The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Every member in the Davert family has a medical condition requiring special care. But after losing their preferred insurance upon the enactment of the Affordable Care Act and being denied federal coverage, the Michigan family is now worried about high costs associated with their new private plan.

“We have such a unique family and we’ve overcome many obstacles in life. And now it’s a shame that one of the obstacles we have to overcome is our own government to pay for health care,” Ken Davert said in the video, laughing in disbelief.

Family With Rare Medical Conditions Denied Obamacare Coverage, Now Struggling With Expense Of New Plan
As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |

heres the problem ... republicans are blocking information in their state to tell people how to get health asking their elected official its been ban.... the majority of republicans states have blocked this ... so that they won't get hit with a tax for not signing up, the liberals/dems government officials are forced to air commercials on how to get health care its that simple moron .... we know what you're about ...
As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |

heres the problem ... republicans are blocking information in their state to tell people how to get health asking their elected official its been ban.... the majority of republicans states have blocked this ... so that they won't get hit with a tax for not signing up, the liberals/dems government officials are forced to air commercials on how to get health care its that simple moron .... we know what you're about ...

They are elected officials. That means they are doing the will of the majority of the people in their states.

You have a problem with that ?

And it isn't about health care you's about insurance. Insurance they will sign up for, be forced to carry a bunch of stuff they don't want...and will likely get no value for. You and your ilk that took away the so-called "junk plans" (of which I had two that were just what I wanted and were a GREAT value for what I was paying...I am not paying more for a whole lot less of what I need) go f**k yourself for meddling. You are getting just what you deserve.
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As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |

heres the problem ... republicans are blocking information in their state to tell people how to get health asking their elected official its been ban.... the majority of republicans states have blocked this ... so that they won't get hit with a tax for not signing up, the liberals/dems government officials are forced to air commercials on how to get health care its that simple moron .... we know what you're about ...

Nobody is blocking anything you silly hack.
As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |

heres the problem ... republicans are blocking information in their state to tell people how to get health asking their elected official its been ban.... the majority of republicans states have blocked this ... so that they won't get hit with a tax for not signing up, the liberals/dems government officials are forced to air commercials on how to get health care its that simple moron .... we know what you're about ...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

  • First of all [MENTION=36822]billyerock1991[/MENTION], I notice you don't have a single link to back up your outrageous claim

  • Second, how could Republican's "block" this? What are they doing, controlling the internet like China? :lol:

  • Third, can't you just have an honest discussion for once? We get it, you're an unhinged partisan hack. You're desperate for free government handouts. But can't you make a rational, honest argument for those things? Is it really beyond your capability?
Obamacare?s Latest Failure - Stephanie Slade (

The next shoe to drop in the Obamacare debacle has already fallen – patients who enrolled in health insurance plans through the federal exchange have begun to experience disruptions in their care. As the U.K.'s Daily Mail has reported, hospital workers "are turning away sick people ... because they can't determine whether their Obamacare insurance plans are in effect.",0,5974148.story

I know The Sun will go to great lengths to spin this debacle of a law as successful, but when you look at it on just about every front, it is a total failure and will eventually ruin this country financially. Even President Barack Obama is selectively delaying certain parts that are not politically convenient for him or the political left. It would appear U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz was on to something after all.

Read more:,0,5974148.story#ixzz2rG4jylCm
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Aetna CEO: We May Have to Pull Out of Obamacare, or Heavily Hike Premiums.

Aetna CEO: We May Have to Pull Out of Obamacare, or Heavily Hike Premiums - Guy Benson

Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC on Wednesday that Obamacare has failed to attract the uninsured, and he offered a scenario in which the insurance company could be forced to pull out of program. The company will be submitting Obamacare rates for 2015 on May 15. "Are they going to be double-digit [increases] or are we going to get beat up because they're double-digit or are we just going to have to pull out of the program?" Bertolini asked..."Those questions can't be answered until we see the population we have today. And we really don't have a good view on that." He said that so far, Obamacare has just shifted people who were insured in the individual market to the public exchanges where they could get a better deal on a subsidy for coverage. "We see only 11 percent of the population is actually people that were firmly uninsured that are now insured. So [it] didn't really eat into the uninsured population."


I wonder if Krystal Ball sees this as the success she was predicting ?

I'd like to thank asswipes like Rightwinger (as I have Aetna) for what is about to happen.
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If AETNA pulls out of this 3-ring circus.... Well, warm up the fat lady.

If AETNA pulls out of this 3-ring circus.... Well, warm up the fat lady.


Isn't this hilarious.

The bar has been slowly lowered to the point that people don't act surprised at this.

