The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

It's pretty clear that all of the organizations that support ObamaCare either profit from it or will receive waivers and exemptions from it.

The supporters who will suffer from it are the useful idiots who were duped into voting for it. They've served their purpose in getting ObamaCare passed, and now are needed to overpay to support the program. So no exemptions for them.


It's insurance regulation. It's personal responsibility. It's help for those who business chooses to not pay a living wage to for full time work.

Personal responsibility would be making parasites like you pay for your own damn healthcare [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. Not taxing me to pay for your healthcare.

You do realize nobody is buying your false narrative and asinine spin, don't you? :lol:

Only PMZ could try to make the case that forcing me to pay for him is him "taking personal responsibility"... :lmao:
But aren't they cancelling those policies based upon the ACA, and them not meeting the new standards in those policies ? If so then it is the ACA that is causing that right ?

Existing policies were grandfathered if they didn't change. Some companies chose that alternative, some didn't. Strictly up to them.

And once again PMZ exposes his extraordinary ignorance (can you tell this parasite has never held a job and certainly never created one for someone else?).

Obamacare has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket. This has forced companies to make changes, which in turn has forced companies to drop their policies.

It's the same old story with Dumbocrats. Force & Failure. In fact, if they weren't a bunch of miserable liars, that would be their slogan.

Dumbocrats: the party of FORCE and FAILURE!

Which is why they say [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]:


You haven't learned yet that ignorance and lies don't sell here like they do in your living room.
It's pretty clear that all of the organizations that support ObamaCare either profit from it or will receive waivers and exemptions from it.

The supporters who will suffer from it are the useful idiots who were duped into voting for it. They've served their purpose in getting ObamaCare passed, and now are needed to overpay to support the program. So no exemptions for them.


It's insurance regulation. It's personal responsibility. It's help for those who business chooses to not pay a living wage to for full time work.

Personal responsibility would be making parasites like you pay for your own damn healthcare [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. Not taxing me to pay for your healthcare.

You do realize nobody is buying your false narrative and asinine spin, don't you? :lol:

Only PMZ could try to make the case that forcing me to pay for him is him "taking personal responsibility"... :lmao:

No. Not allowing you to weasel out of paying for you own medical bills is requireing personal responsibility from you. Which obviously makes you squirm like the worm that you are.
Conservatives are trained to believe everyone left of them are liberals and socialists.

Conservatives are trained to fear the second most common economic system used in the world and our country.

Conservatives are trained to support weak government as strong government is what is in the way of them imposing demonstrably dysfunctional conservatism on the majority.

Conservatives are trained to believe that the tyranny of a minority creates freedom while the democracy of the majority reduces it.

Conservatives are trained to respect only the unamended Constitution that the founders used to establish an aristocracy of wealthy white males.

Conservatives are trained to question science and accept mythology.

Conservatives are trained to believe that spending is the only cause of debt.

Conservatives are trained to believe that unemployed Americans are good because they are desperate and will therefore work for less

Conservatives are trained to believe that hard work is all that's required to be wealthy, and therefore all poor do not work hard enough.

Conservatives are trained to believe that what's wrong with 20% of the people having 85% of the wealth, is that the 20% doesn't have more.

Conservatives are trained to believe that the cause of the decline of America since the rise of conservatism are Democrats, liberals, government, all workers but especially Union members or government workers, all races other than Caucasian, all religions other than Christianity, all nationalities other than American, women, the poor, illegal workers recruited here by business, customers, gays, all of those who don't own guns, the educated and intelligent, young and old people, mainstream media, Al Gore, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and all of the Obamas.

Conservatives are trained to goose step with precision.
Conservatives are trained to support weak government as strong government is what is in the way of them imposing demonstrably dysfunctional conservatism on the majority.

This is 100% right. And do you know why?

Because conservatives support FREEDOM over a government nanny-state.

And that's because conservatives support personal responsibiity over being raised to be a lazy, useless parasite like you were...
But aren't they cancelling those policies based upon the ACA, and them not meeting the new standards in those policies ? If so then it is the ACA that is causing that right ?

Existing policies were grandfathered if they didn't change. Some companies chose that alternative, some didn't. Strictly up to them.

And once again PMZ exposes his extraordinary ignorance (can you tell this parasite has never held a job and certainly never created one for someone else?).

Obamacare has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket. This has forced companies to make changes, which in turn has forced companies to drop their policies.

It's the same old story with Dumbocrats. Force & Failure. In fact, if they weren't a bunch of miserable liars, that would be their slogan.

Dumbocrats: the party of FORCE and FAILURE!

Which is why they say [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]:


This is the latest Republican excuse for only creating, never solving, problems.

