The George Soros Reporters Failing At Job!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Media tries to smear Walker on campus sex assault reporting, gets it horribly wrong
BY ASHE SCHOW | FEBRUARY 28, 2015 | 2:31 PM


Yo, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker responds to a question from board member Frayda Levin, after he spoke members of the media were quick to report that, included in Gov. Scott Walker's budget, was a removal of the requirements that colleges report campus sexual assault statistics to the state.

The Daily Beast, Huffington Post and others all jumped on a report in Jezebel that tried to paint Walker as being unsympathetic to sexual assault victims. Daily Beast writer Brian Weidy went so far as to claim that Walker's proposal was "just short of explicitly violating Title IX regulations" and possible even "crossing a legal line."

So not only is Walker a terrible person who hates victims, but he's also maybe breaking the law. Or so they said. But for all their eagerness to pile on a leading GOP candidate for president (note the contrast to reporting on Obama in 2008), they were just plain wrong. The outlets involved had to retract the story, although a simple Google News search could have spared them the humiliation.

Walker had actually included these changes in his budget at the request of the University of Wisconsin. The school had requested that the governor remove the requirements because they were duplicated.

"UW System spokesman Alex Hummel said Friday that the university requested the change because information given to the state is duplicative of data required to be reported to the U.S. Department of Education under federal law," the Associated Press reported. "The university also posts the information on its website."

Walker's budget would also cut orientation programs on sexual assaults and remove the requirement that employees who witness or hear about a sexual assault must report to the dean of students. But, the university spokesman said, those processes aren't going away.

"Student education and mandatory reporting are important practices also built in, and those practices are going to continue on our campuses," Hummel told the AP. "We are not lessening our commitment here or at our institutions one iota."

Walker is actually trying to reduce the government's burden on college campuses, not do anything that would hurt sexual assault victims.

Laura Bassett, who wrote the Huffington Post article titled "Scott Walker Budget Deletes College Rape Reporting Requirements," at least included a response from Walker's office that they removed the requirements at the university's request. She said she was also open to changing the headline (update: and eventually did).

Weidy of the Daily Beast, who also quoted only people who were upset about the idea that this was a decision proposed only by Walker, did not respond to an Washington Examiner request for comment.


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