Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,

The Left is controlling the narrative about the Social Security reforms right now, framing it as "cuts to Social Security". This is an obvious ploy to make people believe Republicans want to pay recipients less money.

It's horseshit.

It's just a matter of time before it becomes obvious to everyone we need to raise the retirement age. Anyone who believes differently is seriously lacking in common sense.
Currently, a person making 200K and another person making 12 MILLION, each pay the exact same amount into SS.
Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 9.29.12 PM.png

The number is 168,600 to equality.
Markle: Aside from that, where do you expect all that money to come from?

There aren't enough "rich" people to pay all the future commitments. I'm older than dirt so I'm fine plus my investments. I don't know how old you are but you may want to really feed your retirement fund.

John Edgar Slow Horses You have not been paying attention to Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, among others. Run an AI chat search on "Do Republicans want to eliminate or greatly change SS?" and get back to us.

How quickly Democrats start to backpedal when confronted with FACTS. Conveniently you have changed from ELIMINATE to CHANGE. You are so cute! :D

Seeking to eliminate Social Security/Medicare is to consign millions of working Americans to depravation and poverty when they are no longer able to work – it is in fact the right’s war on working Americans.
So says enemy democrats. But, when there is a cut, or a hand in my pocket, it is always the democrat hand. Up to the elbow.
Currently, a person making 200K and another person making 12 MILLION, each pay the exact same amount into SS.
View attachment 845541
The number is 168,600 to equality.

Does the person who earned $12,000,000.00 receive 70+ times more in benefits than the person earning $168,600.00?

What percent of workers earn $12,000.000.00 per year? Why punish them anyway?
Does the person who earned $12,000,000.00 receive 70+ times more in benefits than the person earning $168,600.00?

What percent of workers earn $12,000.000.00 per year? Why punish them anyway?
Your Concession is NOTED.

Nope, the Rich Person receives that same benefit, at $168,600.

My Belief, the 12 Million earner needs to keep contributing to the SS fund after the current MAX amount.
This will be very confusing for you.
Bottom Line, we are ALL in this Society, and those that earn more NEED TO PAY MORE.
Your Concession is NOTED.

Nope, the Rich Person receives that same benefit, at $168,600.

My Belief, the 12 Million earner needs to keep contributing to the SS fund after the current MAX amount.
This will be very confusing for you.
Bottom Line, we are ALL in this Society, and those that earn more NEED TO PAY MORE.
Then, if the person earning more, pays more, they are entitled to proportionately greater benefits.

Galveston Texas had the right idea when they bowed out of Social Security, didn't they?
Then, if the person earning more, pays more, they are entitled to proportionately greater benefits.

Galveston Texas had the right idea when they bowed out of Social Security, didn't they?
SS as the Original, was never perfect.
The USA would spend MORE today on the elderly if NOT for SS.
Thank the Lord for SS.
Saving you Billions.
You are not in charge. Jordan wants to change SS, get "a handle on it", yet pass tax breaks for the wealthy. Look it up yourself, you gullible goofball.

No one with a mind believes anything you say.

Lift the cap on taxing income, and the problem takes care of itself.

Stop increasing DOD budgets. Cut them by 3% a year for ten years, and we will have all the money we need.
So he wants to save social security? You do realize under the democrats plan it runs out of money in a few years? Tax cuts for the wealthy? You loons said that when Bush and Trump gave tax cuts to all Americans paying taxes. So quit your lying.
Please god why can't we have a viable opposition to the Democrats other than this horrible party called the Republicans?
Not sure "God" is the one to ask, but in sympathy with the thought.
The GOP wants to hurt old people, obviously, if they cut benefits, Markle.
Typical of Democrats. JUST SPEND! No responsibility for where the money will come from, JUST SPEND!

Where does the money come from?

As of today, October 20, 2023.

You've been living in Fantasy Land for so long, you are detached from reality.
LOL.................I was referring to the OP's radical progressive source.....
This is disingenuous as fuck, and it tells me Common Dreams is a tabloid rag.
Looks like you are on board with my position on his source.
It is a fact the Republican House wants to raise the retirement age. It's right there in the June report of the House Republican Study Committee:
True.......but they're not alone:

The conservative in you is starting to show.....there is hope.
Raise your hand if you want a Speaker that says $33 trillion in debt, open borders and a big bloated welfare state with open borders is too much and it is time to stop the madness?
Just to note......a "debt commission" would never do a thing much like every commission in the past. This is nothing more than empty rhetoric for votes. Though I can't understand why anyone would see this as positive.
And every bipartisan commission, and ever bill that stands a chance in the senate, will include raising soc sec taxes on those making somewhere 250K and above, and the gop house will never pass it, or even bring it up for a vote.

So, it's sort of hilarious to hear gopers cry "the dems wouldn't vote to keep Kevin."

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