The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

But even if all or most of the 500,000 people who signed up for Obamacare by December 31 end up paying their bills, is that really a success? Leaving aside important questions about the quality and cost of Obamacare plans, the enrollment numbers are not impressive. The California exchange is doing very little to achieve the goal of insuring the uninsured.

Recall that California did not allow insurers the opportunity to re-offer plans canceled by Obamacare. Anne Gonzales of Covered California confirmed to THE WEEKLY STANDARD in a phone call that all 900,000 non-grandfathered plans in California "had to be discontinued by January 1." So how many of the 500,000 people who signed up for Obamacare before January 1 previously had insurance? "I don't think we have those [numbers]," Gonzales said.

The Affordable Care Act will also reduce the number of fulltime workers by more than 2 million in coming years, congressional budget analysts said in the most detailed analysis of the law’s impact on jobs. The CBO said the law’s impact on jobs would be mostly felt starting after 2016. The agency previously estimated that the economy would have 800,000 fewer jobs as a result of the law. The impact is likely to be most felt, the CBO said, among low-wage workers. The agency said that most of the effect would come from Americans deciding not to seek work as a result of the ACA’s impact on the economy. Some workers may forgo employment, while others may reduce hours, for a equivalent of at least 2 million fulltime workers dropping out of the labor force.


All you on the left...let's hear how this is working so great. Come your stuff.
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CBO: Millions to Remain Uninsured, Pay Mandate Tax Under Obamacare

CBO: Millions to Remain Uninsured, Pay Mandate Tax Under Obamacare - Guy Benson

When he was seeking the Presidency in 2008, Barack Obama attacked his opponent - Senator Hillary Clinton - for her advocacy of a health reform plan that included a mandate which fined people for not purchasing health insurance. Obama argued that it was wrong to penalize people for not purchasing health insurance that they could not afford.

USA Today reports that an estimated 3 million Americans will find themselves in precisely that position this year - paying a fine because insurance is too expensive - due to the President's health care reform law. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that fines on individuals who do not comply with the mandate will total $52 billion over the next 10 years. The agency recently reported that in 2024, there will be 31 million Americans without insurance. About 45 percent of those - or 14 million people - will have the option to purchase insurance but choose not to do so - due to cost or other factors.
Coverage Expansion Fail: Less Than One-Third Of Obamacare Exchange Enrollees Were Previously Uninsured - Forbes

At the end of the day, for all of the rhetoric and promises about what Obamacare would achieve, the health law’s most ardent supporters have stuck to their guns because of one thing: coverage expansion. But new data suggests that Obamacare may fail even to achieve this goal. Instead of expanding coverage to those without it, Obamacare is replacing the pre-existing market for private insurance. Surveys from insurers and other industry players indicate that as few as 11 percent of those on Obamacare’s exchanges were previously uninsured. If these trends continue, the probability increases that Obamacare will eventually get repealed.

There has been a fire sale going on with Obamacare--and that is the new medicade enrollment which is FREE medical insurance--paid for by others that have higher premiums. That's the majority of new enrollee's--along with the elderly that can't live without medical insurance--they too are signing up.

But for the rest--those that don't qualify for subsidized insurance--they are finding out quickly that their old plans were much cheaper than what Obamacare offers.

And in that Obamacare is a SUCKER PUNCH to the middle class of this country. They were lied into believing that premiums would drop, instead they have risen--they were told they could keep their existing plans if they liked them and that was a lie. They were told they could keep their doctors and that was a lie also.

So all in all--due to the cancellations because of the Obamacare mandates--it's not hard to understand that there are more uninsured in this country today than insured because of Obamacare.


Welcome to your hope and change!
Will Medicaid take my house?

To place the issue in context, the Affordable Care Act significantly expanded the availability of Medicaid to cover households earning up to 138% of the federal poverty line ($32,499 for a family of four). The act also widened Medicaid eligibility to cover childless adults in that income segment. The Supreme Court made that expansion optional for states, and so far, only 25 states and the District of Columbia have done so. That includes California, where Medicaid is known as Medi-Cal.
One thing the ACA didn't change was Medicaid's estate recovery rule. Under a law enacted in 1993, states are required to seek recovery from the estates of deceased enrollees for the costs of long-term care, such as nursing-home care. The recovery rule applied to those who received that care when they were 55 and older, or who were permanently institutionalized at any age.
States were given the option of seeking recovery of other costs, such as expenses unrelated to those patients' long-term care. And the states were required to inform Medicaid applicants of the existence of the estate recovery rule before they enroll, which may be one reason that concern about it is surfacing now.

