The GOP has lost its "golden goose" for relevancy....

Yes, Democrats won a governor race in the solid blue state of New Jersey, a state that went to Hillary Clinton. Obviously that’s was one difficult hurdle the left can breathe easier about and cross off their list. :lol: Add Virginia (no major accomplishment) and It doesn’t take much for Nat to be all giddy excited. Trump was able to turn the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania RED, do you think you can figure out the difference?

Yet, morons like you cheered when a republican won a seat in Georgia??? The same seat occupied for years by the slime bucket, right wing Gingrich???...LOL
No! What you've written is a gross oversimplification of a dynamic which is obviously much more complex given the number of variables and intangibles comprising the ebb and flow of the passions involved! You may as well try chasing the clouds from the sky rather than try to resolve that formula with so few factors considered!

Sounds like Hitlery speak. She write that bullshit double talk for you?
Fact is there is no dynamic other than you losing. Republicans own the White House now and will remain ebbing and flowing for the next few years. Relevant that..
That you over dramatize every detail of Republican life in an effort to erase their relevance is just sad to watch. It is the Democrats that have no relevance.
Last edited:
Actually, I should have stated "geese" instead of goose.....

The GOP has made HUGE advances in both state and federal positions in the last couple of decades because of TWO factors:

Hatred by some toward the Clintons' penchant for shrugging off all right wingers' attempts to bring them down.....AND

Hatred by some toward Obama (you know the Kenyan, dark-skinned guy?)

Without these two around to rally the dimwitted, the GOP is now forced to "defend" their own policies and efficacy as a party......and we all can guess how well THAT is working out for them given an orange clown in the oval office and a majority of incompetents in congress.

Without Clinton or Obama to kick around anymore, what will these hapless morons do?

2018 is going to be 2010 all over again, except in reverse. But don't hold your breath and wait for Trump to announce anything like getting "shellacked" as Obama admitted. Trump will be on Twitter 24/7 laying blame everywhere except himself.

Ahahahaha even SNL is mocking the delusional Dems. After getting your ass whooped in multiple historical election losses you talk trash its hilarious. :laugh: In 2010 the American people were pissed off about Dem's cramming through Obamacare, 2010 is nothing like 2018 here you need one of these :itsok:
With policies like Trump's that will be an easy job. America is being made great at a record pace. (Admittedly not very difficult as before we were being made less and less great).

Have some more orange kool-aid.....LOL

No! What you've written is a gross oversimplification of a dynamic which is obviously much more complex given the number of variables and intangibles comprising the ebb and flow of the passions involved! You may as well try chasing the clouds from the sky rather than try to resolve that formula with so few factors considered!

Sounds like Hitlery speak. She write that bullshit double talk for you?
Fact is there is no dynamic other than you losing. Republicans own the White House now and will remain ebbing and flowing for the next few years. Relevant that..
That you over dramatize every detail of Republican life in an effort to erase their relevance is just sad to watch. It is the Democrats that have no relevance.
Fact is there is no dynamic other than you losing. Republicans own the White House now and will remain ebbing and flowing for the next few years. Relevant that..
Well I'm not at all surprised you would respond to my post to another instead my post to you to avoid responding to it. I'll re-post those two brief sentences below!
When have you EVER been interested in an actual fucking debate on this board, you trolling asshole? You only try to trash posts and posters!
My post to you above proves my point was absolutely on point based on your post to which I'm responding now you ignorant shit. You're still trolling and trashing, you bloody fool! Now run along, sonny!
As I said, it was deliberately a generalisation.
How, EXACTLY, can one form a "generalization" from a chaotic system consisting of infinite variables emanating from the initial conditions? That was my point. It is IMPOSSIBLE. You might want to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of the 'Butterfly Effect' as it might pertain to the dynamic chaos of human interactions!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response. It makes it impossible at times to have a rational discussion when one side continually responds with personal attacks.
With this statement above you've already made the error of limiting the possible number number of 'sides' and outcomes. You've automatically negated the potential number of potential respondents to few and relegated them to a finite few number of 'sides' of a question and determined the singular outcome and defining the outcome. That is nothing more than binary thinking. Hell, I can take a transistors that can count from 0 to 1 and back to 0 that could approximate your binary logic when assigned!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response.
You don't realize that you've destroyed your own argument with that statement, your own emotional response. Think about that hyperbolic declaration of yours OBJECTIVELY and not emotionally and you'll see the truth of that.
A system of infinite variables? I'm quite capable of noting leftists sources as opposed to other political persuasions. You're laying the hooey on a bit deep. Believe it or not there is such a political group known as the left, concentrated mostly on university campuses. And I stand by the observation that the left consistently attempts to derail any discussion that they have no rational response to with personal attacks and appeals to emotion.

