The GOP fought to delay ACA by a year and lost. Will Obama do it anyway?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
So many liberal talking heads on TV are now parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law. Speculation is that currently only the sick are signing up for it while the healthy sit on the sidelines opting to pay the fine instead.

Momentum is mounting for this mess to be delayed least it collapse under its own weight. What's Obama going to do and how will he explain any delays that were part of the GOP's original comprimise offer.
With the usual double-talk and side-stepping that has marked the last 5 years of his Presidency.
Not a chance in hell. Our media just want controversy and chaos to get ratings- a disgrace- without even mentioning the bs Pub propaganda disgrace. THE SITES ARE WORKING BETTER NOW and will be fiine in a couple of weeks. Little known fact, thanks to bs media- there's a telephone number- you can call insurers, and coverage doesn'y start till Jan. 1, no penalty till March 1...
This is going to be interesting. In order to meet the coverage requirement by 3/31/2014, people need to sign up by mid-February. Coverage is put into effect only on the 1st of the month; and their is a lag between applying and getting coverage in place.

To date, very few people have been able to enroll. So what happens when people can't enroll? Will they be forced to pay the fine...or will Obama delay the individual mandate?
Not a chance in hell. Our media just want controversy and chaos to get ratings- a disgrace- without even mentioning the bs Pub propaganda disgrace. THE SITES ARE WORKING BETTER NOW and will be fiine in a couple of weeks. Little known fact, thanks to bs media- there's a telephone number- you can call insurers, and coverage doesn'y start till Jan. 1, no penalty till March 1...

Hmm..., three weeks and an estimated 400,000 people applied yet no answer as to whether they have be accepted. True to form, Obama refuses to accept no fault in his choices of appointees to ensure things like this should not happen. Lying, stonewalling and obfuscation is today's method of rule from the man living in the Slime House.
Why would he? With this media he thinks he is God and political things are for lesser people
So many liberal talking heads on TV are now parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law. Speculation is that currently only the sick are signing up for it while the healthy sit on the sidelines opting to pay the fine instead.

Momentum is mounting for this mess to be delayed least it collapse under its own weight. What's Obama going to do and how will he explain any delays that were part of the GOP's original comprimise offer.

Obama won't go for any delay no matter what he can't to do so would require him to admit he made a mistake that is something his ego simply can't handle.
So many liberal talking heads on TV are now parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law. Speculation is that currently only the sick are signing up for it while the healthy sit on the sidelines opting to pay the fine instead.

Momentum is mounting for this mess to be delayed least it collapse under its own weight. What's Obama going to do and how will he explain any delays that were part of the GOP's original comprimise offer.

As long as the Democrats get the credit for it. they will spin it as their idea.
They can't have the credit going for the Republicans, after all people might start to vote for them.
The Democrats have been doing this since around 2001.
Dem's stopped all of the GSE regulation proposals that President Bush wanted and then waited till they got control of the House in 2007, then they passed regulations so that they got the credit, by then it was too late to do anything about it.

They probably will delay it, but they will make sure that it was their idea from the start.
Why do you think that the Media dropped talking about the year delay and focused on the defunding of it?
Now they are talking about a delay.
So many liberal talking heads on TV are now parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law. Speculation is that currently only the sick are signing up for it while the healthy sit on the sidelines opting to pay the fine instead.

Momentum is mounting for this mess to be delayed least it collapse under its own weight. What's Obama going to do and how will he explain any delays that were part of the GOP's original comprimise offer.

That depends on what Valarie wants to do.
My opinion is, if he were to delay it, u can betv the situation is far far far more worse than we can possibly imagine, he staked all on it, on it working, and in the short term now.

to stop it now? and basically do what he was petitioned to do , which would have stopped the shutdown etc., he would take quite a hit.

A smart politician not a) surrounded by sycophants would have told him, the situation is very bad, b) that smart politician, say, a Clinton, would have made a big show off compromising and bending the knee......c) that smart politician would also have found a way to extract a benefit , a year long CR and huge debt ceiling increase.......he would have been seen as compromising for the good of the nation, and gotten what he wanted too, plus he would have bought the time he needed to fix the

He so owns it, all.
I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.
Not a chance in hell. Our media just want controversy and chaos to get ratings- a disgrace- without even mentioning the bs Pub propaganda disgrace. THE SITES ARE WORKING BETTER NOW and will be fiine in a couple of weeks. Little known fact, thanks to bs media- there's a telephone number- you can call insurers, and coverage doesn'y start till Jan. 1, no penalty till March 1...

You forgot to say "hater dupes..."

Obama won't go for any delay no matter what he can't to do so would require him to admit he made a mistake that is something his ego simply can't handle.

Yep, arrogance and pride will prevent him from doing the right thing.
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I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.

No one made that claim. But the fact remains that a smart politician would have taken note of all the problems and seized the opportunity to "appear" to be comprimising by agreeing to an obviously needed delay.
I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.

I love how you have hallucinatory episodes yourself, no on ever said that king of the strawman....

they wanted to defund becasue it sucks, then day 2 of the shutdown they changed it to a suspension for a year.....

either way, hubristic obstinacy will come back to bite him in the ass and deservedly so, hes not a politician and he doesn't have any with him either, its all about the politics of the moment, one fire to the next with no thought for the future.

he could have had his cake an eaten it to ( just waiting a little longer to taste it) , but just an appearance of the gop getting anything, put a stop to that, well, here ya go, eat up.
I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.
Considering how it's going so far you might have been wise to listen to those asking for a delay instead of calling them names.
I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.

I love how you have hallucinatory episodes yourself, no on ever said that king of the strawman....

they wanted to defund becasue it sucks, then day 2 of the shutdown they changed it to a suspension for a year.....

either way, hubristic obstinacy will come back to bite him in the ass and deservedly so, hes not a politician and he doesn't have any with him either, its all about the politics of the moment, one fire to the next with no thought for the future.

he could have had his cake an eaten it to ( just waiting a little longer to taste it) , but just an appearance of the gop getting anything, put a stop to that, well, here ya go, eat up.

Indeed. And this is where the GOP made a huge mistake in trying to delay O-Care.

In this case, the best disinfectant is sunlight. Let everyone behold the truly galactic, putrid, corrupt horror that ObamaCare truly is.

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