Raise your hand if you DON'T want a speaker of the House who is hellbent on cutting your hard-earned Social Security and Medicare,

Typical of Democrats. JUST SPEND! No responsibility for where the money will come from, JUST SPEND!

Where does the money come from?

As of today, October 20, 2023.

$8 trillion of that is Trump's, with Republican help.

They say the devil's greatest trick is convincing people he doesn't exist.

The Republicans' greatest trick is convincing you rubes they are fiscally responsible.
As I have outlined hundreds of times on this forum, balancing the budget is very simple.

First, eliminate all tax expenditures, with the possible exception of the EITC since it is proven to actually increase productivity. Tax expenditures cost over $1.4 trillion a year.

Second, raise the SS and Medicare eligibility age to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Just these two simple things would not only balance the budget, they would provide a surplus which can be used to pay down the debt and lower income tax rates for everyone.

Our politicians are too cowardly to do these things. They are owned by special interests who pay our politicians a LOT of money to keep their tax expenditures in our tax code.

Tax expenditures are the biggest government social engineering project in the history of the world, and they cause wealth to be redistributed UP the food chain.
The perpetual question about Leftists remains: Are you really that stupid/gullible?


Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Invariably, when you drill down through the bullshit, you see that it was lie.

SS and Medicare are NOT PART OF THE BUDGET! Financing the trust funds is done separately, and will not be fucked with; it would render the programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL! They cannot be funded with Federal Income Taxes! The projected SS shortfall WILL BE ADDRESSED separately from budget discussions, and NOBODY'S SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK WILL EVER BE REDUCED! Never Happen!

Raising the retirement is cutting benefits, not the individual checks. But by cutting the length of time you can draw the checks.

Actually this deadlock in the House is a good thing. They are not voting to give our taxpayer's money away to foreign countries.

With being $33 trillion in debt and looking at a $2 trillion deficit this year we need to only be spending for the bare necessities and money to Ukraine, Israel, Palestinians, Taiwan or stupid EV subsidies are not necessary. Not even close.
A compromise would be to make it effective for everyone under the age of 50.

Raising the retirement age to 70 and exempting those under age 50 does nothing to address the shortfall in 10 years.

With the grandfather clause the earliest you will see savings is 20 years in the future. Ten years after the 2024 shortfall starts.


Raising the retirement is cutting benefits, not the individual checks. But by cutting the length of time you can draw the checks.

While raising the age for full, and even partial, benefits does not reduce the amt of money retirees have each month (theoretically), the problem is fewer people can keep working until eligibility. Not to be a naysayer, at all, but soc sec savings could easily be outstripped by more disability claims. So .... still gotta find more money that even raising the cap might yield.
While raising the age for full, and even partial, benefits does not reduce the amt of money retirees have each month (theoretically), the problem is fewer people can keep working until eligibility. Not to be a naysayer, at all, but soc sec savings could easily be outstripped by more disability claims. So .... still gotta find more money that even raising the cap might yield.

The result is reduced benefits by reducing the number of months from FRA to death that you can draw benefits.

A cut.


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