The GOP has lost its "golden goose" for relevancy....

Stop Soros from convincing you Dems to give away our country away out of stupidity.

What a waste of cyber space.....Go back to bed.
^ example of stupidity. And why you never win a debate..
^ example of stupidity. And why you never win a debate..
When have you EVER been interested in an actual fucking debate on this board, you trolling asshole? You only try to trash posts and posters!
^ example of stupidity. And why you never win a debate..[/QUOTE]

So, according to this right wing idiot, the "debate" is : "Stop Soros from convincing you Dems to give away our country away out of stupidity...."

Anybody want to engage this moron???.............LOL
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.

Paddock was a Trump supporter.

Las Vegas gunman was a Trump supporter and happy with him because the stock market was doing well

Las Vegas shooting update: Stephen Paddock a Trump fan
Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.


Fake news bloggers have seized on the mass shooting at a Texas church, which killed 26 and injured 20 others, to spread disinformation about the shooter’s identity and motive., a self-avowed fake news website, portrayed the perpetrator as a desperate Democratic activist whose killing spree at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, was motivated by atheism.
You know, there is a possibility that there could have been other circumstances that contributed to this shooting.

Interesting read in the link. It also lists the possibility that his motorcycle accident could have contributed to this. Not only was he pissed at his family, but he'd also had an accident on his bike that gave him severe headaches.

A serious blow to the head of an already documented crazy person could have contributed to him going snappy and killing all those people.

Texas church gunman escaped mental health facility in 2012 after threatening military superiors
I heard someone give a good example of why reps are doing better at the local level. The man was describing a debate between candidates for a county commissioner seat. The rep spoke about a sewer project that has been sorely needed.
The dem spoke about immigration. Keep in mind this is a county commissioner who has in no way any impact on immigration.

The man ended by saying he voted for the rep because the dem didn't seem have any interest in local problems.
I heard someone give a good example of why reps are doing better at the local level. The man was describing a debate between candidates for a county commissioner seat. The rep spoke about a sewer project that has been sorely needed.
The dem spoke about immigration. Keep in mind this is a county commissioner who has in no way any impact on immigration.

The man ended by saying he voted for the rep because the dem didn't seem have any interest in local problems.

Well, that's just a very DUMB Dem......but to extrapolate from that example is a bit too simplistic.
Actually, I should have stated "geese" instead of goose.....

The GOP has made HUGE advances in both state and federal positions in the last couple of decades because of TWO factors:

Hatred by some toward the Clintons' penchant for shrugging off all right wingers' attempts to bring them down.....AND

Hatred by some toward Obama (you know the Kenyan, dark-skinned guy?)

Without these two around to rally the dimwitted, the GOP is now forced to "defend" their own policies and efficacy as a party......and we all can guess how well THAT is working out for them given an orange clown in the oval office and a majority of incompetents in congress.

Without Clinton or Obama to kick around anymore, what will these hapless morons do?

With policies like Trump's that will be an easy job. America is being made great at a record pace. (Admittedly not very difficult as before we were being made less and less great).
With policies like Trump's that will be an easy job. America is being made great at a record pace. (Admittedly not very difficult as before we were being made less and less great).

Have some more orange kool-aid.....LOL
I heard someone give a good example of why reps are doing better at the local level. The man was describing a debate between candidates for a county commissioner seat. The rep spoke about a sewer project that has been sorely needed.
The dem spoke about immigration. Keep in mind this is a county commissioner who has in no way any impact on immigration.

The man ended by saying he voted for the rep because the dem didn't seem have any interest in local problems.

Well, that's just a very DUMB Dem......but to extrapolate from that example is a bit too simplistic.
I think it speaks to a larger difference in approach, one that I notice often. Not so much in rep vs dem but right vs left. The right argues efficiency, the left argues morals. The right says illegal immigration is a drain on the country, the left says you hate families. That's of course a generalisation but I find it quite often holds.
Actually, I should have stated "geese" instead of goose.....

The GOP has made HUGE advances in both state and federal positions in the last couple of decades because of TWO factors:

Hatred by some toward the Clintons' penchant for shrugging off all right wingers' attempts to bring them down.....AND

Hatred by some toward Obama (you know the Kenyan, dark-skinned guy?)

Without these two around to rally the dimwitted, the GOP is now forced to "defend" their own policies and efficacy as a party......and we all can guess how well THAT is working out for them given an orange clown in the oval office and a majority of incompetents in congress.

Without Clinton or Obama to kick around anymore, what will these hapless morons do?
The ongoing delusion that Clinton and Obama aren't responsible for the lefts losses across the country. They may not be around anymore but the left is doubling down on the same old shit so there will be no reversal of fortunes for the Democratic party.
Actually, I should have stated "geese" instead of goose.....

