The Gestapo, the KGB, the Stasi and now the HDSP (House Democrat Secret Police)


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Gestapo, the KGB, the Stasi and now the HDSP (House Democrat Secret Police)

The Gestapo, the KGB, the Stasi and now the HDSP (House Democrat Secret Police) | Flopping Aces
Oct 17, 2019 · There have long been secret police. The Gestapo, the KGB and the Stasi are classic examples. To that we may now add the House democrats. For three years Adam Schiff has claimed to have secret evidence(Adam Schiff Announces Democrats Have Evidence Of Trump/Russia Collusion) of Trump colluding with Russia.
Unilateral leaking. Badgering witnesses. False testimony. Totalitarianism. Fascism. Secret Police. A coup to remove the President of the United States- in secret. This is what the democrat party has become.

Schiff: There Is Still ‘Significant Evidence of Collusion' | Breitbart

The CIA spy in White House identified- Updated | Flopping Aces

Whistleblower Is Expected to Testify Soon, House Intelligence Chairman Schiff Says

Former Envoy Defies Trump, Testifies He Pushed to Oust Her

A lesson in history: The Stasi developed out of the internal security and police apparatus established in the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany after World War II. The law establishing the ministry, whose forerunner was the Kommissariat 5 (modeled along the lines of the Soviet KGB), was passed by the East German legislature on February 8, 1950, four months after the establishment of the German Democratic Republic. The Stasi, whose formal role was not defined in the legislation, was responsible for both domestic political surveillance and foreign espionage, and it was overseen by the ruling Socialist Unity Party. Roland Jahn would be very proud of the democrats following in his foot prints.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats Leftists are the Party of Hate, Violence, and Evil is cornered and threatened with exposure. Exposure is their worst nightmare! Expect the worst! We are dealing with the worst! They're anxious to get their police state in place before they start going to jail.
This reflects concerns about whether the whistleblower could testify to Democrats and Republicans without revealing his identity... Dems have a history of wearing hoods to hide their identity.
Was the Adam Schiff “Operation Whistleblower” planned and coordinated by Brennan with Susan Rice, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, using Eric Ciaramella, Sean Misko and Abigail Grace as tools? All you have to do is look up the “official Luncheon in honor of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi” which took place Tuesday, October 18, 2016, it was in DC and included an interesting cast of characters.
Pelosi made a slip recently about knowing what President Trump has said in phone calls. I wondered then if they don't have some sort of crap they are pulling.
Of course it was planned, just like the dust up in the WH yesterday. Confrontation is the commies plan and it's all to try to influence the upcoming election.


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