If they had said this would be the way it would play out in 2008.....we'd be looking at President McCain.

The frog and the boiling water syndrome.
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

The best health care plan today, IMO, are HSA plans. Especially for healthy people. They have a very high deductible, and a low premium cost. You put your own money in your own HSA savings account, that's your money and it's all tax deductible. For the most part, if you ever need health care you use your money to pay for it up to the deductible. You can earn some interest on your HSA account.

For example, you can save on premium costs for decades, create a huge health savings account nest egg. Then if you get some big problem(s) your nest egg covers the deductible for the year(s) you are paying for the big problem(s).

Can I afford high premium "gold" insurance .. yes. Do I need or want to? Hell no. I hate insurance.
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

The best health care plan today, IMO, are HSA plans. Especially for healthy people. They have a very high deductible, and a low premium cost. You put your own money in your own HSA savings account, that's your money and it's all tax deductible. For the most part, if you ever need health care you use your money to pay for it up to the deductible. You can earn some interest on your HSA account.

For example, you can save on premium costs for decades, create a huge health savings account nest egg. Then if you get some big problem(s) your nest egg covers the deductible for the year(s) you are paying for the big problem(s).

Can I afford high premium "gold" insurance .. yes. Do I need or want to? Hell no. I hate insurance.
The health insurance industry you would figure, well that they wouldn't want to be pricing themselves out of the business in most all cases available to them, and that they would definitely want to work with the government in order to get a consensus on how to jointly help those who need access to the same care as everyone else has. You would also figure that they would be willing to listen to what the government could do in order to help them help us through a subsidy program if they can't do it alone.

Now the question is, what is making them do what they are doing, because that is exactly what they are doing pricing themselves out of a potential business based upon a pool that would cover any and every issue that people could ever come up with or run up against in their lives ?

They are alienating so many people upon denying them access due to the high cost of their product, that it has become counter intuitive for them. Simple analogy here, where as I see it just as a movie theater that has say 150 seats ok, and then they price the movie so high that only a 1/4 of the seats are used, thus not allowing them to profit enough to have even opened the theater up that day. Now if they would have dialed in on the correct price or knew that people would have the money by other means, then they would have filled all but a few seats in the theater thus making themselves profit and many others in the chain profit as well. "Everyone wins".

The other good thing is that the people would have had the same quality of product that the others in the theater had also (no one placed in special seats that are way up in the upper parts, and in the back all because they didn't have the same money as the next person did), so everybody wins again in that respect as well, and all due to a great theater management system of thinking going on . Now how come these concepts or thoughts aren't working anymore or have been forgotten about these days ?

Is it a political war that is causing the citizens harm in these ways now ?
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

I had two plans that became classified as "junk" (the term that hit when the big lie was exposed). I was fine with them. They did what I needed. To replace them was more expensive and brought coverage I didn't want or need. So Please stop with the meme.

Emergency room visits may wind up increasing.

Surprise: Obamacare may end up encouraging more emergency room visits

As to the rest of your post.....what do you want Eutopia ? You are not going to get bright people to become doctors if you are not going to pay them. They are not all about the money....but they expect some compensation for what they go through to get there and for what they do once they have arrived (I've called my pediatrician more than once at two in the morning).

I agree on the class separation point...but it is meaningless in this context.

So is your comment about the best services available. You can't define that. Or, I should say, I'd invite you to try. But be sure to include the costs associated with that. Once you've opened the door.....

I've always argued that deductibles were to low. I am now in a HD-HSA program. I love it.
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

I had two plans that became classified as "junk" (the term that hit when the big lie was exposed). I was fine with them. They did what I needed. To replace them was more expensive and brought coverage I didn't want or need. So Please stop with the meme.

Emergency room visits may wind up increasing.

Surprise: Obamacare may end up encouraging more emergency room visits

As to the rest of your post.....what do you want Eutopia ? You are not going to get bright people to become doctors if you are not going to pay them. They are not all about the money....but they expect some compensation for what they go through to get there and for what they do once they have arrived (I've called my pediatrician more than once at two in the morning).

I agree on the class separation point...but it is meaningless in this context.

So is your comment about the best services available. You can't define that. Or, I should say, I'd invite you to try. But be sure to include the costs associated with that. Once you've opened the door.....

I've always argued that deductibles were to low. I am now in a HD-HSA program. I love it.

Give me a break please, no one expects people not to get paid and you know it. What people want is affordable heath care, and also they want a great plan that is just as good as anyone else's plan is. Why someone who has money in their pocket, would be denide great health care in which they are willing to pay for, but just not get killed in their wallet for, is amazing to me.. How hard is that for America to get back to or to figure out once again in this nation ? :cuckoo:
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

I had two plans that became classified as "junk" (the term that hit when the big lie was exposed). I was fine with them. They did what I needed. To replace them was more expensive and brought coverage I didn't want or need. So Please stop with the meme.

