (not SSI) payments come from the social security tax pool.
Absolutely. The entire rationale is that, on avg, each soc sec recipient would get less in total benefits. But that, even with a higher cap on taxes, would seem to me to .. not be enough. Soc Sec Disabiity (not SSI) payments come from the social security tax pool.


Some people don't seem to get that. Raise the SS Retirement age and people whose bodies are wearing out will just be moved to disability.

The chart above would just add a new metric "67-70" with an increase in the bar.

I'd take a compromise, but the gop house will never vote to raise the cap on soc sec taxes
Actually, the Republican Study Committee report I discussed in post 73 says, "Reduce initial benefits and auxiliary benefits for high-income earners."

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