The Golden State of opportunity has become The Brown State of opportunity for Mexico


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
California, the longtime flagship of our republic ...

HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... God that's rich ... Moonbeam was elected governor FOUR TIMES ...
California, the longtime flagship of our republic ...

HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... God that's rich ... Moonbeam was elected governor FOUR TIMES ...

And he definitely assisted in perpetuating the mass degredation of the state with his invites and red carpet rollout for illegals.
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... Moonbeam was elected governor FOUR TIMES ...
And he definitely assisted in perpetuating the mass degredation of the state with his invites and red carpet rollout for illegals.

My understanding is he spent two-and-a-half years of his third term in a Tibetan monastery ... and that was his platform when he ran for a fourth term ... "Re-elect me and I promise to leave the state" ...

When all the whitie farm hands were off fighting WWII, we brought in the Mexicans to harvest the crops in California as part of the war effort ... when the whities got back after the war, they had the GI Bill and when to college and got whitie jobs ... leaving the harvest to the Mexicans ...

Farmer Joe has 40 acres in cucumbers that need harvesting this week, do you think he should let the crop rot in the fields? ... or do you think he'll hire anyone and everyone without regard to immigration status ...

For claiming to be from California, you sure don't know much about California ... try reading Tortilla Flat by Steinbeck ...
I literally can't imagine why anyone would live in that 3rd world shithole. Is it the human shit on the sidewalks that's charming and 'hip'? Is it the banana republic taxation and oppression they find fulfilling? Maybe the high school dropouts in hollywood offer guidance they find reassuring? I have no idea why you wouldn't pack your shit and escape immediately if you had the chance.
I literally can't imagine why anyone would live in that 3rd world shithole. Is it the human shit on the sidewalks that's charming and 'hip'? Is it the banana republic taxation and oppression they find fulfilling? Maybe the high school dropouts in hollywood offer guidance they find reassuring? I have no idea why you wouldn't pack your shit and escape immediately if you had the chance.

California does have the finest university in the world, far and away ... UC is usually divided up into her individual campuses to be rated just to give all other universities a chance ... and still places like UCLA, Berkeley, Jet Propulsion Lab, Lawrence/Livermore are all considered top rank institutions on their own ...

I think California just started charging tuition at her community colleges ... for all these years they were free to attend ...

Jealous much? ...
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
Why don't you and your kindred spirits box up your hate, bigotry and quest for power and get some therapy for your warped concept of governance and "freedom"!
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
Fascists, Autocrats and other assorted Thugs IMPOSE THE LAWS they create to CONTROL those they've stolen power from. Enjoy the crooked path you and your despicable brethren tread!
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
Why don't you and your kindred spirits box up your hate, bigotry and quest for power and get some therapy for your warped concept of governance and "freedom"!
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
Fascists, Autocrats and other assorted Thugs IMPOSE THE LAWS they create to CONTROL those they've stolen power from. Enjoy the crooked path you and your despicable brethren tread!

Dude, you are an incompetent!

Have you not seen where many Mexican groups want to repatriate Texas, New Mexico, and California?

Geeze dude, if nothing else, you should get a clue when they demand the flying of the Mexican flag instead of the Stars and Stripes.

Your incompetence will give this country away if we let you!
I literally can't imagine why anyone would live in that 3rd world shithole. Is it the human shit on the sidewalks that's charming and 'hip'? Is it the banana republic taxation and oppression they find fulfilling? Maybe the high school dropouts in hollywood offer guidance they find reassuring? I have no idea why you wouldn't pack your shit and escape immediately if you had the chance.

California does have the finest university in the world, far and away ... UC is usually divided up into her individual campuses to be rated just to give all other universities a chance ... and still places like UCLA, Berkeley, Jet Propulsion Lab, Lawrence/Livermore are all considered top rank institutions on their own ...

I think California just started charging tuition at her community colleges ... for all these years they were free to attend ...

Jealous much? ...

I was raised in Hawthorne... not far from Redondo Beach... my dad got his PhD at USC... but that was the 60's. It was a cool place. The Beach Boys were from Hawthorne. But the batshit-crazy marxist politics have completely ruined the place. I suppose you get used to anything after a while, if you want to wallow in your own shit, I don't judge. It's just not for me.
I literally can't imagine why anyone would live in that 3rd world shithole. Is it the human shit on the sidewalks that's charming and 'hip'? Is it the banana republic taxation and oppression they find fulfilling? Maybe the high school dropouts in hollywood offer guidance they find reassuring? I have no idea why you wouldn't pack your shit and escape immediately if you had the chance.

California does have the finest university in the world, far and away ... UC is usually divided up into her individual campuses to be rated just to give all other universities a chance ... and still places like UCLA, Berkeley, Jet Propulsion Lab, Lawrence/Livermore are all considered top rank institutions on their own ...