Emergency room visits may wind up increasing.

Surprise: Obamacare may end up encouraging more emergency room visits

As to the rest of your post.....what do you want Eutopia ? You are not going to get bright people to become doctors if you are not going to pay them. They are not all about the money....but they expect some compensation for what they go through to get there and for what they do once they have arrived (I've called my pediatrician more than once at two in the morning).

I agree on the class separation point...but it is meaningless in this context.

So is your comment about the best services available. You can't define that. Or, I should say, I'd invite you to try. But be sure to include the costs associated with that. Once you've opened the door.....

I've always argued that deductibles were to low. I am now in a HD-HSA program. I love it.

Give me a break please, no one expects people not to get paid and you know it. What people want is affordable heath care, and also they want a great plan that is just as good as anyone else's plan is. Why someone who has money in their pocket, would be denide great health care in which they are willing to pay for, but just not get killed in their wallet for, is amazing to me.. How hard is that for America to get back to or to figure out once again in this nation ? :cuckoo:

Please define affordable healthcare.

And what they want is a "great" plan that is just as good as everyone else's without paying for it. Please be honest.

Why don't you state what it is that you think is happening. You really think insurance companies are getting rich off of you ? If they are, it is only because the government lets them do so.
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

I had two plans that became classified as "junk" (the term that hit when the big lie was exposed). I was fine with them. They did what I needed. To replace them was more expensive and brought coverage I didn't want or need. So Please stop with the meme.

Emergency room visits may wind up increasing.

Surprise: Obamacare may end up encouraging more emergency room visits

As to the rest of your post.....what do you want Eutopia ? You are not going to get bright people to become doctors if you are not going to pay them. They are not all about the money....but they expect some compensation for what they go through to get there and for what they do once they have arrived (I've called my pediatrician more than once at two in the morning).

I agree on the class separation point...but it is meaningless in this context.

So is your comment about the best services available. You can't define that. Or, I should say, I'd invite you to try. But be sure to include the costs associated with that. Once you've opened the door.....

I've always argued that deductibles were to low. I am now in a HD-HSA program. I love it.

Give me a break please, no one expects people not to get paid and you know it. What people want is affordable heath care, and also they want a great plan that is just as good as anyone else's plan is. Why someone who has money in their pocket, would be denide great health care in which they are willing to pay for, but just not get killed in their wallet for, is amazing to me.. How hard is that for America to get back to or to figure out once again in this nation ? :cuckoo:

And they had that before Obamacare. Unfortuantely, the Dumbocrats have taken that away from everyone.

I had phenomenal healthcare - literally the best in the world. And it was very affordable. Hardly cost me a damn dime. And I am no special. I'm not some Bill Gates billionaire. I'm not some famous athlete. I'm just an ordinary American. And Obama, Pelosi, and Reid fucked us all over royally.

Ask yourself genius - if Obamacare is so great, why aren't Congress and the president enrolled in it? 'Nough said....
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

The best health care plan today, IMO, are HSA plans. Especially for healthy people. They have a very high deductible, and a low premium cost. You put your own money in your own HSA savings account, that's your money and it's all tax deductible. For the most part, if you ever need health care you use your money to pay for it up to the deductible. You can earn some interest on your HSA account.

For example, you can save on premium costs for decades, create a huge health savings account nest egg. Then if you get some big problem(s) your nest egg covers the deductible for the year(s) you are paying for the big problem(s).

Can I afford high premium "gold" insurance .. yes. Do I need or want to? Hell no. I hate insurance.
The health insurance industry you would figure, well that they wouldn't want to be pricing themselves out of the business in most all cases available to them, and that they would definitely want to work with the government in order to get a consensus on how to jointly help those who need access to the same care as everyone else has. You would also figure that they would be willing to listen to what the government could do in order to help them help us through a subsidy program if they can't do it alone.

Now the question is, what is making them do what they are doing, because that is exactly what they are doing pricing themselves out of a potential business based upon a pool that would cover any and every issue that people could ever come up with or run up against in their lives ?

They are alienating so many people upon denying them access due to the high cost of their product, that it has become counter intuitive for them. Simple analogy here, where as I see it just as a movie theater that has say 150 seats ok, and then they price the movie so high that only a 1/4 of the seats are used, thus not allowing them to profit enough to have even opened the theater up that day. Now if they would have dialed in on the correct price or knew that people would have the money by other means, then they would have filled all but a few seats in the theater thus making themselves profit and many others in the chain profit as well. "Everyone wins".

