The GOP is trying to shut down a program that has already begun!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
How stupid is that? I guess those youngster Tea Baggers will have to learn the hard way....

How stupid is that? I guess those youngster Tea Baggers will have to learn the hard way....


Well Jimbo, you see here's the deal. At least some Republicans still have the balls to try a last second last chance to kill a new program that will grow into a new entitlement that will only addict Americans like you who already expect cradle to grave hand holding and who constantly have their palms out to the government.
Don't worry, this shutdown won't last, your Gimmecrat party soon will see to it that nanny will still be there to turn the lights back on, wipe your ass and tuck you in at night.
It's not a programme, it's a monstrosity.
Going to cost every American $7500 a year!!

Train wreck!!
Obama suspends part of it because it is shit and not one fanatic bats an eyelid.
But when the GOP ask for a suspension to enable people to figure out the immense volume of garbeled nonsense contained in the bill it's terrorism?

Double standard is a term the fanatical liberal totalitarians of the Obamacult cannot comprehend.
trying to shut down a program that has already begun!


that has never happened before

All those laid off federal workers, paid to push paper with no goals will have to find real jobs in the private sector!!

The dreaded private sector!!!!!

Loving it!!
The GOP hates government in principle.

So they must be lovin this outcome, right?

Except now they're trying to give the credit to the DEMS?

Gee one wonders why the GOPers do not have the courage of their convictions?

Isn't shutting down government the GOP's whole raison d etre?
The GOP hates government in principle.

So they must be lovin this outcome, right?

Except now they're trying to give the credit to the DEMS?

Gee one wonders why the GOPers do not have the courage of their convictions?

Isn't shutting down government the GOP's whole raison d etre?

Isn't murdering children and legalizing child rape the liberals raison d'être?
The GOP hates government in principle.

So they must be lovin this outcome, right?

Except now they're trying to give the credit to the DEMS?

Gee one wonders why the GOPers do not have the courage of their convictions?

Isn't shutting down government the GOP's whole raison d etre?

Smaller government is not hating government.

Yes !
Because that's the only way we have ever gotten spending under control.
It's a shame the Progressives refuse to stop their out of control spending and have to be put under control with the shut down of Government.

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