I think California just started charging tuition at her community colleges ... for all these years they were free to attend ...

Jealous much? ...
Actually, it's a good thing that trumpanzees don't want to come to's a plus for us. I mean, look at the Red states.....just look at them....:71:
Why don't you and your kindred spirits box up your hate, bigotry and quest for power and get some therapy for your warped concept of governance and "freedom"! is a hateful bigot should he/she expect America's right to sovereignty be defended...and for law and order to be imposed.

Fascists, Autocrats and other assorted Thugs IMPOSE THE LAWS they create to CONTROL those they've stolen power from. Enjoy the crooked path you and your despicable brethren tread!

Yes, the imposition of law and order is crooked and despicable...However, it is the most fundamental responsibility of's how prosperous, civil, first world societies stay prosperous, civil and first world....Lowlife degenerates hate law and order...we get it.
I literally can't imagine why anyone would live in that 3rd world shithole. Is it the human shit on the sidewalks that's charming and 'hip'? Is it the banana republic taxation and oppression they find fulfilling? Maybe the high school dropouts in hollywood offer guidance they find reassuring? I have no idea why you wouldn't pack your shit and escape immediately if you had the chance.

California does have the finest university in the world, far and away ... UC is usually divided up into her individual campuses to be rated just to give all other universities a chance ... and still places like UCLA, Berkeley, Jet Propulsion Lab, Lawrence/Livermore are all considered top rank institutions on their own ...

I think California just started charging tuition at her community colleges ... for all these years they were free to attend ...

Jealous much? ...
Actually, it's a good thing that trumpanzees don't want to come to's a plus for us. I mean, look at the Red states.....just look at them....:71:

Dodging YOUR piles of shit on public sidewalks is something I'm going to take a pass on. Call me a germophobe.
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

Wayne Allyn Root is a lunatic kinda like you.
Who is Wayne Allyn Root, the man who crowned Trump 'King of Israel'?

Same idiot who claimed Obama didn't attend Columbia U. :D
Barack Obama at Columbia

PS: Your hatred of brown people and chronic demographic anxiety is showing again. You should leave Callie like I did in 1990 (for different reasons).
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
Why don't you and your kindred spirits box up your hate, bigotry and quest for power and get some therapy for your warped concept of governance and "freedom"!
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
Fascists, Autocrats and other assorted Thugs IMPOSE THE LAWS they create to CONTROL those they've stolen power from. Enjoy the crooked path you and your despicable brethren tread!

Dude, you are an incompetent!

Have you not seen where many Mexican groups want to repatriate Texas, New Mexico, and California?

Geeze dude, if nothing else, you should get a clue when they demand the flying of the Mexican flag instead of the Stars and Stripes.

Your incompetence will give this country away if we let you!
What the fuck does your post have to do with what I wrote? IMPOSING law is a far cry from ENFORCEMENT shit for brains! You're off in another Galaxy, fool!

BTW, I'm about 60 years past the 'Dude' bullshit, kid! Have a nice day!
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

Wayne Allyn Root is a lunatic kinda like you.
Who is Wayne Allyn Root, the man who crowned Trump 'King of Israel'?

Same idiot who claimed Obama didn't attend Columbia U. :D
Barack Obama at Columbia

PS: Your hatred of brown people and chronic demographic anxiety is showing again. You should leave Callie like I did in 1990 (for different reasons).

You moved from here and took all your unAmerican bullshit to poison the fine real Americans of Idaho?
I'm sure they're proud to have you...I'm sure you're one of their finest...haha
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
Why don't you and your kindred spirits box up your hate, bigotry and quest for power and get some therapy for your warped concept of governance and "freedom"!
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
Fascists, Autocrats and other assorted Thugs IMPOSE THE LAWS they create to CONTROL those they've stolen power from. Enjoy the crooked path you and your despicable brethren tread!

Dude, you are an incompetent!

Have you not seen where many Mexican groups want to repatriate Texas, New Mexico, and California?

Geeze dude, if nothing else, you should get a clue when they demand the flying of the Mexican flag instead of the Stars and Stripes.

Your incompetence will give this country away if we let you!
What the fuck does your post have to do with what I wrote? IMPOSING law is a far cry from ENFORCEMENT shit for brains! You're off in another Galaxy, fool!

BTW, I'm about 60 years past the 'Dude' bullshit, kid! Have a nice day!

Even old people can be dumb as a box of rocks, just look at TC!