Today's overblown Obamacare fear: Will Medicaid take my house? -
Will Medicaid take my house?

To place the issue in context, the Affordable Care Act significantly expanded the availability of Medicaid to cover households earning up to 138% of the federal poverty line ($32,499 for a family of four). The act also widened Medicaid eligibility to cover childless adults in that income segment. The Supreme Court made that expansion optional for states, and so far, only 25 states and the District of Columbia have done so. That includes California, where Medicaid is known as Medi-Cal.
One thing the ACA didn't change was Medicaid's estate recovery rule. Under a law enacted in 1993, states are required to seek recovery from the estates of deceased enrollees for the costs of long-term care, such as nursing-home care. The recovery rule applied to those who received that care when they were 55 and older, or who were permanently institutionalized at any age.
States were given the option of seeking recovery of other costs, such as expenses unrelated to those patients' long-term care. And the states were required to inform Medicaid applicants of the existence of the estate recovery rule before they enroll, which may be one reason that concern about it is surfacing now.

Today's overblown Obamacare fear: Will Medicaid take my house? -

Medicare also has the estate recovery rule. Every time I order meds from the specialty pharmacy they ask if I am getting any assisted care, home health care, or palliative care for pain management. Going to nursing school was one of the best decisions I made for myself and for my family. I don't know how lay people cope with all the technical knowledge that this disease requires.
Will Medicaid take my house?

To place the issue in context, the Affordable Care Act significantly expanded the availability of Medicaid to cover households earning up to 138% of the federal poverty line ($32,499 for a family of four). The act also widened Medicaid eligibility to cover childless adults in that income segment. The Supreme Court made that expansion optional for states, and so far, only 25 states and the District of Columbia have done so. That includes California, where Medicaid is known as Medi-Cal.
One thing the ACA didn't change was Medicaid's estate recovery rule. Under a law enacted in 1993, states are required to seek recovery from the estates of deceased enrollees for the costs of long-term care, such as nursing-home care. The recovery rule applied to those who received that care when they were 55 and older, or who were permanently institutionalized at any age.
States were given the option of seeking recovery of other costs, such as expenses unrelated to those patients' long-term care. And the states were required to inform Medicaid applicants of the existence of the estate recovery rule before they enroll, which may be one reason that concern about it is surfacing now.

Today's overblown Obamacare fear: Will Medicaid take my house? -
Hmmm,, and that could be what is making this the biggest wealth redistribution plan ever, so think about that one for a second or two. Otherwise one could easily lose their assets over all of this, then no inheritance for the kiddies, and no keeping that wealth in the family right ? Then who gets the wealth that you or your family had built up over centuries in some cases ? The government right, then who gets the wealth after that ? Ok, but people will say that this thing is mainly pertaining to people who have nothing anyway, but those people who are living at or under the poverty line anymore, won't they eventually drive the rates up so high for others, that eventually it will drag down everyone else over time, therefore placing more and more of the wealth into the target zone for the taking ?
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Teachers quitting their jobs

Now that Karen Willmus can get health insurance through Obamacare, she plans to quit teaching 9th grade English at the end of the school year.

The 51-year-old found policies on the Colorado state exchange for about $300 a month. That's less than what she's paying now for employer-sponsored coverage and less than half what she paid on the individual market in 2007.

I'm quitting my job. Thanks Obamacare! - Yahoo Finance
Teachers quitting their jobs

Now that Karen Willmus can get health insurance through Obamacare, she plans to quit teaching 9th grade English at the end of the school year.

The 51-year-old found policies on the Colorado state exchange for about $300 a month. That's less than what she's paying now for employer-sponsored coverage and less than half what she paid on the individual market in 2007.

I'm quitting my job. Thanks Obamacare! - Yahoo Finance

This teacher could have quit anytime she wanted too. We did have an individual marketplace before Obama destroyed it--and she could have gotten a medical insurance policy just like those 14 million other people did.

