The gop no longer about wall street but about blue collar whites?

Yes, there are a lot of credulous rubes who have taken over the Republican party and swinging elections these days. You can tell what kind of change has occurred by the kind of pandering GOP politicians do. You don't see GOP politicians appealing to the voters' intelligence any more, do you? Nope. They pander to the lowest common denominator. That tells you everything you need to know about the modern day GOP.

We see the rube herd on this forum every day in every topic.
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Oh wow! A brand new lie! Must have figured out that they need more than 1% to get elected.
Oh wow! A brand new lie! Must have figured out that they need more than 1% to get elected.


The whole Palin thing took me by surprise. I voted for Bush Sr Three times. Against Reagan, Against Dukass and Against Slick. I voted for McCain in 2000. By 2012 he was largely irrelevant outside the major donors.

Whether the blue collar whites are actually well served by the gop is a question, but not one I posed. Rather, I just think it seems to be an interesting switch.

Now IF the gop's policies are seen as hostile to the interests of big capital .... that will be interesting. No doubt the DLC and Slick were wallowing in the same hog pit as big capital. But, they seemed quite happy with BushII, at least initially. But will they sign on for Ryan's social experiment budget or Ayn's push for the gold standard and an end to the fed? I doubt that very much.
Why do you guys always insisting on dividing people by race and wealth? Why don't you unite people for a change.
Oh wow! A brand new lie! Must have figured out that they need more than 1% to get elected.


The whole Palin thing took me by surprise. I voted for Bush Sr Three times. Against Reagan, Against Dukass and Against Slick. I voted for McCain in 2000. By 2012 he was largely irrelevant outside the major donors.

Whether the blue collar whites are actually well served by the gop is a question, but not one I posed. Rather, I just think it seems to be an interesting switch.

Now IF the gop's policies are seen as hostile to the interests of big capital .... that will be interesting. No doubt the DLC and Slick were wallowing in the same hog pit as big capital. But, they seemed quite happy with BushII, at least initially. But will they sign on for Ryan's social experiment budget or Ayn's push for the gold standard and an end to the fed? I doubt that very much.

How can you believe the GOP is for blue collar workers, when they cut unemployment benefits, and try to destroy the minimum wage, and try to destroy healthcare benefits, and try to destroy Social Security? Those are things "blue collar" workers need, because those jobs don't have retirement, or job security. And blue collar workers don't make enough to pay for doctors or hospital stays for their families. The GOP being for the blue collar worker just the next con job.
Oh wow! A brand new lie! Must have figured out that they need more than 1% to get elected.


The whole Palin thing took me by surprise. I voted for Bush Sr Three times. Against Reagan, Against Dukass and Against Slick. I voted for McCain in 2000. By 2012 he was largely irrelevant outside the major donors.

Whether the blue collar whites are actually well served by the gop is a question, but not one I posed. Rather, I just think it seems to be an interesting switch.

Now IF the gop's policies are seen as hostile to the interests of big capital .... that will be interesting. No doubt the DLC and Slick were wallowing in the same hog pit as big capital. But, they seemed quite happy with BushII, at least initially. But will they sign on for Ryan's social experiment budget or Ayn's push for the gold standard and an end to the fed? I doubt that very much.

How can you believe the GOP is for blue collar workers, when they cut unemployment benefits, and try to destroy the minimum wage, and try to destroy healthcare benefits, and try to destroy Social Security? Those are things "blue collar" workers need, because those jobs don't have retirement, or job security. And blue collar workers don't make enough to pay for doctors or hospital stays for their families. The GOP being for the blue collar worker just the next con job.

Ah! I see the misunderstanding. I never said the gop was for working people. I believe I explicitly said I wasn't going there, one way or another. Rather, I think there's a kernel to the notion that the gop is catering to "the low information voter." I mean that ironically, and not patronizing.

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