The G.O.P.’s Ties to Extremism Go Beyond the Confederate Flag

The denial that racism still exists is tantamount to denying the existence of black people. I am white and I know this how come all you all conservatives are so willfully so stubbornly ignorant...what is the matter with you all did some Sphinx of Concrete and aluminum eat up your brains ?...
We Conservatives don't deny that racism still exists. We know it does, and has existed for over 50 years >> ever since we started getting discriminated against by you liberals, in Affirmative Action programs. We are the victims of that, but someday, WE SHALL OVERCOME.
In total, 67% don't see the flag as negative (which includes 10% of blacks who see it as positive), VS >> only 30% who see it as negative.
But I hope this doesn't break your heart flag removers, but that flag has NO CHANCE OF BEING REMOVED. It has to get a 2/3 vote in the SC house which is 63% Republican + must get 2/3 vote in SC Senate, which is 61% Republican.

Now here's the REAL bad news for you flag removers. State Senator Tom Davis, a Republican who supports the proposal, said there were a number of potential procedural complications.

The General Assembly is currently in session by virtue of a “sine die” resolution that allows lawmakers to take up specifically enumerated issues. To address the flag issue, Mr. Davis said, the resolution would have to be amended — and that, he said, would take a two-thirds vote in each house.

So there would have to be FOUR 2/3 VOTES, (all going in direct opposition to a southern Republican majority).

Flag removers. Don't bet your paycheck on this. :badgrin:
We are the victims of that, but someday, WE SHALL OVERCOME.

You certainly put the mental in fundamental...woo hoo
Couldn't come up with a response, I see. Well of course not. Everyone knows the worst racial discrimination, against (by far) the largest number of people (Whites), over the past 50+ years, is discrimination against Whites in AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
Democrat extremism exists today and the vile, hateful racist Guno is the epitome.
Just censor everything that doesn't jibe with lefty propaganda. Yeah, that's it.
This is no surprise for people who have been following what the republican party is all about , this isn't the party of Lincoln or Eisenhower anymore

"The Council of Conservative Citizens, which is based in Missouri, is not well known nationally, but it is a familiar presence in right-wing circles. Over the weekend, the Guardians Jon Swaine reported that its leader, Earl Holt III, has donated more than ten thousand dollars to the Presidential campaigns of Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum. And in a follow-up story, Swaine revealed that another twenty Republican politicians also received money from Holt. They include Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, one of the front-runners in the 2016 race; U.S. senators Joni Ernst, of Iowa; Thom Tillis, of North Carolina; Bill Cassidy, of Louisiana; and Tom Cotton, of Arizona; and Congressman Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin. All told, according to Swaine, Holt has in recent years donated seventy-four thousand dollars to G.O.P. candidates."

G.O.P. Ties to Extremism Go Beyond the Confederate Flag - The New Yorker

This is laughable coming from a member of the Democrat party that designed the battle flag, started the Kkk and imposed Jim Crow laws. They opposed voting rights and civil rights for blacks. LOL
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This is laughable coming from a member of the Democrat party that designed the nettle flag, started the Kkk and imposed
Jim Crow asks. They been opposed voting rights and civil rights for blacks. LOL
And have pushed the worst racial discrimination in America over the past 50 years, which has discriminated against (by far) the most number of people (whites) >>> ie. Affirmative Action. and they're still doing it right NOW.
Racism only exists today because the Democrat Party would cease to exist if they didn't keep fanning the flames.
If we were all Americans, instead of African-Americans and gay-Americans and special interest group-Americans, the country would be well past the last vestiges of racism.
. It is profitable for progressives to keep racism alive.

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