Problems make us free.
Existing policies were grandfathered if they didn't change. Some companies chose that alternative, some didn't. Strictly up to them.

And once again PMZ exposes his extraordinary ignorance (can you tell this parasite has never held a job and certainly never created one for someone else?).

Obamacare has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket. This has forced companies to make changes, which in turn has forced companies to drop their policies.

It's the same old story with Dumbocrats. Force & Failure. In fact, if they weren't a bunch of miserable liars, that would be their slogan.

Dumbocrats: the party of FORCE and FAILURE!

Which is why they say [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]:


You haven't learned yet that ignorance and lies don't sell here like they do in your living room.

Wow - way to run from the topic when you know you've been defeated.

If Dumbocrat "solutions" were any good, they wouldn't haven't to be forced on other people. People would flock to them voluntarily. It's proof of how bad Dumbocrat policy is and proof that Dumbocrats know their policy ends in failure and misery.
Existing policies were grandfathered if they didn't change. Some companies chose that alternative, some didn't. Strictly up to them.

And once again PMZ exposes his extraordinary ignorance (can you tell this parasite has never held a job and certainly never created one for someone else?).

Obamacare has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket. This has forced companies to make changes, which in turn has forced companies to drop their policies.

It's the same old story with Dumbocrats. Force & Failure. In fact, if they weren't a bunch of miserable liars, that would be their slogan.

Dumbocrats: the party of FORCE and FAILURE!

Which is why they say [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]:


This is the latest Republican excuse for only creating, never solving, problems.

Problems make us free.

Problems are for the INDIVIDUAL to solve - not the government.

I'm perfectly capable of solving my own problems. Why can't you solve your own, you worthless parasite?
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Conservatives are trained to support weak government as strong government is what is in the way of them imposing demonstrably dysfunctional conservatism on the majority.

This is 100% right. And do you know why?

Because conservatives support FREEDOM over a government nanny-state.

And that's because conservatives support personal responsibiity over being raised to be a lazy, useless parasite like you were...

Conservatives support their freedom to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why the are anti democracy.

See them goose stepping all in a row.
It's insurance regulation. It's personal responsibility. It's help for those who business chooses to not pay a living wage to for full time work.

Personal responsibility would be making parasites like you pay for your own damn healthcare [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. Not taxing me to pay for your healthcare.

You do realize nobody is buying your false narrative and asinine spin, don't you? :lol:

Only PMZ could try to make the case that forcing me to pay for him is him "taking personal responsibility"... :lmao:

No. Not allowing you to weasel out of paying for you own medical bills is requireing personal responsibility from you. Which obviously makes you squirm like the worm that you are.

There is a SIMPLE solution for that [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - don't provide treatment for anyone who isn't covered.

But in typical Dumbocrat fashion, you won't accept that freedom. You created the problem with slavery by forcing people to provide healthcare to those who won't pay. Then you compound the problem by trampling Constitutional rights and forcing people to purchase insurance to "fix" the problem you and your idiot Dumbocrtas created in the first place!!!!

It's the vicious cycle of idiot Dumbocrat policy.

We are literally living Atlas Shrugged!
And once again PMZ exposes his extraordinary ignorance (can you tell this parasite has never held a job and certainly never created one for someone else?).

Obamacare has caused healthcare costs to skyrocket. This has forced companies to make changes, which in turn has forced companies to drop their policies.

It's the same old story with Dumbocrats. Force & Failure. In fact, if they weren't a bunch of miserable liars, that would be their slogan.

Dumbocrats: the party of FORCE and FAILURE!

Which is why they say [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]:


You haven't learned yet that ignorance and lies don't sell here like they do in your living room.

Wow - way to run from the topic when you know you've been defeated.

If Dumbocrat "solutions" were any good, they wouldn't haven't to be forced on other people. People would flock to them voluntarily. It's proof of how bad Dumbocrat policy is and proof that Dumbocrats know their policy ends in failure and misery.

Again, you are an anarchist. That's not a new invention. In fact it's what the earliest humanoids employed and left behind as it didnt allow progress. It's still employed by every animal species, except for humans, today.

You treat like it's a new creative idea because it just occurred to you.
Conservatives are trained to support weak government as strong government is what is in the way of them imposing demonstrably dysfunctional conservatism on the majority.

This is 100% right. And do you know why?

Because conservatives support FREEDOM over a government nanny-state.

And that's because conservatives support personal responsibiity over being raised to be a lazy, useless parasite like you were...

Conservatives support their freedom to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why the are anti democracy.

See them goose stepping all in a row.

I've had similar complaints with conservatives myself, but in the context of ACA, there seems to be bit of pot-calling-the-kettle-black going on here. Were you shooting for irony?
This POS bill was never intended to insure the uninsured, it was written to take over 1/6 of the private sector economy in this country.