The other good thing is that the people would have had the same quality of product that the others in the theater had also (no one placed in special seats that are way up in the upper parts, and in the back all because they didn't have the same money as the next person did), so everybody wins again in that respect as well, and all due to a great theater management system of thinking going on . Now how come these concepts or thoughts aren't working anymore or have been forgotten about these days ?

Is it a political war that is causing the citizens harm in these ways now ?

Insurance companies are not pricing themselves out the market, they are charging the actuarial estimates as approved by the regulating bodies. The high prices are due to the government mandates and subsidies.
Coverage Expansion Fail: Less Than One-Third Of Obamacare Exchange Enrollees Were Previously Uninsured - Forbes

At the end of the day, for all of the rhetoric and promises about what Obamacare would achieve, the health law’s most ardent supporters have stuck to their guns because of one thing: coverage expansion. But new data suggests that Obamacare may fail even to achieve this goal. Instead of expanding coverage to those without it, Obamacare is replacing the pre-existing market for private insurance. Surveys from insurers and other industry players indicate that as few as 11 percent of those on Obamacare’s exchanges were previously uninsured. If these trends continue, the probability increases that Obamacare will eventually get repealed.
Question - Would someone actually want a low budget plan( poor performer) with a high deductible as a choice, or would it be the only choice available to them ? You see it's all in the wording I notice on these things. I know I can only get what my money allows me to get, but does that mean I am satisfied with that ? NOPE! When it comes to ones health, all humans should get the best services available to them that are possible, but in a profit driven industry comes the separation of the classes and the people. Is it right ? No it isn't, so what to do about it no one seems to know anymore. Having to send people to the emergency room for services, because they can't afford services any other way, is the equivalent to sending someone to the back of the bus (IMHO). There is class separation going on big time in this health care situation, and there always has been, so do you think that as right or do you think that as wrong ? Who has caused the huge gap that has formed in this arena between the classes ? Was there pure greed involved, and who are the greedy, or the culprits, and the perps being found in all of this ?

The best health care plan today, IMO, are HSA plans. Especially for healthy people. They have a very high deductible, and a low premium cost. You put your own money in your own HSA savings account, that's your money and it's all tax deductible. For the most part, if you ever need health care you use your money to pay for it up to the deductible. You can earn some interest on your HSA account.

For example, you can save on premium costs for decades, create a huge health savings account nest egg. Then if you get some big problem(s) your nest egg covers the deductible for the year(s) you are paying for the big problem(s).

Can I afford high premium "gold" insurance .. yes. Do I need or want to? Hell no. I hate insurance.
The health insurance industry you would figure, well that they wouldn't want to be pricing themselves out of the business in most all cases available to them, and that they would definitely want to work with the government in order to get a consensus on how to jointly help those who need access to the same care as everyone else has. You would also figure that they would be willing to listen to what the government could do in order to help them help us through a subsidy program if they can't do it alone.

Now the question is, what is making them do what they are doing, because that is exactly what they are doing pricing themselves out of a potential business based upon a pool that would cover any and every issue that people could ever come up with or run up against in their lives ?

They are alienating so many people upon denying them access due to the high cost of their product, that it has become counter intuitive for them. Simple analogy here, where as I see it just as a movie theater that has say 150 seats ok, and then they price the movie so high that only a 1/4 of the seats are used, thus not allowing them to profit enough to have even opened the theater up that day. Now if they would have dialed in on the correct price or knew that people would have the money by other means, then they would have filled all but a few seats in the theater thus making themselves profit and many others in the chain profit as well. "Everyone wins".

The other good thing is that the people would have had the same quality of product that the others in the theater had also (no one placed in special seats that are way up in the upper parts, and in the back all because they didn't have the same money as the next person did), so everybody wins again in that respect as well, and all due to a great theater management system of thinking going on . Now how come these concepts or thoughts aren't working anymore or have been forgotten about these days ?

Is it a political war that is causing the citizens harm in these ways now ?

Nonsense. Health insurance plans are expensive because of what THIS TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT is doing. Our insurance premiums are being used to PAY FOR GOVERNMENT MANDATES. The bills we get for our health care are high because we are being screwed by our GOVERNMENT. The premiums we pay are what is used to pay the bills, insurance companies skim off the top but that is a small percentage of the total cost of insurance. Almost all of the money you pay in premiums goes right back out to pay for health care for the members of the plan.

Thus, blaming insurance companies for this mess is absolute NONSENSE.

99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the high costs of health care / insurance in this country goes back to the TYRANNICAL DECISIONS THIS GOVERNMENT HAS MADE and in some cases state and local governments included.

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