The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

You can get help for what you are feeling kid...there are professionals...

There's no hope for the likes of PMZ.

After seeing '12Years a Slave', I was thinking. Even after 150 years, the American experience with slavery still has impacts on our society.

A significant portion of blacks still feel and act like slaves. Angry. Bitter. Uninspired.

And a significant portion of dixiecrats still feel and act like slave owners. Privileged. Entitled to the work of others. Viewing others as property.

Interesting, no?
You are a vile disgusting little POS with your theft, and your worship of Satan, and your constant and never ending lies. What did your parents do to you to make you like this?
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There's no hope for the likes of PMZ.

After seeing '12Years a Slave', I was thinking. Even after 150 years, the American experience with slavery still has impacts on our society.

A significant portion of blacks still feel and act like slaves. Angry. Bitter. Uninspired.

And a significant portion of dixiecrats still feel and act like slave owners. Privileged. Entitled to the work of others. Viewing others as property.

Interesting, no?
You are a vile disgusting little POS with your theft, and your worship of Satan, and your constant and never ending lies. What did your parents do to you to make you like this?

Honest? Objective? Principled? Unafraid? Undaunted?

My parents told me that I was fortunate to be American. And that required me to support what made America great. Democracy. Strong government. Successful business. Responsible citizens. Diversity. Tolerance. Progress. Education. Honesty.

People like you are set on a different America. One more suited to enriching you personally. At the expense of America.

That puts you and I in conflict.

I used to be worried but now I am sure. You will lose.

You will lose because of who you are.
After seeing '12Years a Slave', I was thinking. Even after 150 years, the American experience with slavery still has impacts on our society.

A significant portion of blacks still feel and act like slaves. Angry. Bitter. Uninspired.

And a significant portion of dixiecrats still feel and act like slave owners. Privileged. Entitled to the work of others. Viewing others as property.

Interesting, no?
You are a vile disgusting little POS with your theft, and your worship of Satan, and your constant and never ending lies. What did your parents do to you to make you like this?

Honest? Objective? Principled? Unafraid? Undaunted?

My parents told me that I was fortunate to be American. And that required me to support what made America great. Democracy. Strong government. Successful business. Responsible citizens. Diversity. Tolerance. Progress. Education. Honesty.

People like you are set on a different America. One more suited to enriching you personally. At the expense of America.

That puts you and I in conflict.

I used to be worried but now I am sure. You will lose.

You will lose because of who you are.

You are a vile disgusting little POS with your theft, and your worship of Satan, and your constant and never ending lies. What did your parents do to you to make you like this?

Honest? Objective? Principled? Unafraid? Undaunted?

My parents told me that I was fortunate to be American. And that required me to support what made America great. Democracy. Strong government. Successful business. Responsible citizens. Diversity. Tolerance. Progress. Education. Honesty.

People like you are set on a different America. One more suited to enriching you personally. At the expense of America.

That puts you and I in conflict.

I used to be worried but now I am sure. You will lose.

You will lose because of who you are.


That tells us who you are.
Honest? Objective? Principled? Unafraid? Undaunted?

My parents told me that I was fortunate to be American. And that required me to support what made America great. Democracy. Strong government. Successful business. Responsible citizens. Diversity. Tolerance. Progress. Education. Honesty.

People like you are set on a different America. One more suited to enriching you personally. At the expense of America.

That puts you and I in conflict.

I used to be worried but now I am sure. You will lose.

You will lose because of who you are.


That tells us who you are.

Why are you talking about Dumbocrat past when Dumbocrat present is collapsing the U.S.? $17 trillion in debt. Obamacare causing people to lose their health insurance. Unemployment rampant. The masses living off of food stamps.

Basically the Dumbocrat utopia. You've managed to successfully transform us into Cuba.

All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?
Hmmm, wasn't Obama expected or maybe trying to get this nation out of a depression or recession ? If so, then isn't it understandable that the debt would accumulate in that regard faster than a speeding bullet ? Now Obama wasn't only saddled by Republican policies gone wrong, but he was saddled by Democrats policies gone wrong over the years also. Now was he the man to get the job done and get it done right ? I don't think so, because he was ( I think), taking advantage of the weakness created in order to get his agenda on the way born straight out of that weakness. This is why we don't trust the current administration, and why we can't get nothing done that will help move this nation forward until this current crowd is out of office.
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All of the $17T debt came from the failure of conservative policies under Bush.

Our unemployment comes from business shipping millions of American jobs overseas.

The problems with the ACA startup are minor everywhere but at the Republican propaganda factory where everything Obama is given maximum spin as the only move left after the massive failures of the right.

Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?
Hmmm, wasn't Obama expected or maybe trying to get this nation out of a depression or recession ? If so, then isn't it understandable that the debt would accumulate in that regard faster than a speeding bullet ? Now Obama wasn't only saddled by Republican policies gone wrong, but he was saddled by Democrats policies gone wrong over the years also. Now was he the man to get the job done and get it done right ? I don't think so, because he was ( I think), taking advantage of the weakness created in order to get his agenda on the way born straight out of that weakness. This is why we don't trust the current administration, and why we can't get nothing done that will help move this nation forward until this current crowd is out of office.

This administration has pulled us out or the valley of Bush with not only no Republican help, but active resistance by them every step of the way.
Bush left office with $10 trillion in debt cupcake. It took Obama and the reckless Dumbocrats only 4 years to add 70% ($7 trillion) of what it had previously taken this nation 230 years to accumulate.

Want to try again?
Hmmm, wasn't Obama expected or maybe trying to get this nation out of a depression or recession ? If so, then isn't it understandable that the debt would accumulate in that regard faster than a speeding bullet ? Now Obama wasn't only saddled by Republican policies gone wrong, but he was saddled by Democrats policies gone wrong over the years also. Now was he the man to get the job done and get it done right ? I don't think so, because he was ( I think), taking advantage of the weakness created in order to get his agenda on the way born straight out of that weakness. This is why we don't trust the current administration, and why we can't get nothing done that will help move this nation forward until this current crowd is out of office.

This administration has pulled us out or the valley of Bush with not only no Republican help, but active resistance by them every step of the way.

ROFL look at the alcoholic retard puke on himself, you need to get back on you meds your bipolar issues are acting up again.

Gotta love it when the libtards in a single sentence manage to take credit for something and also lay blame for the same damn thing. The stoppage of the increase in spending was due to the Tea Party movement in the republican house, funny how you try to take credit for it at the same time you blame the republicans for it.

Make up you mind retard, are you for or against limiting the spending in DC?
Hmmm, wasn't Obama expected or maybe trying to get this nation out of a depression or recession ? If so, then isn't it understandable that the debt would accumulate in that regard faster than a speeding bullet ? Now Obama wasn't only saddled by Republican policies gone wrong, but he was saddled by Democrats policies gone wrong over the years also. Now was he the man to get the job done and get it done right ? I don't think so, because he was ( I think), taking advantage of the weakness created in order to get his agenda on the way born straight out of that weakness. This is why we don't trust the current administration, and why we can't get nothing done that will help move this nation forward until this current crowd is out of office.

This administration has pulled us out or the valley of Bush with not only no Republican help, but active resistance by them every step of the way.

ROFL look at the alcoholic retard puke on himself, you need to get back on you meds your bipolar issues are acting up again.

Gotta love it when the libtards in a single sentence manage to take credit for something and also lay blame for the same damn thing. The stoppage of the increase in spending was due to the Tea Party movement in the republican house, funny how you try to take credit for at the same time you blame the republicans for it.

Make up you mind retard, are you for or against limiting the spending in DC?

Still more evidence of my claims of what defines conservatives.

I'm for business restoring a fully functional economy. That’s the only way to allow us to pay the bills that Bush couldn't. Or chose not to because of his rewards to friends and family, the wealth redistribution tax cuts.
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This administration has pulled us out or the valley of Bush with not only no Republican help, but active resistance by them every step of the way.

ROFL look at the alcoholic retard puke on himself, you need to get back on you meds your bipolar issues are acting up again.

Gotta love it when the libtards in a single sentence manage to take credit for something and also lay blame for the same damn thing. The stoppage of the increase in spending was due to the Tea Party movement in the republican house, funny how you try to take credit for at the same time you blame the republicans for it.

Make up you mind retard, are you for or against limiting the spending in DC?

Still more evidence of my claims of what defines conservatives.

I'm for business restoring a fully functional economy. That’s the only way to allow us to pay the bills that Bush couldn't. Or chose not to because of his rewards to friends and family, the wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Retard. It's not against the law to work in this country. WTF is wrong with you?
ROFL look at the alcoholic retard puke on himself, you need to get back on you meds your bipolar issues are acting up again.

Gotta love it when the libtards in a single sentence manage to take credit for something and also lay blame for the same damn thing. The stoppage of the increase in spending was due to the Tea Party movement in the republican house, funny how you try to take credit for at the same time you blame the republicans for it.

Make up you mind retard, are you for or against limiting the spending in DC?

Still more evidence of my claims of what defines conservatives.

I'm for business restoring a fully functional economy. That’s the only way to allow us to pay the bills that Bush couldn't. Or chose not to because of his rewards to friends and family, the wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Retard. It's not against the law to work in this country. WTF is wrong with you?

It's problematic to work when unemployment is high. That's why business is avoiding growth. Hanging on to record profits to be divided up among those who did nothing to create them, shareholders and executives, instead of compensation to those that did, workers and customers.

