The GOP Is Blaming the Uvalde School Shooting on Porn. Porn Stars Think They’re Nuts.

Libs like beto o’rourk
Granted he’s a nut but also maybe just more honest than most libs
O'Rourke never stated ALL guns.

September 13 2019
Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles on Thursday and said, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

The culture I refer to has been in the making for many generations as the left steadily undermines traditional values
Gun nut "values"?
And the loosest screws in our society are responding
I can see that.
O'Rourke never stated ALL guns.
The problem with libs is that they cant see past their nose

The left wants to ban ar-15s today and the excuse is that they are “weapons of war” that kill people

But when you get your wish and the killing doesent stop you will find a new boogyman to go after

I can see that even if gun grabbing libs cant
If you were born before the first world war which ended in 1918 you were in your twenties when the second world war kicked off... Close enough to recall the horror of it... Its not war dude...
Yeah 104 to 108.
You can not control a society when over half of the population think you live this one life and that's it you go away... You must have meaning in life and you must have a belief in a day of judgement or you will have nothing but evil take place....
Take that superstitious nonsense to the religion forum.
My dad use to say to me when I said I don't want to go to church dad because I don't believe in heaven and god....
He would look at me and say why not?... It can't hurt ya.....
And that's my question for people that don't want God's word in school....
why not?... It can't hurt ya.....
In fact it does a great deal of harm. You were a victim of child abuse but only because your dad was abused in the same way. He didn't know better.
But the cause of mass murder is not guns but rather an unintended flaw in the dominant lib culture
Funny, other countries are more liberal than we are. They don't have school shootings.

You weasels just want to talk about anything but the real reasons. Everyone knows why. You are embarrassing yourself.
Yeah 104 to 108.

Take that superstitious nonsense to the religion forum.

In fact it does a great deal of harm. You were a victim of child abuse but only because your dad was abused in the same way. He didn't know better.
Oh stop it.... Very few of us has had perfect lives.... And believing there is something bigger than yourself and that you will face judgement in the after life is not superstition....
I'll say it again... Bringing a moralistic based curriculum back into public school is not going to harm anyone...
What is your answer to this tragic circumstance?... To take away guns?.... That's just going to bring more bloodshed not less....
Funny, other countries are more liberal than we are. They don't have school shootings.

You weasels just want to talk about anything nut the real reasons. Everyone knows why. You are embarrassing yourself.
How are you going to outlaw guns?... How are you going to take them away?... with a gun?.... there will be more blood spilled in that scenario... You have got to change hearts not exchange bullets while breaking the US constitution.... Our democrat controlled public schools have failed America....
Funny, other countries are more liberal than we are. They don't have school shootings.

You weasels just want to talk about anything but the real reasons. Everyone knows why. You are embarrassing yourself.
Wd are not other countries, some of which have equal access to guns as in America

There is a terrible sickness ingrained within liberal culture of this country that causes troubled teens to kill others

Unless you deal with that you have not removed the threat
‘Now, what do school shootings and porn have in common? Absolutely nothing. But that didn’t stop Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV) from shifting the blame over to it (and, of course, video games).

“Let’s stop all the porn that our kids are absorbing every day,” he said before arguing against an assault weapons ban.


Ohio Senate candidate and Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance preached a similar message in the wake of the Uvalde mass shooting, even calling for a total ban on porn.

“I think the combination of porn, abortion have basically created a really lonely, isolated generation that isn’t getting married, they’re not having families, and they’re actually not even totally sure how to interact with each other,” he opined.’

Has anyone told Vance that no one has ever, ever required an abortion from watching porn? Actual “interaction” is still required.

Vance’s silliness comes as no surprise to adult actress Skye Blue.

“Most politicians are thinking of any other thing to blame rather than being able to hold themselves accountable for the era they’ve created,” she observes. “If you want people to have babies, try fixing the actual problems in our economy because I’m pretty sure anybody watching porn is more likely to be having sex than not.”’

