The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your stupidity.

Says the poster boy for dixiecrat inbreeding.

Let me get this straight. You rely on government as your daddy, and you accuse my FAMILY OF INBREEDING? How many voices do you hear in your head? How long have you been off the meds? What is the reason for your abandoning of your declared republican party, is this your way to make amends for something you did?

Watching the buffoon known as PMS rant like a lunatic because he's afraid America is on the verge of waking up and refusing to allow him to be the parasite to Americans that he has spent his life being is priceless.

He is literally crippled with fear that some day he will be expected to act like a big boy and pay his own way through life.
It's pretty clear that all of the organizations that support ObamaCare either profit from it or will receive waivers and exemptions from it.

The supporters who will suffer from it are the useful idiots who were duped into voting for it. They've served their purpose in getting ObamaCare passed, and now are needed to overpay to support the program. So no exemptions for them.


It's insurance regulation. It's personal responsibility. It's help for those who business chooses to not pay a living wage to for full time work.

No it's not. Personal responsibility means the individual takes responsibility. This is government coercion against the will of many of the participants/victims/dupes...who are forced to pay for a bunch of "coverage" they neither want nor need.
Conservatives tend to be focused completely inwardly. That’s why conservative government and businesses and religion is so prone to failure.

The liberal view is expansive and inclusive.

The Union in the Civil War realized that the end of slavery did not benefit everyone, but was the greater good. (BTW, see '12 Years a Slave).

Greater good is fundamental to democracy.

mkay - I guess we could phrase it this way...

"Liberals support their democratic mandate to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why they are anti-freedom.

See them goose stepping all in a row."

Or, like I said "It's different when we do it!"

It's called solving problems.

Libertarianism and conservatism, two identical peas in a pod, are about avoiding problems.

Doing nothing and hoping that good fortune will come along before disaster.

Nah... libertarianism is about recognizing that most of our problems are best solved through voluntary cooperation, and not forcing others to bend to our will.
Is this an astounding display of ignorance by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] or what? Seriously folks, my jaw is on the floor. The earliest civilizations we have documented were all oppressive dictatorships (from the Egyptian monarchies to the Roman Empires and everything before, during, and after) there was only rulers dictating to the masses what they would and would not do (just like today's Dumbocrat party).

Is there anything you are educated/informed about? Anything? :eusa_doh:

You apparently think that early man walked out of the jungle and into the pyramids.

ROFL yeah cause mankind could not have left jungle to build the pyramids.

PMZ your are the best example we have of the dumbest type of human on the planet.

That honor belongs to conservative mind slaves with no apparent ability to think for themselves.
Your ignorance is only surpassed by your stupidity.

Says the poster boy for dixiecrat inbreeding.

Let me get this straight. You rely on government as your daddy, and you accuse my FAMILY OF INBREEDING? How many voices do you hear in your head? How long have you been off the meds? What is the reason for your abandoning of your declared republican party, is this your way to make amends for something you did?

Dixiecrats stopped evolving when they gave up work for slavery. They have not moved on. They feel now, as they did then, that they are entitled to the products of the work of others.
Which is what confirms you are an uninformed idiot. Because you certainly quack like an uninformed idiot. You certainly walk like an uninformed idiot. And you certainly post like an uninformed idiot.

Frankly, jerkwad, I have no use for anarchists because they are cowards trying to impose their irrationally on the rest of the world. You can't even scrape up the balls to admit what you are.

Says the parasite Dumbocrat who pretends to be a registered Republican... :lmao:

My posts for years now speak for themselves. I have adamantly opposed the radicals on the right. You're just attempting to create this narrative out of desperation because I have owned you with facts and exposed your astounding ignorance in the process.:eusa_whistle:

You are an anarchist. The voice of primitive living as all lower forms of life are still stuck with. The absence of intelligence and ration. I can learn more from gators than you. At least they admit to who they are.
Which is what confirms you are an uninformed idiot. Because you certainly quack like an uninformed idiot. You certainly walk like an uninformed idiot. And you certainly post like an uninformed idiot.

Frankly, jerkwad, I have no use for anarchists because they are cowards trying to impose their irrationally on the rest of the world. You can't even scrape up the balls to admit what you are.

Says the parasite Dumbocrat who pretends to be a registered Republican... :lmao:

My posts for years now speak for themselves. I have adamantly opposed the radicals on the right. You're just attempting to create this narrative out of desperation because I have owned you with facts and exposed your astounding ignorance in the process.:eusa_whistle:

The functional GOP left me decades ago but is returning now. Worth the wait if they can still find enough leadership to shed their parasites.
It's pretty clear that all of the organizations that support ObamaCare either profit from it or will receive waivers and exemptions from it.

