The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

If you can't remember the past, no wonder you're an anarchist. The past is when mankind learned that it doesn't work.

If you can't even remember 5 years ago, get thee into a home for the memory impaired.

Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?
Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?

Without bush there is no Iraq war, and no Obama.
Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Are you an alcoholic?

Even a blind squirrel gets more shit right than you.

You have a very unrealistic opinion of the value of your thoughts.

To anyone, much less everyone.
If you can't remember the past, no wonder you're an anarchist. The past is when mankind learned that it doesn't work.

If you can't even remember 5 years ago, get thee into a home for the memory impaired.

Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

It's pretty remarkable watching you avoid responsibility (like everything else in life for you) for the policies you support.

Obama owns the White House and the Dumbocrats own the Senate. It's the Dumbocrats show - and what they've given us is what Dumbocrats always give us - misery, poverty, and failure.

For 5 years now, Obama has gotten every bill he has requested and the Republican's have yet to get a single bill because Harry Reid won't let the Senate even vote (can you say oppressive dictator?) and Barack Obama won't sign them anyway.

You collapsed Detroit. Now you're collapsing the United States. Be a big boy for once in your miserable life and own it.
All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?

Without bush there is no Iraq war, and no Obama.

So you're admitting that Obama is a FAILURE and one that Bush is responsible for? :lmao:

Hey, I agree with you on both of those points! Obama is a failure and Bush did help put him in office. Still, it doesn't change the fact that Dumbocrat policy has added almost as much in 4 years to the debt as our entire nations history accumulated in 230 years prior.
Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Are you an alcoholic?

Even a blind squirrel gets more shit right than you.

He's not an alcoholic - he's a parasite. He's determined to get someone to force you and I to provide for him in life. Even alcoholics are able to function in life better than PMZ.
Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?

Bush left office with two unaffordable holy wars going on, The Great Recession going full blast, Wall St in the chaos of bankruptcy, US auto on the ropes, American business shipping American careers overseas as fast as possible, and the largest upward wealth redistribution ever seen killing revenue. Here's how those policies created all of our debt.


Notice where the debt line goes without Bush.

Want to try again?
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All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?

Without bush there is no Iraq war, and no Obama.

If we had gone with the popular vote in 2000, instead of Bush, we would have had Gore/Lieberman. He would have undoubtedly continued Clintonomics. He would have avoided Bush's holy wars. He would have avoided the wealth redistribution tax cuts. He would have avoided the housing boom and bust and it's impact on Wall St and Detroit. And the Great Recession.

According to the CBO, the continuation of Clintonomics would have paid off the entire national debt by 2006, and created a total surplus of $2.5T by 2011.

Under those conditions Republicans would have had no chance in 2008, and Obama would have been a shoe in. And inherited a booming country rather than a shipwreck.

Republicans would be a fully functional party now and a responsible partner in Congress.
Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?

Without bush there is no Iraq war, and no Obama.

If we had gone with the popular vote in 2000, instead of Bush, we would have had Gore/Lieberman. He would have undoubtedly continued Clintonomics. He would have avoided Bush's holy wars. He would have avoided the wealth redistribution tax cuts. He would have avoided the housing boom and bust and it's impact on Wall St and Detroit. And the Great Recession.

According to the CBO, the continuation of Clintonomics would have paid off the entire national debt by 2006, and created a total surplus of $2.5T by 2011.

Under those conditions Republicans would have had no chance in 2008, and Obama would have been a shoe in. And inherited a booming country rather than a shipwreck.

Republicans would be a fully functional party now and a responsible partner in Congress.

Stupid fuck, if Gore had won his own State....that should tell you what a stupid fuck you.

Now...when bammy starts calling for re-education camps....will you help him round us up?
Without bush there is no Iraq war, and no Obama.

If we had gone with the popular vote in 2000, instead of Bush, we would have had Gore/Lieberman. He would have undoubtedly continued Clintonomics. He would have avoided Bush's holy wars. He would have avoided the wealth redistribution tax cuts. He would have avoided the housing boom and bust and it's impact on Wall St and Detroit. And the Great Recession.

According to the CBO, the continuation of Clintonomics would have paid off the entire national debt by 2006, and created a total surplus of $2.5T by 2011.

Under those conditions Republicans would have had no chance in 2008, and Obama would have been a shoe in. And inherited a booming country rather than a shipwreck.

Republicans would be a fully functional party now and a responsible partner in Congress.

Stupid fuck, if Gore had won his own State....that should tell you what a stupid fuck you.

Now...when bammy starts calling for re-education camps....will you help him round us up?

Do you have a point to make it is just the beer muscles kicking in.
It's amazing that conservatives don't understand where their reputation for being stupid comes from.
If we had gone with the popular vote in 2000, instead of Bush, we would have had Gore/Lieberman. He would have undoubtedly continued Clintonomics. He would have avoided Bush's holy wars. He would have avoided the wealth redistribution tax cuts. He would have avoided the housing boom and bust and it's impact on Wall St and Detroit. And the Great Recession.

According to the CBO, the continuation of Clintonomics would have paid off the entire national debt by 2006, and created a total surplus of $2.5T by 2011.

Under those conditions Republicans would have had no chance in 2008, and Obama would have been a shoe in. And inherited a booming country rather than a shipwreck.

Republicans would be a fully functional party now and a responsible partner in Congress.

Stupid fuck, if Gore had won his own State....that should tell you what a stupid fuck you.

Now...when bammy starts calling for re-education camps....will you help him round us up?

Do you have a point to make it is just the beer muscles kicking in.

(smile) Kid?

Why couldn't Gore win his own State?
One of the reasons that I don't suffer from the conservative/libertarian/anarchist angst that's so prevalent here is that it's so rare that I find myself wanting to violate Federal law. So, for all intents and purposes, it zero impact on my daily life. None.

The people who do suffer this angst must find themselves at odds with the law all of the time, to fuel this vendetta that rules their lives.

That says something about who they are.
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He won the American popular vote.

Poor PMS if Al **** had won his OWN State he would have been Prez.....did you take Alpha Male lessons from a woman like he did?

Beer muscles for sure.

Gore coulnd't win his own State...all you can do is deflect.....actually I believe you are taking goes a very long way to expalin how you can NEVER answer a direct question kid.
Poor PMS if Al **** had won his OWN State he would have been Prez.....did you take Alpha Male lessons from a woman like he did?

Beer muscles for sure.

Gore coulnd't win his own State...all you can do is deflect.....actually I believe you are taking goes a very long way to expalin how you can NEVER answer a direct question kid.

Gramps, it's time for you to put the bottle down and shuffle off to bed. Use your walker and don't forget to take your teeth out.
Kid you really don't have a brain in your head.
You are full of Lefty talking points and deflections.
You are less than a man, and far less than a woman.
You have no integrity and no inner compass...and you fear the conservative boogeyman above all else.
You have no one to think for you...nobody to defend you....and you are all alone in your basement without even the balls to do anything about your belief system...or the lack there of.
Kid you really don't have a brain in your head.
You are full of Lefty talking points and deflections.
You are less than a man, and far less than a woman.
You have no integrity and no inner compass...and you fear the conservative boogeyman above all else.
You have no one to think for you...nobody to defend you....and you are all alone in your basement without even the balls to do anything about your belief system...or the lack there of.

Gramps, you have no sobriety.

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