No problem TC, you are an ENABLER! Let me ENABLE people to come in and take your stuff, and watch how fast you bitch-)
I was raised in Hawthorne... not far from Redondo Beach... my dad got his PhD at USC... but that was the 60's. It was a cool place. The Beach Boys were from Hawthorne. But the batshit-crazy marxist politics have completely ruined the place. I suppose you get used to anything after a while, if you want to wallow in your own shit, I don't judge. It's just not for me.

I've lived in San Diego, Big Sur, Bay Area, North Coast, a number of places in the Central Valley ... currently in Jefferson ... maybe get out more, LA ain't all of California ... I'm sorry your streets are covered in shit, but that's LA, what did you expect? ... it's always been a shitty place to live ... even when the Mexicans owned it they thought it a shit-hole ... the area's only virtue is we can poke a railroad in without having to cross the Sierras ...

63ºF at 9am in the morning ... out-of-work snowplow drivers are your problem there ...
All because those politicians we elected....trusted to defend America’s sovereignty and impose the law didn’t do so.
California, the longtime flagship of our republic has become a place to flee and not a place to’s no longer Americas flagship’s Mexico’s shining star...their is Mexifornia.
So how’s the demographic shift working out for Mexifornia?
How is trading good productive positive contributors for Mexico’s worse working out?
Is the Mexifornia model sustainable? Do any of you citizens of other states hope your state emulates the Mexifornia model?
Keep a close eye on your local politicians...they will roll this out on you very discreetly, they will wrap it up, veil and package it in tolerance, inclusiveness and the beauty of multiculturalism....FIGHT THEM..tell any politician pushing that bullshit to go fuck themselves.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

Wayne Allyn Root is a lunatic kinda like you.
Who is Wayne Allyn Root, the man who crowned Trump 'King of Israel'?

Same idiot who claimed Obama didn't attend Columbia U. :D
Barack Obama at Columbia

PS: Your hatred of brown people and chronic demographic anxiety is showing again. You should leave Callie like I did in 1990 (for different reasons).

You moved from here and took all your unAmerican bullshit to poison the fine real Americans of Idaho?
I'm sure they're proud to have you...I'm sure you're one of their finest...haha

I'm on the Oregon Coast now Gomer. And NONE of my beliefs are "unAmerican". Take that shit and shove it.

I was raised in Hawthorne... not far from Redondo Beach... my dad got his PhD at USC... but that was the 60's. It was a cool place. The Beach Boys were from Hawthorne. But the batshit-crazy marxist politics have completely ruined the place. I suppose you get used to anything after a while, if you want to wallow in your own shit, I don't judge. It's just not for me.

I've lived in San Diego, Big Sur, Bay Area, North Coast, a number of places in the Central Valley ... currently in Jefferson ... maybe get out more, LA ain't all of California ... I'm sorry your streets are covered in shit, but that's LA, what did you expect? ... it's always been a shitty place to live ... even when the Mexicans owned it they thought it a shit-hole ... the area's only virtue is we can poke a railroad in without having to cross the Sierras ...

63ºF at 9am in the morning ... out-of-work snowplow drivers are your problem there ...

LA has always been a bit of a shithole. I grew up in Carpinteria between Ventura and Santa Barbara. It was an idyllic small town to grow up in 60's and 70's. By the 90's everything between Ventura and LA was a nonstop strip mall and traffic was miserable. Even worse now.

Do you know PB? Pacific Beach near San Diego is still one of my favorite places to go in the winter. Went for another couple weeks recently. LOVE the boardwalk. LOVE the college girls in their bikinis. And the cool thing is, winter is their offseason for some reason.

It was high 60s/ low 70s when I was there. Nice escape from the cold, rainy Oregon Coast. Plan on doing a home exchange this fall right after school's back in session. PB is still the bomb!

LA has always been a bit of a shithole. I grew up in Carpinteria between Ventura and Santa Barbara. It was an idyllic small town to grow up in 60's and 70's. By the 90's everything between Ventura and LA was a nonstop strip mall and traffic was miserable. Even worse now.

Do you know PB? Pacific Beach near San Diego is still one of my favorite places to go in the winter. Went for another couple weeks recently. LOVE the boardwalk. LOVE the college girls in their bikinis. And the cool thing is, winter is their offseason for some reason.

It was high 60s/ low 70s when I was there. Nice escape from the cold, rainy Oregon Coast. Plan on doing a home exchange this fall right after school's back in session. PB is still the bomb!

I prefer Mission Beach ... a little less commercial development ... but yeah, PB's the bomb ... I lived in North Park and did some time in ESD and up in Ramona ... suntanning on Christmas Day ...

For many many years, my "hot spot" to visit was Florence, still getting my bearings around Coos Bay ... we get a bit of a break from the rain here in the inland valleys ... less fog in summer ... Trump Country ... nice to be away from the insanity in Eugene ... morons ...

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