The God Emperor arrives to Finland!!! (Winning ahead)

The Trump - Putin summit has begun! Last time Trump met with a leader of a other country (Korea) the leftists had a pussy fit for weeks. This meeting will likewise will be included in the history book. So much ground to cover...

One epic meeting ahead!
the criminal scum libs have already tried to derail it by "indicting" some Russians that if guilty should have been dealt with by butt boy barry.
So, Meuller shouldn’t indict Russian state players who infiltrated our democracy because it’ll make little Donnie look bad?

Hey, you’ve got a little cream on your chin. You might want to wipe that off.
Yeah troll, that's exactly what I said, isn't it. The real question is why Obama let them get away with it on his watch.But we know why....
Dotard Donald asked the Russians to hack Hillary

After it was already known that they had. Who was president, then?
Play it how you wish, but the fact remains that a presidential candidate asked a foreign govt to hack his opponent’s emails.

And Trumptards cheered.

After 8 yrs of righttards saying Obama was a terrorist sympathizer, Muslim, weak, blah said nothing when Donald asked Russia to interfere in US elections
Pres. Trump is making a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:

I hate to break it to you but your brainless Trump is a whack job and the fall of Trump is coming lol.
I hate to break it to you but your brainless Trump is a whack job and the fall of Trump is coming lol.
Pres, Trump is proving to be an amazing leader and the best thing to happen to our country in decades. ... :thup:
A weak cowardly traitor Hat in hand ,,, We're sorry We're equally to blame? I trust you more than my intelligence agencies? Trump should step down now
They were personal emails and the IT agency she handed them over to deleted them, not her.


The FBI declared in a public statement that they recovered more than 15,000 OFFICIAL e-mails / documents she had destroyed. They stated these more than 15,000 OFFICIAL documents were required to be turned over in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act.

1. These were official documents - evidence, not 'personal papers'.

2. The Destruction of Evidence = 'Obstruction'.
- Every single document destroyed = 1 count of Obstruction. That means they had more than 15,000 counts of 'Obstruction' against Hillary.

3. Over 30,000 counts of criminal non-compliance with laws. Each one of those documents = 1 criminal count of violating the Federal Records Act AND 1 count of violating the Freedom of Information Act. That's more than 30,000 criminal counts.

Add the 15,000+ to the 30,000+ for Obstruction, and the FBI publicly declared that just based on the documents they recovered that Hillary tried to destroy, they discovered / had over 45,000 criminal counts against her.

...and that doesn't even include the criminal counts of 'illegal possession of classified', 'illegal handling classified', 'illegal storage of classified', illegal destruction of classified', 'destruction of govt equipment', Espionage, 'Criminal Negligence', etc....
It's over, Easy. You need to let it go.


The FBI declared in a public statement that they recovered more than 15,000 OFFICIAL e-mails / documents she had destroyed. They stated these more than 15,000 OFFICIAL documents were required to be turned over in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act.

1. These were official documents - evidence, not 'personal papers'.

2. The Destruction of Evidence = 'Obstruction'.
- Every single document destroyed = 1 count of Obstruction. That means they had more than 15,000 counts of 'Obstruction' against Hillary.

3. Over 30,000 counts of criminal non-compliance with laws. Each one of those documents = 1 criminal count of violating the Federal Records Act AND 1 count of violating the Freedom of Information Act. That's more than 30,000 criminal counts.

Add the 15,000+ to the 30,000+ for Obstruction, and the FBI publicly declared that just based on the documents they recovered that Hillary tried to destroy, they discovered / had over 45,000 criminal counts against her.

...and that doesn't even include the criminal counts of 'illegal possession of classified', 'illegal handling classified', 'illegal storage of classified', illegal destruction of classified', 'destruction of govt equipment', Espionage, 'Criminal Negligence', etc....

I have always respected you as a pretty smart lady. WHY do you continue to try to down-play what has been PROVEN to have happened? WHY are you being so disingenuous? WHY are you ignoring PROVEN CRIME on a record never seen at this scale by US politicians in US history before?
You've got some kind of issue, I think.
Not going to discuss it. Rant and rave to your own imaginary ghosts.
The Trump - Putin summit has begun! Last time Trump met with a leader of a other country (Korea) the leftists had a pussy fit for weeks. This meeting will likewise will be included in the history book. So much ground to cover...

One epic meeting ahead!

Every day is like the 4th of July since he took office.
The mere title of the thread shows how patheticly butt-hurt and filled with hate the OP is. :p

Nothing like starting off a Monday 'triggered', huh, snowflake?

A Russian troll, I'm guessing --- something is wrong with the English in that title. Sure sign of a Russkie.

