The Geography Of WWIII

In Washington's latest attempt to provoke Beijing, the United States is planning to send warships through the Taiwan Strait according to Reuters, a mission meant to ensure "free passage" through the strategic waterway and which will further heighten political tensions with China. Reuters sources did not discuss the potential timing for any fresh passage through the strait.

Again, why are we messing with China in their own territory.

THE ENTIRE WORLD recognizes Taiwan as part of China, even if the fact they have their own government makes this a polite fiction. China could invade Taiwan tomorrow, and they'd have every legal right to do so.
It's not "their own territory", Commie. They destroyed millions of miles of coral worse than global warming and you never said a peep
The Taiwanese don't.

Beat it, fascist.

Doesn't matter what they think, even though they've been claiming to be the Republic of China since 1949.

Internationally, Taiwan is seen as part of China, and China has every legal right to militarily intervene in their own territory. Of course, they won't, becuase Taiwanese money is sponsoring the Chinese economic boom.

Why is this our problem again? We seem way too keen to help people who are stealing our jobs.
"Philippines' Duterte warns over South China Sea 'flashpoint'

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte voiced rare frustration with China Friday, urging progress on a code of conduct for the contested South China Sea, which he warned was becoming a "flashpoint".

Duterte was delivering a speech at an economic forum in Tokyo, but veered off script with remarks about the resource-rich sea, over most of which China claims sovereignty despite competing claims from the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Beijing and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have for years tried to hammer out a code of conduct to govern the disputed waters, but the process has been slow. international maritime tribunal ruled early in Duterte's presidency that China's claims to the area have no legal basis."
Philippines' Duterte warns over South China Sea 'flashpoint'
The United States was blessed with huge natural resources, especially Fossil Fuels. We have huge supplies on and offshore and thankfully Trump is allowing us to use them. The Left, however, wants to ignore that tremendous strategic resource and destroy our national, and natural advantage. That is treasonous.

Go Trump!
Anybody have just 30 seconds to understand the illegal forced Annexation treaty by the Japanese Emperor of 1910, the 700,000 killed in labor camps, the pagan savage Comfort Women and burning of queen myeonseong Japanese people, the forced immigration of 2 million Japanese in korea to take over the country, confiscation of 80% of Developed nation lands, the settlement of all matters by Japanese judges, never before seen migrations in any empire? The nonsensical division of korea , the disarmament of the south Koreans toward the unavoidable massacre of 6 million people, the us army base denying self-government, and the imposition of America on south korea of American Government? Here watch this. History class.
The United States was blessed with huge natural resources, especially Fossil Fuels. We have huge supplies on and offshore and thankfully Trump is allowing us to use them. The Left, however, wants to ignore that tremendous strategic resource and destroy our national, and natural advantage. That is treasonous.

Go Trump!
We don't have any chromium and less than 5% of the world's uranium..
Does anyone give a shit about Duterte? Does he have any allies left?

we all care for Duterte
In the mental institution before he escaped? He admitted he does marijuana on his trips, then denied it..

I have heard----from RELIABLE SOURCES that he gave up eating dogs
Why would he do that fried tarantulas are better?

tarantulas represent DIVERSITY IN DIET
"Philippines' Duterte warns over South China Sea 'flashpoint'

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte voiced rare frustration with China Friday, urging progress on a code of conduct for the contested South China Sea, which he warned was becoming a "flashpoint".

Duterte was delivering a speech at an economic forum in Tokyo, but veered off script with remarks about the resource-rich sea, over most of which China claims sovereignty despite competing claims from the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Beijing and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have for years tried to hammer out a code of conduct to govern the disputed waters, but the process has been slow. international maritime tribunal ruled early in Duterte's presidency that China's claims to the area have no legal basis."

Why is any of this our problem.

The Filipinos threw us out... probably because they were upset we were stealing all their hot chicks...

The Chinese have a chick shortage, maybe they can work it out.
WW III ended when the Soviet Union collapsed. We're in WW IV now, cleaning up all the dictators and organized crime syndicates that gained power while WW III was going on; all Islamo-vermin states, Red China, assorted African shtiholes, remaining Asian shitholes. oligarch controlled Russia. Brazil is becoming a new world power and will dominate South America, which is good, Venezuela, El Salvador, Mexico, and the other gangster strongholds will fall shortly.
Why is any of this our problem.

Being an idiot, you do have to ask.

The Filipinos threw us out... probably because they were upset we were stealing all their hot chicks...

And then less than year later they cried and whined for us to come back, when your heroes and favorite labor racketeers the Red Chinese sent a few boats to make scary noises at them.

The Chinese have a chick shortage, maybe they can work it out.

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To understand where China will look to solve it's energy problem,...