And if anyone remembers how well FannieMae/FreddieMac was managed by the Federal Government which collapsed our economy in 2000, by the government co-signing our names to 50 percent of the mortgages in this country that collapsed leaving the American taxpayer holding the bag--we can imagine what health care is going to be like in this country.

In Truth--the Federal Government couldn't manage a lemonade stand without driving it into bankruptcy.

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This POS bill was never intended to insure the uninsured, it was written to take over 1/6 of the private sector economy in this country.

And if anyone remembers how well FannieMae/FreddieMac crashed our economy in 2000, another take-over of the mortgage industry in this country--by the government authorizing our signatures on mortgage backed securities to 50 percent of the mortgages in this country--that collapsed leaving the American taxpayer holding the bag--we can imagine what health care is going to be like in this country.

It's getting really hard to take Democrats seriously when they complain about Republicans being subservient to business, given that they've presided over the two biggest corporate welfare giveaways in my lifetime (ACA and the bankster bailout).
This is 100% right. And do you know why?

Because conservatives support FREEDOM over a government nanny-state.

And that's because conservatives support personal responsibiity over being raised to be a lazy, useless parasite like you were...

Conservatives support their freedom to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why the are anti democracy.

See them goose stepping all in a row.

I've had similar complaints with conservatives myself, but in the context of ACA, there seems to be bit of pot-calling-the-kettle-black going on here. Were you shooting for irony?

Our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution have never been breached.

They're not the only enslaving forces though.

Poverty is enslaving and inescapable by most.

Ill health is the most enslaving of all human conditions. (A close second is ignorance).

Those are the conditions Obamacare addresses.


Regulation prohibiting insurance companies from selling policies that leave major gaps in coverage.

Empowering people who business chooses to not pay a living wage to, despite full time work, to afford responsibility for their health care, at less expensive, more effective venues than emergency rooms.

Creating standardized market places to empower consumers with reliable information.

Requiring the personal responsibility to cover your own health care costs.

Not rocket science. Common sense.

Despite the Republican zombie parade of closet monsters.
Conservatives support their freedom to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why the are anti democracy.

See them goose stepping all in a row.

I've had similar complaints with conservatives myself, but in the context of ACA, there seems to be bit of pot-calling-the-kettle-black going on here. Were you shooting for irony?

Our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution have never been breached.

They're not the only enslaving forces though. ....

Uh... yeah. Not really sure what this speech has to do with much of anything. Except maybe, "It's different when we do it!"....
I've had similar complaints with conservatives myself, but in the context of ACA, there seems to be bit of pot-calling-the-kettle-black going on here. Were you shooting for irony?

Our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution have never been breached.

They're not the only enslaving forces though. ....

Uh... yeah. Not really sure what this speech has to do with much of anything. Except maybe, "It's different when we do it!"....

Conservatives tend to be focused completely inwardly. That’s why conservative government and businesses and religion is so prone to failure.

The liberal view is expansive and inclusive.

The Union in the Civil War realized that the end of slavery did not benefit everyone, but was the greater good. (BTW, see '12 Years a Slave).

Greater good is fundamental to democracy.
Our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution have never been breached.

They're not the only enslaving forces though. ....

Uh... yeah. Not really sure what this speech has to do with much of anything. Except maybe, "It's different when we do it!"....

Conservatives tend to be focused completely inwardly. That’s why conservative government and businesses and religion is so prone to failure.

The liberal view is expansive and inclusive.

The Union in the Civil War realized that the end of slavery did not benefit everyone, but was the greater good. (BTW, see '12 Years a Slave).

Greater good is fundamental to democracy.

mkay - I guess we could phrase it this way...

"Liberals support their democratic mandate to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why they are anti-freedom.

See them goose stepping all in a row."

Or, like I said "It's different when we do it!"
Uh... yeah. Not really sure what this speech has to do with much of anything. Except maybe, "It's different when we do it!"....

Conservatives tend to be focused completely inwardly. That’s why conservative government and businesses and religion is so prone to failure.

The liberal view is expansive and inclusive.

The Union in the Civil War realized that the end of slavery did not benefit everyone, but was the greater good. (BTW, see '12 Years a Slave).

Greater good is fundamental to democracy.

mkay - I guess we could phrase it this way...

"Liberals support their democratic mandate to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why they are anti-freedom.

See them goose stepping all in a row."

Or, like I said "It's different when we do it!"

It's called solving problems.

Libertarianism and conservatism, two identical peas in a pod, are about avoiding problems.

Doing nothing and hoping that good fortune will come along before disaster.

Or, you might say that conservatism differs from Libertarianism because it's based not on limited government as much as government of, by, for the powerful.

Which do you think?

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