The supporters who will suffer from it are the useful idiots who were duped into voting for it. They've served their purpose in getting ObamaCare passed, and now are needed to overpay to support the program. So no exemptions for them.


It's insurance regulation. It's personal responsibility. It's help for those who business chooses to not pay a living wage to for full time work.

No it's not. Personal responsibility means the individual takes responsibility. This is government coercion against the will of many of the participants/victims/dupes...who are forced to pay for a bunch of "coverage" they neither want nor need.

People who are personally responsible will see only improvement. People who are not will feel pressure to become so. I guess that you are the latter.

If you're paid enough to afford to pay your own health care bills, you now have to. If you are stuck with an employer who is living off your work without paying you a living wage, we are better off making up what he is denying you than sending you for the most expensive, least effective health care possible, the emergency room.

For those who believe that anyone paid less than a living wage should die in the street, you don't belong here. Go live in the failed countries that share your barbaric beliefs.
You apparently think that early man walked out of the jungle and into the pyramids.

ROFL yeah cause mankind could not have left jungle to build the pyramids.

PMZ your are the best example we have of the dumbest type of human on the planet.

That honor belongs to conservative mind slaves with no apparent ability to think for themselves.

You said you are a conservative. Does that make you a mind slave with no apparent ability to think for yourself?
Says the poster boy for dixiecrat inbreeding.

Let me get this straight. You rely on government as your daddy, and you accuse my FAMILY OF INBREEDING? How many voices do you hear in your head? How long have you been off the meds? What is the reason for your abandoning of your declared republican party, is this your way to make amends for something you did?

Dixiecrats stopped evolving when they gave up work for slavery. They have not moved on. They feel now, as they did then, that they are entitled to the products of the work of others.
Yeah it's called buying products in a free market dipshit.
mkay - I guess we could phrase it this way...

"Liberals support their democratic mandate to impose what's best for them on everyone else. That's why they are anti-freedom.

See them goose stepping all in a row."

Or, like I said "It's different when we do it!"

It's called solving problems.

Libertarianism and conservatism, two identical peas in a pod, are about avoiding problems.

Doing nothing and hoping that good fortune will come along before disaster.

Nah... libertarianism is about recognizing that most of our problems are best solved through voluntary cooperation, and not forcing others to bend to our will.

Have at it. Liberals will take on those problems that you fail to solve.
Says the poster boy for dixiecrat inbreeding.

Let me get this straight. You rely on government as your daddy, and you accuse my FAMILY OF INBREEDING? How many voices do you hear in your head? How long have you been off the meds? What is the reason for your abandoning of your declared republican party, is this your way to make amends for something you did?

Dixiecrats stopped evolving when they gave up work for slavery. They have not moved on. They feel now, as they did then, that they are entitled to the products of the work of others.

It's comical listening to this parasite attempt to create a new narrative after he has had his ass handed to him with facts.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is pure, unadulterated slavery. Forcing those of us who labor to provide more than half of the fruits of our labor to parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of slavery" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - working a job of your own free will and for the wage you agreed to work for is not slavery. It's just a job. So your narrative is as nonsensical and ignorant as you.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is all about allowing parasites like him to not have to take any personal responsibility in life. Forcing those of us who labor to take responsibility for parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of not taking personal responsibility" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - when you demand that government tax people like me to pay for health insurance policies of parasites like you, that's the complete opposite of taking personal responsibility.

Parroting our accurate points back at us from your inaccurate perspective to support your failed ideology simply doesn't work PMZ. You continue to make a fool out of yourself and we continue to laugh our asses off at you.

Now why don't you tell us again how Obama has "rescued" the economy and "protected" us from terrorism? :lmao:
Let me get this straight. You rely on government as your daddy, and you accuse my FAMILY OF INBREEDING? How many voices do you hear in your head? How long have you been off the meds? What is the reason for your abandoning of your declared republican party, is this your way to make amends for something you did?

Dixiecrats stopped evolving when they gave up work for slavery. They have not moved on. They feel now, as they did then, that they are entitled to the products of the work of others.

It's comical listening to this parasite attempt to create a new narrative after he has had his ass handed to him with facts.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is pure, unadulterated slavery. Forcing those of us who labor to provide more than half of the fruits of our labor to parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of slavery" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - working a job of your own free will and for the wage you agreed to work for is not slavery. It's just a job. So your narrative is as nonsensical and ignorant as you.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is all about allowing parasites like him to not have to take any personal responsibility in life. Forcing those of us who labor to take responsibility for parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of not taking personal responsibility" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - when you demand that government tax people like me to pay for health insurance policies of parasites like you, that's the complete opposite of taking personal responsibility.