My responses are not even remotely emotional. They are an objective observation of the tactics I see used by the left regularly. I also note that you make no credible arguments against the examples I've given. You'd be hard pressed to find a dem politician that will not immediately cry racism in regards to illegal immigration, differing prison populations or any criticism of islam. cry sexism over the nonexistent gender pay gap or not going along with the idea that Kaitlyn Jenner is a beautiful woman.

Stating my observations on a college campus today would immediately see me labelled a fascist.
Yes, Democrats won a governor race in the solid blue state of New Jersey, a state that went to Hillary Clinton. Obviously that’s was one difficult hurdle the left can breathe easier about and cross off their list. :lol: Add Virginia (no major accomplishment) and It doesn’t take much for Nat to be all giddy excited. Trump was able to turn the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania RED, do you think you can figure out the difference?

Yet, morons like you cheered when a republican won a seat in Georgia??? The same seat occupied for years by the slime bucket, right wing Gingrich???...LOL

I never did, yet your responses obviously show a giddiness and a misplaced hope because you won Back a deep blue state from Christie. If you are going to make accusations that involve me, at least have the ability to back it up. Other than that, I simply love watching you clam up and provide nothing more than a emoji laugh for a response.
As I said, it was deliberately a generalisation.
How, EXACTLY, can one form a "generalization" from a chaotic system consisting of infinite variables emanating from the initial conditions? That was my point. It is IMPOSSIBLE. You might want to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of the 'Butterfly Effect' as it might pertain to the dynamic chaos of human interactions!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response. It makes it impossible at times to have a rational discussion when one side continually responds with personal attacks.
With this statement above you've already made the error of limiting the possible number number of 'sides' and outcomes. You've automatically negated the potential number of potential respondents to few and relegated them to a finite few number of 'sides' of a question and determined the singular outcome and defining the outcome. That is nothing more than binary thinking. Hell, I can take a transistors that can count from 0 to 1 and back to 0 that could approximate your binary logic when assigned!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response.
You don't realize that you've destroyed your own argument with that statement, your own emotional response. Think about that hyperbolic declaration of yours OBJECTIVELY and not emotionally and you'll see the truth of that.
A system of infinite variables? I'm quite capable of noting leftists sources as opposed to other political persuasions. You're laying the hooey on a bit deep. Believe it or not there is such a political group known as the left, concentrated mostly on university campuses. And I stand by the observation that the left consistently attempts to derail any discussion that they have no rational response to with personal attacks and appeals to emotion.

My responses are not even remotely emotional. They are an objective observation of the tactics I see used by the left regularly. I also note that you make no credible arguments against the examples I've given. You'd be hard pressed to find a dem politician that will not immediately cry racism in regards to illegal immigration, differing prison populations or any criticism of islam. cry sexism over the nonexistent gender pay gap or not going along with the idea that Kaitlyn Jenner is a beautiful woman.