Adult film actors have a better understanding of sound public policy than Republicans.

Fellas, I encourage you to take a look at Skye Blue. For educational purposes, of course...
What is your answer to this tragic circumstance?... To take away guns?.... That's just going to bring more bloodshed not less....
No, my answer is to break the cycle of continuous US led wars and violence. The violent video games are a product of culture of violence.

The christians especially, don't care enough to admit it.
How are you going to outlaw guns?.
I'm not.

How are you going to take them away?
From the nutter s? Same exact way we do now. We go to their house and we take them away. It's working just fine. Pay attention.

It will be much easier just to prevent them from getting guns in the first place.
How are you going to outlaw guns?.
I'm not.

How are you going to take them away?
Letters? Same exact way we do now. We go to their house and we take them away. It's working just fine. Pay
Wd are not other countries, some of which have equal access to guns as in America
Yes, we have an epidemic of school shootings, and they don't. Thank you Captain Obvious for contributing absolutely nothing whatsoever but a bunch of excuses and distractions.
I'm not.

Letters? Same exact way we do now. We go to their house and we take them away. It's working just fine. Pay

Yes, we have an epidemic of school shootings, and they don't. Thank you Captain Obvious for contributing absolutely nothing whatsoever but a bunch of excuses and distractions.
You are funny..... you have my whole family laughing at that one....
I'm not.

Letters? Same exact way we do now. We go to their house and we take them away. It's working just fine. Pay

Yes, we have an epidemic of school shootings, and they don't. Thank you Captain Obvious for contributing absolutely nothing whatsoever but a bunch of excuses and distractions.
Other countries that you would rather not mention such as Switzerland and Israel have personal gun ownership without the mass shootings

taking ar-15s from law-abiding citizens in America is not going to stop the killing

The shooter kid played video games and sat at his computer all day every day.... His mind and soul was stolen by violent games which is a type of pornography for a young mind.....
Take the computer and smart phones from your stupid kids....
The Kid had bad druggy parents and criminal family---his lost mind was determined before he was even born. They having video games to raise him is just more of their bad parenting.
Other countries that you would rather not mention such as Switzerland and Israel have personal gun ownership without the mass shootings
Oops, you mean you are the one who doesn't want to talk about them.

Let's talk abut Israel's gun laws. Do you know anything about them? Obviously not.

I know you don't think 30 Seconds ahead on anything, ever, and just vomit the first thought that fizzles into your brain, but you just stepped right in it, professor.

You literally just started your argument for stronger gun control laws.

Would you like to see what you just argued for?
Oops, you mean you are the one who doesn't want to talk about them.

Let's talk abut Israel's gun laws. Do you know anything about them? Obviously not.

I know you don't think 30 Seconds ahead on anything, ever, and just vomit the first thought that fizzles into your brain, but you just stepped right in it, professor.

You literally just started your argument for stronger gun control laws.

Would you like to see what you just argued for?
Oh boy here we go... Bullshit alert..... Pull on the boots.... Its about to get deep....
So, Mac-7 the stable genius just accidentally fell ass backwards into the truth, and into the reality he is denying with all of his might.

Israel has video games. Israel has porn, and drugs, and they listen to American music.

They also have widespread gun ownership.

But they don't have a school shooting epidemic.


What could be different about Israel?

Let's see if one of you gun humping geniuses can puzzle it out.
So, Mac-7 the stable genius just accidentally fell ass backwards into the truth, and into the reality he is denying with all of his might.

Israel has video games. Israel has porn, and drugs, and they listen to American music.

They also have widespread gun ownership.

But they don't have a school shooting epidemic.


What could be different about Israel?

Let's see if one of you gun humping geniuses can puzzle it out.
Why is it when your ass gets handed to you you have to call people out by name?... Do you think you are embarrassing people?.... you are like a little e docser.....
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