Parroting our accurate points back at us from your inaccurate perspective to support your failed ideology simply doesn't work PMZ. You continue to make a fool out of yourself and we continue to laugh our asses off at you.

Now why don't you tell us again how Obama has "rescued" the economy and "protected" us from terrorism? :lmao:

If you can't remember the past, no wonder you're an anarchist. The past is when mankind learned that it doesn't work.

If you can't even remember 5 years ago, get thee into a home for the memory impaired.
It's called solving problems.

Libertarianism and conservatism, two identical peas in a pod, are about avoiding problems.

Doing nothing and hoping that good fortune will come along before disaster.

Nah... libertarianism is about recognizing that most of our problems are best solved through voluntary cooperation, and not forcing others to bend to our will.

Have at it. Liberals will take on those problems that you fail to solve.

By forcing others to bend to their will?
Dixiecrats stopped evolving when they gave up work for slavery. They have not moved on. They feel now, as they did then, that they are entitled to the products of the work of others.

It's comical listening to this parasite attempt to create a new narrative after he has had his ass handed to him with facts.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is pure, unadulterated slavery. Forcing those of us who labor to provide more than half of the fruits of our labor to parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of slavery" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - working a job of your own free will and for the wage you agreed to work for is not slavery. It's just a job. So your narrative is as nonsensical and ignorant as you.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is all about allowing parasites like him to not have to take any personal responsibility in life. Forcing those of us who labor to take responsibility for parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of not taking personal responsibility" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - when you demand that government tax people like me to pay for health insurance policies of parasites like you, that's the complete opposite of taking personal responsibility.

Parroting our accurate points back at us from your inaccurate perspective to support your failed ideology simply doesn't work PMZ. You continue to make a fool out of yourself and we continue to laugh our asses off at you.

Now why don't you tell us again how Obama has "rescued" the economy and "protected" us from terrorism? :lmao:

If you can't remember the past, no wonder you're an anarchist. The past is when mankind learned that it doesn't work.

If you can't even remember 5 years ago, get thee into a home for the memory impaired.

Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.
Nah... libertarianism is about recognizing that most of our problems are best solved through voluntary cooperation, and not forcing others to bend to our will.

Have at it. Liberals will take on those problems that you fail to solve.

By forcing others to bend to their will?

Well duh.... it's the staple of the left. Adolf Hitler. Benito Mussolini. Fidel Castro. Joseph Stalin.

The left has always been about forcing others to do their will. It's why they have to strip people of freedom and make everything mandatory.

Good ideas don't need to be made mandatory. People flock to good ideas. Dumbocrats know it, hence force and oppression by their side.
Nah... libertarianism is about recognizing that most of our problems are best solved through voluntary cooperation, and not forcing others to bend to our will.

Have at it. Liberals will take on those problems that you fail to solve.

By forcing others to bend to their will?

By establishing consequences for irresponsible actions that impose what's best for you on others.
It's comical listening to this parasite attempt to create a new narrative after he has had his ass handed to him with facts.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is pure, unadulterated slavery. Forcing those of us who labor to provide more than half of the fruits of our labor to parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of slavery" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - working a job of your own free will and for the wage you agreed to work for is not slavery. It's just a job. So your narrative is as nonsensical and ignorant as you.

We point out how Dumbocrat policy is all about allowing parasites like him to not have to take any personal responsibility in life. Forcing those of us who labor to take responsibility for parasites like PMZ. He then reads that and thinks "hey, why don't I accuse THEM of not taking personal responsibility" :cuckoo:. One problem PMZ - when you demand that government tax people like me to pay for health insurance policies of parasites like you, that's the complete opposite of taking personal responsibility.

Parroting our accurate points back at us from your inaccurate perspective to support your failed ideology simply doesn't work PMZ. You continue to make a fool out of yourself and we continue to laugh our asses off at you.

Now why don't you tell us again how Obama has "rescued" the economy and "protected" us from terrorism? :lmao:

If you can't remember the past, no wonder you're an anarchist. The past is when mankind learned that it doesn't work.

If you can't even remember 5 years ago, get thee into a home for the memory impaired.

Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.
If you can't remember the past, no wonder you're an anarchist. The past is when mankind learned that it doesn't work.

If you can't even remember 5 years ago, get thee into a home for the memory impaired.

Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Are you an alcoholic?

Even a blind squirrel gets more shit right than you.

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