The Golf Address

I can't imagine ANY president playing golf

Context matters.

I can't imagine any President other than Obama playing golf and showing such callous disregard for the duties of his job.

I can't imagine ANY president taking a vacation and actually playing golf

It is unprecedented

I can't imagine you making a relevant and insightful post.

What has happened in the last two weeks that is worse than what has happened to presidents in the last 100 years?

Come on Bo, impress me

Sorry hun... I don't want to blind you with my brilliance. I just don't think you're up to the challenge.

But I do suggest you read some actual news and edumacate yourself.

Swing and a miss......

Your thread Bo........go ahead and put the last two weeks in historical perspective
Yes and we loved the previous administrations policies that turned sour. His military intelligence was top notch. But you have to use it to know what to do with it. Not have your own agenda to start.

Just heard Bill Kristol say it on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopolous.

Obama has taken 200 fewer vacation days than George Bush.

The problem with Barack Obama is NOT the number of vacation days he takes.

It's his POLICIES!!!

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