The GOP has made HUGE advances in both state and federal positions in the last couple of decades because of TWO factors:

Hatred by some toward the Clintons' penchant for shrugging off all right wingers' attempts to bring them down.....AND

Hatred by some toward Obama (you know the Kenyan, dark-skinned guy?)

Without these two around to rally the dimwitted, the GOP is now forced to "defend" their own policies and efficacy as a party......and we all can guess how well THAT is working out for them given an orange clown in the oval office and a majority of incompetents in congress.

Without Clinton or Obama to kick around anymore, what will these hapless morons do?
Pay attention...they still pull them up as excuses for their failure to get anything done. Trumpanzees always operate best as victims.
You guys have cornered the market in victim hood. It is amazing you attach your failures to the other side all the time.
there will be no reversal of fortunes for the Democratic party.

actually, it has already started....but, it is safer for you to keep your head up your arse and in denial.
All you talked about was Hillary winning. Did it happen? You are under the impression enough voters take your crap seriously. Your ilk and the MSM have made themselves irrelevant.
I think it speaks to a larger difference in approach, one that I notice often. Not so much in rep vs dem but right vs left. The right argues efficiency, the left argues morals. The right says illegal immigration is a drain on the country, the left says you hate families. That's of course a generalisation but I find it quite often holds.
No! What you've written is a gross oversimplification of a dynamic which is obviously much more complex given the number of variables and intangibles comprising the ebb and flow of the passions involved! You may as well try chasing the clouds from the sky rather than try to resolve that formula with so few factors considered!
I think it speaks to a larger difference in approach, one that I notice often. Not so much in rep vs dem but right vs left. The right argues efficiency, the left argues morals. The right says illegal immigration is a drain on the country, the left says you hate families. That's of course a generalisation but I find it quite often holds.
No! What you've written is a gross oversimplification of a dynamic which is obviously much more complex given the number of variables and intangibles comprising the ebb and flow of the passions involved! You may as well try chasing the clouds from the sky rather than try to resolve that formula with so few factors considered!
As I said, it was deliberately a generalisation. However, it holds quite often. Any discussion of illegal immigration will immediately be met with cries of racism from the left. Any time the myth of the gender pay gap is addressed by economists with numbers from BLS or countless studies, the left will immediately respond with cries of sexism and patriarchy. Disparities in jail populations can't be a result of corresponding crime rates, it's white supremacy. Pointing out that Kaitlyn Jenner is still a man is met with "your assaulting our humanity". It just goes on and on. Pointing out that Islam as an ideology sucks for women is met with islamaphobia and/or racism.

Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response. It makes it impossible at times to have a rational discussion when one side continually responds with personal attacks. I've listened to many black conservatives point out that they feel that the welfare state and affirmative action have not been beneficial to the black community, they are instantly labelled uncles toms and traitors. I could go on.

And it's just getting worse. The new buzzword is fascism. Anyone that deviates from the left's narrative is automatically a fascist. Of course a lot of people yelling fascism can't even spell it but why let that get in the way of some good name calling.
there will be no reversal of fortunes for the Democratic party.

actually, it has already started....but, it is safer for you to keep your head up your arse and in denial.

Yes, Democrats won a governor race in the solid blue state of New Jersey, a state that went to Hillary Clinton. Obviously that’s was one difficult hurdle the left can breathe easier about and cross off their list. :lol: Add Virginia (no major accomplishment) and It doesn’t take much for Nat to be all giddy excited. Trump was able to turn the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania RED, do you think you can figure out the difference?
As I said, it was deliberately a generalisation.
How, EXACTLY, can one form a "generalization" from a chaotic system consisting of infinite variables emanating from the initial conditions? That was my point. It is IMPOSSIBLE. You might want to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of the 'Butterfly Effect' as it might pertain to the dynamic chaos of human interactions!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response. It makes it impossible at times to have a rational discussion when one side continually responds with personal attacks.
With this statement above you've already made the error of limiting the possible number number of 'sides' and outcomes. You've automatically negated the potential number of potential respondents to few and relegated them to a finite few number of 'sides' of a question and determined the singular outcome and defining the outcome. That is nothing more than binary thinking. Hell, I can take a transistors that can count from 0 to 1 and back to 0 that could approximate your binary logic when assigned!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response.
You don't realize that you've destroyed your own argument with that statement, your own emotional response. Think about that hyperbolic declaration of yours OBJECTIVELY and not emotionally and you'll see the truth of that.

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