Stating my observations on a college campus today would immediately see me labelled a fascist.
A system of infinite variables?
OH! My apologies ...I had been addressing you and your posts at a point of knowledge and education I see now was well above your own given you have NO understanding of cause and effect in chaotic systems such as the human condition. Too bad the sciences are being so ignored today.
I'm quite capable of noting leftists sources as opposed to other political persuasions. You're laying the hooey on a bit deep. Believe it or not there is such a political group known as the left, concentrated mostly on university campuses. And I stand by the observation that the left consistently attempts to derail any discussion that they have no rational response to with personal attacks and appeals to emotion.
There is much I could write here in response, but to not beleaguer the point and be succinct, you're remaining to limit the breadth of your thinking and envision the political universe in binary terms, exclusively; left & right, good & evil, fascists and patriots, etc, etc! I'm sure you've gotten me tagged as one of those "bleedin' heart libs", right? Just to set you on the right path and adjust your improper assumption, I'm not a leftist, but if it pleases you to believe that sophistry, be my guest and delude yourself some more!. I'm just a lonely conservative who has no tribal affiliation and enjoys being my own person.
My responses are not even remotely emotional.
OHHHH! Of course not! Perish the thought! And, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia." [Orwell, 1984]
I also note that you make no credible arguments against the examples I've given.
I thought you might be above employing that ploy, to dishonestly deflect but I was wrong. First, you have to read and understand, then get the Hell out of that binary box in which your mind is locked. Ones and zeros of your binary reasoning are not the solution to every political question when evaluated. Sometimes the solution is messy. Too bad you don't have the capacity to comprehend that very basic fact, but instead try an easy way out from under your own words. I don't follow off topic deflections when proffered as bait. That merely allows the one trying to steer the topic in another direction an easy path to continue upon. Screw that!!!!
As I said, it was deliberately a generalisation.
How, EXACTLY, can one form a "generalization" from a chaotic system consisting of infinite variables emanating from the initial conditions? That was my point. It is IMPOSSIBLE. You might want to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of the 'Butterfly Effect' as it might pertain to the dynamic chaos of human interactions!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response. It makes it impossible at times to have a rational discussion when one side continually responds with personal attacks.
With this statement above you've already made the error of limiting the possible number number of 'sides' and outcomes. You've automatically negated the potential number of potential respondents to few and relegated them to a finite few number of 'sides' of a question and determined the singular outcome and defining the outcome. That is nothing more than binary thinking. Hell, I can take a transistors that can count from 0 to 1 and back to 0 that could approximate your binary logic when assigned!
Virtually any subject that comes up is met with an emotional response.
You don't realize that you've destroyed your own argument with that statement, your own emotional response. Think about that hyperbolic declaration of yours OBJECTIVELY and not emotionally and you'll see the truth of that.
A system of infinite variables? I'm quite capable of noting leftists sources as opposed to other political persuasions. You're laying the hooey on a bit deep. Believe it or not there is such a political group known as the left, concentrated mostly on university campuses. And I stand by the observation that the left consistently attempts to derail any discussion that they have no rational response to with personal attacks and appeals to emotion.

My responses are not even remotely emotional. They are an objective observation of the tactics I see used by the left regularly. I also note that you make no credible arguments against the examples I've given. You'd be hard pressed to find a dem politician that will not immediately cry racism in regards to illegal immigration, differing prison populations or any criticism of islam. cry sexism over the nonexistent gender pay gap or not going along with the idea that Kaitlyn Jenner is a beautiful woman.

Stating my observations on a college campus today would immediately see me labelled a fascist.
A system of infinite variables?
OH! My apologies ...I had been addressing you and your posts at a point of knowledge and education I see now was well above your own given you have NO understanding of cause and effect in chaotic systems such as the human condition. Too bad the sciences are being so ignored today.
I'm quite capable of noting leftists sources as opposed to other political persuasions. You're laying the hooey on a bit deep. Believe it or not there is such a political group known as the left, concentrated mostly on university campuses. And I stand by the observation that the left consistently attempts to derail any discussion that they have no rational response to with personal attacks and appeals to emotion.
There is much I could write here in response, but to not beleaguer the point and be succinct, you're remaining to limit the breadth of your thinking and envision the political universe in binary terms, exclusively; left & right, good & evil, fascists and patriots, etc, etc! I'm sure you've gotten me tagged as one of those "bleedin' heart libs", right? Just to set you on the right path and adjust your improper assumption, I'm not a leftist, but if it pleases you to believe that sophistry, be my guest and delude yourself some more!. I'm just a lonely conservative who has no tribal affiliation and enjoys being my own person.
My responses are not even remotely emotional.
OHHHH! Of course not! Perish the thought! And, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia." [Orwell, 1984]
I also note that you make no credible arguments against the examples I've given.
I thought you might be above employing that ploy, to dishonestly deflect but I was wrong. First, you have to read and understand, then get the Hell out of that binary box in which your mind is locked. Ones and zeros of your binary reasoning are not the solution to every political question when evaluated. Sometimes the solution is messy. Too bad you don't have the capacity to comprehend that very basic fact, but instead try an easy way out from under your own words. I don't follow off topic deflections when proffered as bait. That merely allows the one trying to steer the topic in another direction an easy path to continue upon. Screw that!!!!
"OH! My apologies ...I had been addressing you and your posts at a point of knowledge and education I see now was well above your own given you have NO understanding of cause and effect in chaotic systems such as the human condition. Too bad the sciences are being so ignored today."