Paracel and Spratly Islands Forum The Cow Tongue China s Claims in the Eastern Sea South China Sea

6. " is not difficult to understand...of seizing the South China Sea, ...when briefing papers are telling them of untold riches of the sea. According to estimates...Nansha's ( the eighth largest island of Spratly Islands and the fourth largest among Philippine-occupied Spratly islands) oil reserves total over 10 billion tons..."
From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a. " In 1968, oil was discovered in the region.[4]The Geology and Mineral Resources Ministry of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has estimated that the Spratly area holds oil and natural gas reserves of 17.7 billion tons (1.60 × 1010kg),[citation needed]compared to the 13 billion tons (1.17 × 1010kg) held byKuwait, placing it as, potentially, the fourth largest reserve bed in the world. These large potential reserves have assisted in intensifying the territorial claims of the neighbouring countries." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7. " The Spratly Islands dispute is an ongoing territorial dispute between Brunei,China (People's Republic of China),Malaysia, the Philippines,Taiwan (Republic of China), and Vietnam, concerning ownership of the Spratly Islands, a group of islands and associated "maritime features"(reefs, banks, cays, etc.) located in the South China Sea. The dispute is characterised by diplomatic stalemate and the employment of low-level military pressure techniques (such as military occupation of disputed territory) in the advancement of national territorial claims. All except Brunei occupy some of the maritime features." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If it were to gain total control of the South China Sea, which includes the Spratly and Paracel Islands, China would not need to import a drop of oil for the foreseeable future.

As an emerging superpower......what do you suppose the future of the South China Sea indicates?
If China does take over the South China Sea, could we not live with that?
Why, exactly, do we care?
To understand where China will look to solve it's energy problem,...


Paracel and Spratly Islands Forum The Cow Tongue China s Claims in the Eastern Sea South China Sea

6. " is not difficult to understand...of seizing the South China Sea, ...when briefing papers are telling them of untold riches of the sea. According to estimates...Nansha's ( the eighth largest island of Spratly Islands and the fourth largest among Philippine-occupied Spratly islands) oil reserves total over 10 billion tons..."
From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a. " In 1968, oil was discovered in the region.[4]The Geology and Mineral Resources Ministry of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has estimated that the Spratly area holds oil and natural gas reserves of 17.7 billion tons (1.60 × 1010kg),[citation needed]compared to the 13 billion tons (1.17 × 1010kg) held byKuwait, placing it as, potentially, the fourth largest reserve bed in the world. These large potential reserves have assisted in intensifying the territorial claims of the neighbouring countries." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7. " The Spratly Islands dispute is an ongoing territorial dispute between Brunei,China (People's Republic of China),Malaysia, the Philippines,Taiwan (Republic of China), and Vietnam, concerning ownership of the Spratly Islands, a group of islands and associated "maritime features"(reefs, banks, cays, etc.) located in the South China Sea. The dispute is characterised by diplomatic stalemate and the employment of low-level military pressure techniques (such as military occupation of disputed territory) in the advancement of national territorial claims. All except Brunei occupy some of the maritime features." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If it were to gain total control of the South China Sea, which includes the Spratly and Paracel Islands, China would not need to import a drop of oil for the foreseeable future.

As an emerging superpower......what do you suppose the future of the South China Sea indicates?
If China does take over the South China Sea, could we not live with that?
Why, exactly, do we care?

I care----the South China sea is part of the pacific in the same manner that the EAST RIVER is part of the Hudson
To understand where China will look to solve it's energy problem,...


Paracel and Spratly Islands Forum The Cow Tongue China s Claims in the Eastern Sea South China Sea

6. " is not difficult to understand...of seizing the South China Sea, ...when briefing papers are telling them of untold riches of the sea. According to estimates...Nansha's ( the eighth largest island of Spratly Islands and the fourth largest among Philippine-occupied Spratly islands) oil reserves total over 10 billion tons..."
From the novel "Dragon Strike," by Hawksley

a. " In 1968, oil was discovered in the region.[4]The Geology and Mineral Resources Ministry of the People's Republic of China (PRC) has estimated that the Spratly area holds oil and natural gas reserves of 17.7 billion tons (1.60 × 1010kg),[citation needed]compared to the 13 billion tons (1.17 × 1010kg) held byKuwait, placing it as, potentially, the fourth largest reserve bed in the world. These large potential reserves have assisted in intensifying the territorial claims of the neighbouring countries." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

7. " The Spratly Islands dispute is an ongoing territorial dispute between Brunei,China (People's Republic of China),Malaysia, the Philippines,Taiwan (Republic of China), and Vietnam, concerning ownership of the Spratly Islands, a group of islands and associated "maritime features"(reefs, banks, cays, etc.) located in the South China Sea. The dispute is characterised by diplomatic stalemate and the employment of low-level military pressure techniques (such as military occupation of disputed territory) in the advancement of national territorial claims. All except Brunei occupy some of the maritime features." Spratly Islands dispute - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If it were to gain total control of the South China Sea, which includes the Spratly and Paracel Islands, China would not need to import a drop of oil for the foreseeable future.

As an emerging superpower......what do you suppose the future of the South China Sea indicates?
If China does take over the South China Sea, could we not live with that?
Why, exactly, do we care?

I care----the South China sea is part of the pacific in the same manner that the EAST RIVER is part of the Hudson
I guess I'd find a more practical answer helpful.

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