The conservative business model as merely an engine of great wealth for the few is inarguably dysfunctional. It will take us down unless we disempower it at the polls and in the marketplace.
Still more evidence of my claims of what defines conservatives.

I'm for business restoring a fully functional economy. That’s the only way to allow us to pay the bills that Bush couldn't. Or chose not to because of his rewards to friends and family, the wealth redistribution tax cuts.

Retard. It's not against the law to work in this country. WTF is wrong with you?

It's problematic to work when unemployment is high. That's why business is avoiding growth. Hanging on to record profits to be divided up among those who did nothing to create them, shareholders and executives, instead of compensation to those that did, workers and customers.

The conservative business model as merely an engine of great wealth for the few is inarguably dysfunctional. It will take us down unless we disempower it at the polls and in the marketplace.

No its not, the only reason unemployment is high is we pay people to be unemployed you dolt. All you need to do to get a job in this country is to start working. One would have to be a complete moron to not be able to come up with something to do that people would pay them for.
Retard. It's not against the law to work in this country. WTF is wrong with you?

It's problematic to work when unemployment is high. That's why business is avoiding growth. Hanging on to record profits to be divided up among those who did nothing to create them, shareholders and executives, instead of compensation to those that did, workers and customers.

The conservative business model as merely an engine of great wealth for the few is inarguably dysfunctional. It will take us down unless we disempower it at the polls and in the marketplace.

No its not, the only reason unemployment is high is we pay people to be unemployed you dolt. All you need to do to get a job in this country is to start working. One would have to be a complete moron to not be able to come up with something to do that people would pay them for.

So, in your mythical world employers are looking for workers that they can't find?

Can pigs fly there, too?

Starving people on the street would be the real America, right?
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Several years ago when she was quite young, one of my granddaughters picked up from who knows where, the word,"hobo".

It brought back to me a culture of survival from the depression of mostly men traveling around the country making do on chores that they could find and stealing. Yesterday's homeless.

The return of this is the current vision of business. Where most saw desperate survivors, business sees cheap labor and conservatives see more Americans that they can depersonalize.

This vision of course puts business at odds with government committed to all of the people and liberals committed to solving, not ignoring, problems.

Voting gives us control over government and consuming over business. We have to be more thoughtful and deliberate in both if those arenas or risk losing America to corporate interests.
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We have to be more thoughtful and deliberate in both if those arenas or risk losing America to corporate interests.

You can say that again. Except, this time, actually think about it, especially with regard to ACA and the policies you've been advocating. Is Congress 'reining in' the insurance industry? Or is it the other way around? Google Liz Fowler. Look into who really wrote ACA and what their aims are. Seriously, do some reading.
We have to be more thoughtful and deliberate in both if those arenas or risk losing America to corporate interests.

You can say that again. Except, this time, actually think about it, especially with regard to ACA and the policies you've been advocating. Is Congress 'reining in' the insurance industry? Or is it the other way around? Google Liz Fowler. Look into who really wrote ACA and what their aims are. Seriously, do some reading.

My solution would have been to extend Medicare to those who wanted it and charge them for this year's coverage as well as retirement coverage. When you consider the resistance that the minor changes of ACA brought out from Republicans, I accept the judgement of the pundits who concluded that bigger changes were not possible in the here and now.

Unfortunate but not surprising given 24/7/365 Republican propaganda.
It's problematic to work when unemployment is high. That's why business is avoiding growth. Hanging on to record profits to be divided up among those who did nothing to create them, shareholders and executives, instead of compensation to those that did, workers and customers.

The conservative business model as merely an engine of great wealth for the few is inarguably dysfunctional. It will take us down unless we disempower it at the polls and in the marketplace.

No its not, the only reason unemployment is high is we pay people to be unemployed you dolt. All you need to do to get a job in this country is to start working. One would have to be a complete moron to not be able to come up with something to do that people would pay them for.

So, in your mythical world employers are looking for workers that they can't find?

Can pigs fly there, too?

Starving people on the street would be the real America, right?

Yes, Employers are looking for workers all the time. Some employers are called "customers." Are you retarded? Show me one person starving in the streets of America. Just one.
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No its not, the only reason unemployment is high is we pay people to be unemployed you dolt. All you need to do to get a job in this country is to start working. One would have to be a complete moron to not be able to come up with something to do that people would pay them for.

So, in your mythical world employers are looking for workers that they can't find?

Can pigs fly there, too?

Starving people on the street would be the real America, right?

Yes, Employers are looking for workers all the time. Are you retarded? Show me one person starving in the streets of America. Just one.

No thanks to you.
So, in your mythical world employers are looking for workers that they can't find?

Can pigs fly there, too?

Starving people on the street would be the real America, right?

Yes, Employers are looking for workers all the time. Are you retarded? Show me one person starving in the streets of America. Just one.

No thanks to you.

It's not my fault you are retarded.

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