IOW--it's total B.S. the way democrats are spinning this. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE could get insurance in the private marketplace prior to Obamacare. NO ONE was "stuck" in any job, because of medical insurance.

As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |

Sounds like a lot of butt hurt because no matter how hard the righties try, Obamacare is marching on.....and soon, the people that are enrolled and finally getting better coverage than they were before, will be crowing over it.....many of them, say whatever you want....your pissing and moaning isn't changing anything....and your party has nothing to offer....which is a bigger failure.....but nice try.

Read and weep......:lol::lol:

4 million people sign up for Obamacare

Roughly 4 million people have signed up for health care plans through Obamacare's exchanges, the Obama administration announced late Tuesday.

Marilyn Tavenner, administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, released the latest number of sign-ups in a blog post, arguing that President Obama's signature domestic achievement had reached a turning point.

“As we head into the last five weeks of this historic open enrollment period, millions of Americans are taking advantage of the new choices they now have to access affordable, quality health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act,” she said.

“The most recent data indicate that approximately 4 million people have now signed up for a private health insurance plan through the federal and state-based marketplaces since Oct. 1," Tavenner added. “A full enrollment report for February will be released in mid-March.”

4 million people sign up for Obamacare |
Teachers quitting their jobs

Now that Karen Willmus can get health insurance through Obamacare, she plans to quit teaching 9th grade English at the end of the school year.

The 51-year-old found policies on the Colorado state exchange for about $300 a month. That's less than what she's paying now for employer-sponsored coverage and less than half what she paid on the individual market in 2007.

I'm quitting my job. Thanks Obamacare! - Yahoo Finance

You shouldn't have posted the link....because those with a brain will read the article and realize that the story is actually a positive for Obamacare....but being the closeminded partisan hack that you are, you probably thought it was a bad thing.... people are actually benefitting from it, but dumb rightwingers like you, prefer to keep getting the shaft from insurance companies, how sad is that.......bwahahaha!

From your link:

The report found that Obamacare could reduce the labor force by the equivalent of 2.5 million workers by 2024, as many Americans may opt to work less to retain eligibility for Medicaid or subsidies. That sparked a fresh round of criticism that health reform is hurting the economy.

But for some, Obamacare is allowing them to become entrepreneurs or retire a few years early since they'll be able to find affordable individual coverage for the first time.

Instead of eating bonbons on her couch, Willmus plans to start her own business with her teen daughter publishing materials for non-native English speakers and others looking to improve their literacy. She expects to work even more than she does now and hire two or three people.

Edward Perri's job as a grocery clerk has caused him constant back and knee pain in recent years, but he continued to work because he needed insurance. Obamacare allowed him to retire in December after 39 years, 4 months and 23 days on the job.

His retiring at 57 allowed a more junior employee to move up on the job, said Perri, who is single and lives in Muskegon, Mich. Had Obamacare not existed, he'd either have to try to tough it out until he qualified for Medicare at 65 or pay $500 a month for COBRA coverage.

Instead, he's paying $50 a month for a policy. And, as he sees it, the $450 that he would have sent to an insurance company is going to buy groceries, fix his car and take a vacation with his girlfriend.

Craig Mason, 59, said he has felt tied to his job as an engineer at a large defense contractor because he and his wife needed health insurance. A diabetic, he couldn't get affordable coverage on the individual market.

Now, however, he's thinking of leaving his employer in a few years to focus more on his side job, repairing and building guitars and other string instruments. He also wants to spend more time with his three grandchildren.

"I want to try something different," said Mason, a Germantown, Md., resident. "I don't want to be tied to a large corporation. The Affordable Care Act may be just the vehicle to bridge the gap until I'm eligible for Medicare." - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says despite all the "good news" about Obamacare, "there's plenty of horror stories being told, all of them untrue -- but they're being told all over America."

In a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday, Reid complained that Republicans, with help from wealthy donors -- he named the Koch brothers -- are telling "tall tales" and "outright lies" about Obamacare in stump speeches and political advertisements.

"Republicans may need tall tales and outright lies to convince people that Obamacare's bad for them -- but Democrats -- we don't have to make things up," Reid said."

Harry Reid Accuses Republicans of Telling 'Outright Lies' About Obamacare | CNS News

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