The GOP fought to delay ACA by a year and lost. Will Obama do it anyway?

So many liberal talking heads on TV are now parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law. Speculation is that currently only the sick are signing up for it while the healthy sit on the sidelines opting to pay the fine instead.

Momentum is mounting for this mess to be delayed least it collapse under its own weight. What's Obama going to do and how will he explain any delays that were part of the GOP's original comprimise offer.
If the administration delayed the implementation for another year, what do they tell hundreds of thousands of people who have been signing up for insurance on the exchanges and the Medicaid expansion to begin on Jan 1st? There's really no reason why the administration should delay it and a lot reason why they shouldn't.

You tell them "you're insured" you tell everyone else the mandate has been suspended temporarily.

It too you all that to defend stupidity and I debunked it in one sentence

Would the government then have to subsidise the insurance companies directly?
After all, their premiums are based on projected sign-up rates for the ACA.
I love how you have hallucinatory episodes yourself, no on ever said that king of the strawman....

LOL, wake up Corky.

No one ever said that? Except maybe, for starters, the author of this thread:

"...parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law..."

jeezus how do you people survive from day to day?

Negged for twisting shit to suit you. I NEVER said they wanted to delay it for the betterment of it and neither did they

Yes you did. You said that now liberals/Democrats were calling for the same thing the Republicans called for.
So many liberal talking heads on TV are now parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law. Speculation is that currently only the sick are signing up for it while the healthy sit on the sidelines opting to pay the fine instead.

Momentum is mounting for this mess to be delayed least it collapse under its own weight. What's Obama going to do and how will he explain any delays that were part of the GOP's original comprimise offer.
If the administration delayed the implementation for another year, what do they tell hundreds of thousands of people who have been signing up for insurance on the exchanges and the Medicaid expansion to begin on Jan 1st? There's really no reason why the administration should delay it and a lot reason why they shouldn't.

Hey should delay it, if they cannot fix it by mid November.

And where do you get this hundred of thousands?

And that's YOUR problem and HIS......they approached this from day 1 as a political issue, now that it may twist people's lives, I hope you get the opprobrium you deserve.

But I wonder, what's your personal over and under for "harm"? How many would it take for you to have to admit enough people are getting screwed around and put the program on old?

The usual lib answer is; none, they never look back, what say you?
The snafu's will be history in a few months and this all will be added to the long list of hysterical rightwing fake scandals.
I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.

Another fine example of how you're such a mullet...

Just admit it, you stand on the corner with your hand out...

Get a job...

I'm retired with 2 pensions and no debt. What's your situation?

...oh, and while we're at it, I stay on my last employer's healthcare plan for about 80 bucks a month, which I've paid for several years ahead with the money I had left over in my dental/optical savings account.

Anything else, Cletus?
I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.

Another fine example of how you're such a mullet...

Just admit it, you stand on the corner with your hand out...

Get a job...

I'm retired with 2 pensions and no debt. What's your situation?

That explains your panhandling...

Gainfully employed for over 35 years and not looking for the feds to cover my bills...

I like how the 'nuts are pretending that the GOP wanted to delay the mandate in order to make sure its implementation went smoothly.

Another fine example of how you're such a mullet...

Just admit it, you stand on the corner with your hand out...

Get a job...

I'm retired with 2 pensions and no debt. What's your situation?

I'm 46 workin hard with NO DEBT what's your point idiot? Anyone & everyone should be debt free by retirement....
Another fine example of how you're such a mullet...

Just admit it, you stand on the corner with your hand out...

Get a job...

I'm retired with 2 pensions and no debt. What's your situation?

...oh, and while we're at it, I stay on my last employer's healthcare plan for about 80 bucks a month, which I've paid for several years ahead with the money I had left over in my dental/optical savings account.

Anything else, Cletus?

McDonald's is exempt from Obamacare...

Better start working the corner 7 days a week...
So many liberal talking heads on TV are now parroting the very thing the GOP just fought for because of all the problems implementing the law. Speculation is that currently only the sick are signing up for it while the healthy sit on the sidelines opting to pay the fine instead.

Momentum is mounting for this mess to be delayed least it collapse under its own weight. What's Obama going to do and how will he explain any delays that were part of the GOP's original comprimise offer.

He can't do it. Can't just change a law. He said so. He wouldn't lie to us. If he changes it now, then ___________________ (not going to fill in the blank because I don't want the Secret Service knocking on my door).

But he sure as heck better not change it after he said it was unchangeable and he declared he would rather shut down the government and default on our debt than delay for one year the burden he has placed on us.

The Democrats made this hell of a bed and they have to lie in it. No changes to save their asses before November 2014.
We have a crazy man in the White House

I wouldn't call him crazy. Obama appears to be an amoral narcissist who is perfectly aware of what he is doing and doesn't care how it hurts people.

I don't think he thought the law would lead to a 29-hour-work-week being the norm. I don't think he has a grasp on all the other negative consequences coming down the lane. Can't give him credit for being that aware. But the amoral narcissist part who sees at least part of the damage and doesn't give a damn ... absolutely. So many layers of lies and still he can count on millions to parrot whatever spin he decides to give this thing to justify the burdens he has placed on people in direct violation of the promises he made in 2008 and 2009.
Another fine example of how you're such a mullet...

Just admit it, you stand on the corner with your hand out...

Get a job...

I'm retired with 2 pensions and no debt. What's your situation?

...oh, and while we're at it, I stay on my last employer's healthcare plan for about 80 bucks a month, which I've paid for several years ahead with the money I had left over in my dental/optical savings account.

Anything else, Cletus?

2 pensions? really? so, private or public sector?
Pretty soon hater dupe business owners will figure out it's betterto keep their good employees happy and insured. Pub cost estimates are a bad joke...
One is an enacted law, the other was a policy proposal.

I wonder, if all the money being spent on opposing this law were actually put into assisting it roll out smoothly what the result might have been?
The law was enacted without Republican support so you have to expect that they will do everything possible to stop it. Almost all Red states have rejected the expanded Medicaid, have not created their own exchanges, and have actively worked against the implementation.

The law was passed under the representative democratic process used in the US.
That the Republicans didn't have enough votes in Congress to stop it is a function of that process - i.e. they didn't have enough support from the American voters.
Damned inconvenient but that's, you know, the Constitution and all.

Would your argument be the same if, say, there was only one Republican in the Congress and that person didn't vote for the law?

How do the Red states justify not expanding Medicaid to their most vulnerable people?
I doubt seriously that Democrats would have gone to the extremes the Republicans have gone to subvert the law. Republican states justify rejecting the Medicaid Expansion on a cost basis even though it will not cost the state any additional funds till 2017. Even after 2017, state costs will be minimal. The real reasons are ideological, expansion of government spending and unnecessary costs. However, the result will be over 5 million people will not be elligble for coverage come Jan 1.
I'm retired with 2 pensions and no debt. What's your situation?

...oh, and while we're at it, I stay on my last employer's healthcare plan for about 80 bucks a month, which I've paid for several years ahead with the money I had left over in my dental/optical savings account.

Anything else, Cletus?

McDonald's is exempt from Obamacare...

Better start working the corner 7 days a week...
Could this get any worse? The web doesn't work for many, data is a mess, premiums making quite a few people unhappy...but everyone should be grateful because "no excuses" are being offered. The only other kind of country you could benchmark this type of performance on is a.......Banana Republic. We are so third world.
More rumblings that a delay may be in order. At the rate their going they will have between one and two million on board by next March. That is not near enough an as a result the law would completely collapse on itself. A delay is inevitable. Like the gop only had one shot to stop it the Dems only get one shot to impliment it.

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