Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,

Amid House Speaker Chaos, GOP Confess Attack on Social Security, Medicare Still Top Priority

Don't forget what these criminals stand for. They'd see all seniors eating cat food so their beloved donors could add another million to their swiss accounts.
This is one thing in which I am in total agreement with the handful of Republicans advocating for raising the retirement age.

And if Gym Jordan is one of them, then by golly stop the presses because I agree with him.

I've been saying it for far longer than they have.

We are living longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer than they did. This is just plain common sense.

Look, when SS was enacted, only 5.4 percent of the population was over 65. The average life expectancy at the time was 60. Social Security was intended for those few Americans who beat the actuarials.

In 1965, when Medicare was added to retiree benefits, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 16.8 percent of the population is over 65.

Anyone with a lick of common sense can see this trend is unsustainable. A smaller and smaller percentage of the US population is supporting a larger and larger percentage. This is a phenomenon breaking the budgets of governments all over the developed world.

We need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, which is currently 9 percent of the population. Then we need to index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Just think what would happen if modern medicine continues its miraculous achievements of life extension and we all live to 100. Do you really think we should be living on SS for a THIRD of our lives?
You're an idiot that believes anything they are told. Link where Jordan said he would end social security.
You are not in charge. Jordan wants to change SS, get "a handle on it", yet pass tax breaks for the wealthy. Look it up yourself, you gullible goofball.

No one with a mind believes anything you say.

Lift the cap on taxing income, and the problem takes care of itself.

Stop increasing DOD budgets. Cut them by 3% a year for ten years, and we will have all the money we need.

Amid House Speaker Chaos, GOP Confess Attack on Social Security, Medicare Still Top Priority

Don't forget what these criminals stand for. They'd see all seniors eating cat food so their beloved donors could add another million to their swiss accounts.
From your link:

Cole recalled how he and former Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.) offered a proposal to make changes to Social Security akin to those made in 1983, when benefits for retirees were effectively cut by 13%.

This is disingenuous as fuck, and it tells me Common Dreams is a tabloid rag.

What happened in 1983 is Congress raised the retirement age to 67. But they were too cowardly to enact it within their lifetimes. They were too chickenshit to face the wrath of their voters to make it effective immediately.

The retirement age increase went into effect basically NOW. 40 years later!

Life expectancy has increased more than two years since then.

We need to raise the retirement age again. And we need to do it NOW.

A compromise would be to make it effective for everyone under the age of 50.
For 50 years Dems have been claiming the GOP is going to cut social security, my God the GOP is slow to act. :auiqs.jpg:
(cough) Dem fear mongering (cough)

Meanwhile back in reality Dems are jacking up taxes and costs on the poor and middle class.
It’s another example of the right’s war on working Americans; working families that live paycheck to paycheck where there’s little to nothing left over to ‘put away’ for retirement.
Perhaps enemy democrats would consider reducing taxes? Like not supporting the entire country of Ukraine.
Perhaps enemy democrats would consider reducing taxes? Like not supporting the entire country of Ukraine.
Come on man, what's another $33 trillion in debt. Hell let's wreck our country in style, give everyone $1M dollars that's only $330 trillion. Just a number on a computer screen am I right.
Brainwash site......................see they got you.
You've been living in Fantasy Land for so long, you are detached from reality.

It is a fact the Republican House wants to raise the retirement age. It's right there in the June report of the House Republican Study Committee:

Social Security Solvency:

The RSC Budget puts Social Security on a permanent path to solvency without adjusting benefits for any Americans in or near retirement. It would:

  • Increase the minimum benefit up to 40% of average wages for those that worked 40 years or more. • Reform the full retirement age to track life expectancy.
  • Reduce initial benefits and auxiliary benefits for high-income earners.

Nikki Haley also supports indexing the retirement age to life expectancy.

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley said she wants to save Social Security by raising the retirement age and cutting benefits for the wealthy.

“I’ll raise the retirement age—only for younger people who are just entering the system,” Haley said at an event at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics Auditorium in Manchester, N.H., on Friday, MarketWatch reported.
The Left is controlling the narrative about the Social Security reforms right now, framing it as "cuts to Social Security". This is an obvious ploy to make people believe Republicans want to pay recipients less money.

It's horseshit.

It's just a matter of time before it becomes obvious to everyone we need to raise the retirement age. Anyone who believes differently is seriously lacking in common sense.
You are not in charge. Jordan wants to change SS, get "a handle on it", yet pass tax breaks for the wealthy. Look it up yourself, you gullible goofball.
That in no way means Jordan wants to END Social Security as has been claimed by YOU:

jknowgood supports Gym Jordan's desire to eliminate social security and medicare.

So you wrapped a lie about Jordan in a false witness against jknowgood.

Here, in fact, is Jordan's actual position from his own web site:

I am fully committed to preserving Social Security benefits for current retirees, as well as those who are approaching retirement age. Social Security is a sacred promise to Americans, and Congress can protect it if we act in a fiscally responsible way. Also, in seeking solutions to ensure benefits for future generations, I would oppose risky “quick-fix” financial moves some favor that I believe would further undermine Social Security. Instead, I want to instill greater fiscal accountability for all federal spending while examining practical means of giving younger individuals more control over how the money they contribute to Social Security is spent.

That last sentence sounds like privatization of Social Security, which is a really bad idea.

Nevertheless, you lied about Jordan wanting to end Social Security.

Don't do that!

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