My goodness we are a bit full of ourselves aren't we? And thank you for proving my point. As opposed to addressing the examples I've given you, you decide to attack me personally, how leftist of you.

There is much I could write here in response, but to not beleaguer the point and be succinct, you're remaining to limit the breadth of your thinking and envision the political universe in binary terms, exclusively; left & right, good & evil, fascists and patriots, etc, etc! I'm sure you've gotten me tagged as one of those "bleedin' heart libs", right? Just to set you on the right path and adjust your improper assumption, I'm not a leftist, but if it pleases you to believe that sophistry, be my guest and delude yourself some more!. I'm just a lonely conservative who has no tribal affiliation and enjoys being my own person.

You'll note that I don not use the term liberal. To me there is a distinct difference between "classical liberals" and "leftist". As far as your own leanings, those are irrelevant. The fact remains that in leftist strongholds, people like Ben Shapiro are continually assailed as white supremacists even though he's Jewish and is the nos 1 recipient of anti-semitic attacks according to the ADL. Milo Yiannopoulos is derided as homophobe and racist, a gay man married to a black man. Again I could go on and on with examples of what I've been noting. Even in the mainstream dem party, Hillary's "deplorable" comments could hardly be considered of any substance, it's a personal attack on those who oppose her. You're attempting to turn this into a discussion of every nuanced political view out there, where as I am making a generalized observation of the message I see emanating from a particular political mindset.

OHHHH! Of course not! Perish the thought! And, "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia."

Care to point how my comments could be construed as emotional, or is the air of superiority going to continue to be your only response?

I thought you might be above employing that ploy, to dishonestly deflect but I was wrong. First, you have to read and understand, then get the Hell out of that binary box in which your mind is locked. Ones and zeros of your binary reasoning are not the solution to every political question when evaluated. Sometimes the solution is messy. Too bad you don't have the capacity to comprehend that very basic fact, but instead try an easy way out from under your own words. I don't follow off topic deflections when proffered as bait. That merely allows the one trying to steer the topic in another direction an easy path to continue upon. Screw that!!!

Deflection? Pot meet kettle. I've repeatedly given you specific examples of what I am observing, you have repeatedly responded with ramblings of how things are not binary. I've never said things are binary, I'm making an observation about a specific political group and their tactics.
Actually, I should have stated "geese" instead of goose.....

The GOP has made HUGE advances in both state and federal positions in the last couple of decades because of TWO factors:

Hatred by some toward the Clintons' penchant for shrugging off all right wingers' attempts to bring them down.....AND

Hatred by some toward Obama (you know the Kenyan, dark-skinned guy?)

Without these two around to rally the dimwitted, the GOP is now forced to "defend" their own policies and efficacy as a party......and we all can guess how well THAT is working out for them given an orange clown in the oval office and a majority of incompetents in congress.

Without Clinton or Obama to kick around anymore, what will these hapless morons do?

You are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Smashing a window isn’t violence when the GOP is working day in and day out to strip millions of their healthcare. THAT is violence.
So we are to believe that Republicans running on conservative principles won because of hate toward bad progressive politicians.

Its not the conservative principles that won. Its the hate of Democrats.

And if republicans lose it won't be because they abandoned conservatism and broke their promises.
Its not the conservative principles that won. Its the hate of Democrats.

The good state of Alabama, with its evangelical [sometime] principled voters are certainly going to test the above, don't you think?
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Smashing a window isn’t violence when the GOP is working day in and day out to strip millions of their healthcare. THAT is violence.

So expecting people to purchase what they want is violence but actual violence is perfectly fine.

This is precisely why you should never have power
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Smashing a window isn’t violence when the GOP is working day in and day out to strip millions of their healthcare. THAT is violence.

So expecting people to purchase what they want is violence but actual violence is perfectly fine.

This is precisely why you should never have power
Go with Donnie’s healthcare plan. When you’re stepping over dead bodies of your fellow citizens in the street you will know.