Every day is like the 4th of July since he took office.[/QUOTE]

True. :) It's been a lot of fun. We will never see a man who better manages the press and public attention than Trump. World class.
They were personal emails and the IT agency she handed them over to deleted them, not her.

The FBI declared in a public statement that they recovered more than 15,000 OFFICIAL e-mails / documents she had destroyed. They stated these more than 15,000 OFFICIAL documents were required to be turned over in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Records Act.

1. These were official documents - evidence, not 'personal papers'.

2. The Destruction of Evidence = 'Obstruction'.
- Every single document destroyed = 1 count of Obstruction. That means they had more than 15,000 counts of 'Obstruction' against Hillary.

3. Over 30,000 counts of criminal non-compliance with laws. Each one of those documents = 1 criminal count of violating the Federal Records Act AND 1 count of violating the Freedom of Information Act. That's more than 30,000 criminal counts.

Add the 15,000+ to the 30,000+ for Obstruction, and the FBI publicly declared that just based on the documents they recovered that Hillary tried to destroy, they discovered / had over 45,000 criminal counts against her.

...and that doesn't even include the criminal counts of 'illegal possession of classified', 'illegal handling classified', 'illegal storage of classified', illegal destruction of classified', 'destruction of govt equipment', Espionage, 'Criminal Negligence', etc....

BBB. Boring Beyond Belief. No one cares. No one EVER cared.

What was interesting was associating Hillary with Weiner's wiener and the baby on the bed while Weiner sexted the underage teen and how he was the husband of the Evil Iranian companion to Hillary. Now THAT was a world-class attack. A bunch of boring emails? Not so much.
You've got some kind of issue, I think.
Not going to discuss it. Rant and rave to your own imaginary ghosts.
I pointed out specific, recorded FACTS to you I asked you very specific questions.

It is obvious you are not going to discuss them with me because it is also obvious that you are RUNNING FROM THEM.

I guess I was wrong to think so highly of you all this time. My bad. I won't make that same mistake twice.
A weak cowardly traitor Hat in hand ,,, We're sorry We're equally to blame? I trust you more than my intelligence agencies? Trump should step down now
Our beloved Pres. Trump is 100% correct. Both Russia and the U.S. has made mistakes in the past when dealing with each other.

This historic meeting between Trump and Putin will hopefully put many of the issues to rest between our two countries. And a new era of cooperation will begin today. ... :thup:
The Trump - Putin summit has begun! Last time Trump met with a leader of a other country (Korea) the leftists had a pussy fit for weeks. This meeting will likewise will be included in the history book. So much ground to cover...

One epic meeting ahead!

Every day is like the 4th of July since he took office.
Yeah the cowardly traitor really did you proud today
The Trump - Putin summit has begun! Last time Trump met with a leader of a other country (Korea) the leftists had a pussy fit for weeks. This meeting will likewise will be included in the history book. So much ground to cover...

One epic meeting ahead!

Every day is like the 4th of July since he took office.
Yeah the cowardly traitor really did you proud today

The butthurt of the un-Americans just make it all the better.

Every day is like the 4th of July since he took office.

True. :) It's been a lot of fun. We will never see a man who better manages the press and public attention than Trump. World class.[/QUOTE]
Yeah Putin is doing back flips Trump did his job for him

Every day is like the 4th of July since he took office.

True. :) It's been a lot of fun. We will never see a man who better manages the press and public attention than Trump. World class.
Yeah Putin is doing back flips Trump did his job for him[/QUOTE]
Trump is a puppet and Putin his puppet master......Trump is dancing to Putins tune.....and America sheds a tear
The Trump - Putin summit has begun! Last time Trump met with a leader of a other country (Korea) the leftists had a pussy fit for weeks. This meeting will likewise will be included in the history book. So much ground to cover...

One epic meeting ahead!

Every day is like the 4th of July since he took office.
Yeah the cowardly traitor really did you proud today

Ah, the leftist word scramble.

Pro-American = traitorous
Strength = cowardice

You people are so getting a one way ticket.
I hope you have a retirement plan. All your subsidies are going to end. And if you're certifiably crazy, you're going to get locked up.

So if you're a federal employee of the sort that is considered an *agent*...if you are a low life scumbag who refuses to work all or half the year, and lives like a fat cat while drawing food stamps and getting free housing...if you have no function other than to harass, rob, steal from and corrupt the young...your free ride is ending, amigo.
I can't wait to see the schools go down.

And they are going to.

What Trump is doing to the FBI, the EPA, and the press is going to happen to our (unconstitutionally) nationalized education system.
Trump is re-installing the Constitution in this country, and the scumbags are literally screaming and writhing because of it.

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