Oh and the best part about Donnie’s healthcare is that all of the doctors were trained at Trump U.
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Smashing a window isn’t violence when the GOP is working day in and day out to strip millions of their healthcare. THAT is violence.

So expecting people to purchase what they want is violence but actual violence is perfectly fine.

This is precisely why you should never have power
Go with Donnie’s healthcare plan. When you’re stepping over dead bodies of your fellow citizens in the street you will know.

Oh and the best part about Donnie’s healthcare is that all of the doctors were trained at Trump U.

So you'd rather die than buy your own healthcare?
You're attempting to turn this into a discussion of every nuanced political view out there, where as I am making a generalized observation of the message I see emanating from a particular political mindset.
Generalizations are only worth every penny of the dirt they're scratched into. Turn around 180 deg so you're facing the target, lad! My point all along has been that their are MORE THAN TWO DIFFERENT & VALID POLITICAL POV's. If you were just a few inches taller, OR you had the ability to open your mind just a crack, you may have discovered the ability to think for your bloody self! Or perhaps you're more comfortable being a useful idiot for your 'Party'. But you're more comfortable using the broad brush you've obviously used for a good while. BOO!

I've repeatedly given you specific examples of what I am observing, you have repeatedly responded with ramblings of how things are not binary. I've never said things are binary, I'm making an observation about a specific political group and their tactics.
NAY! You've totally ignored what I have written about your examples and what they represent; your impression of left BAD & wrong your tribe good & correct. THAT IS THE BINARY MEME YOU HAVE BEEN PORTRAYING FOOL! Is that crystal clear now? Do I need to get down to the 6th grade level or lower to get the message through?

I had no part in sculpting or altering your paradigm. I don't give a rats ass about your erroneous and partisan observations or their questionable bases. Your conclusions are nothing more than a piecemeal fitted collage of hearsay, distortions, propaganda, misinformation and lies with just a touch of reality to make the tales seem just possible for the unwashed and gullible! Your type is a dime a dozen on this board and you have no value to add! You're just another disappointment Binary Boi! Keep your powder dry now, hear?
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Smashing a window isn’t violence when the GOP is working day in and day out to strip millions of their healthcare. THAT is violence.
You may wish to revisit the definition of violence.
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Smashing a window isn’t violence when the GOP is working day in and day out to strip millions of their healthcare. THAT is violence.

So expecting people to purchase what they want is violence but actual violence is perfectly fine.

This is precisely why you should never have power
Go with Donnie’s healthcare plan. When you’re stepping over dead bodies of your fellow citizens in the street you will know.

Oh and the best part about Donnie’s healthcare is that all of the doctors were trained at Trump U.

So you'd rather die than buy your own healthcare?
I will be fine regardless. I have a great job that provides great healthcare. I am worried about my fellow Americans. The ones who would love to just buy healthcare but can’t.
Crazy angry lefties blame right wing hatred for losing elections when we saw the crazy left smashing windows and torching cars on inauguration day not to mention H'wood liberal elitists threatening the President of the United States with arson, assault and murder. Do lefties need a lesson in hatred when a politically active democrat Sanders supporter opened fire on a bunch of republicans playing baseball? The jury is still out on Paddock but if you believe a CBS executive that the Vegas concert was just a bunch of right wing republicans you have to consider strong evidence that the mass murder of 58 people was another example of hatred on the left. Factor in the mass shooting of a Baptist Church service by a registered democrat and you have psychotic hatred times ten in the democrat party.
Smashing a window isn’t violence when the GOP is working day in and day out to strip millions of their healthcare. THAT is violence.

So expecting people to purchase what they want is violence but actual violence is perfectly fine.

This is precisely why you should never have power
Go with Donnie’s healthcare plan. When you’re stepping over dead bodies of your fellow citizens in the street you will know.

Oh and the best part about Donnie’s healthcare is that all of the doctors were trained at Trump U.

So you'd rather die than buy your own healthcare?
I will be fine regardless. I have a great job that provides great healthcare. I am worried about my fellow Americans. The ones who would love to just buy healthcare but can’t.

Funny they didn't have a problem before Obamacare. People weren't dying on the streets. If they were people might have actually supported that oppressive bill. You wouldn't have had to force it on us.l

The fact is you're lying. And you know it.

And what's more your lying to justify violence.

So like I said, you need to be kept as far from real power as possible

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