The GOP Revolt against Trump

Is it strange that the title says GOP, but the OP is a liberal, and the only people revolting against trump in this thread are liberals?
The GOP been pushing for amnesty, pushing for more entitlements, pushing for big National Debt, and allowing more restrictions for decades now.

Trying to appease its own constituents even back then, was too little too late.

Now they are reaping what they sowed.

It's not our fault they didn't see it coming until now. God knows we told them often enough.

The GOP sold its contituency out a long time ago. It all started when it allowed the Party to be hijacked by Neocon (Nazi) madmen. Those folks are for anything but 'Small/Less Government.' They want their Police State and WWIII. The Party should expell them. They truly are madmen.

Trump is tapping into the anger and frustration in the Party. They want something different. In fact, i think most of the country wants it too. So many have had enough of the corrupt Career-Politician mess. It's why i have to support Trump.
change neo con Nazi mad men to the evangelical fringe right and you might be on to something ...
I don't think the establishment is revolting. There appear to have been attempts to get Kasich out and/or to "marry" Rubio and Christie, but these failed. I think the establishment is more or less floundering around trying to figure out their role ... and it seems painfully obvious they have no role. It's appalling to have a nominee who won't disavow an endorsement from a former KKK grand wizzer (whatever) and quotes Mussolini (and here I thought he was only semi-literate!)

I don't think the donors are gonna give him much money. And, I don't see him spending half a billion of his own, nor to I think he actually has that kind of liquid/cash. It's going to be ugly, and most likely the nastiest election since before the progressive era. He's going to try and label Slick a child rapist and Hillary a traitor. In turn they'll dig up every bit of dirt on the Drumpf family, but their attacks on him will come from surrogates, and I don't the Drumpf's have any surrogates beyond a pit bull lawyer of questionable litigation ethics.

It'll be decided on turnout. The trumpeters are crowing about the numbers voting in gop primaries, but that's not necessarily a good thing. The tea party turns out in primaries, but has proven to be ineffectual in general contests and the most they've delivered is the gridlock that pssing off 70% of us. Will mainstreet republicans turn out to vote for this schmuck? Is there any chance what's left of the Reagan democrats will? I'd think Hillary will have Obama levels of blacks and latinos.

But if the gop battleground senators benefit from the money not give to Drumpf, will that drive gop turnout, and will we leave the top of the ballot empty? Or will Mitt be called upon to ride Rafalca to the call one more time?
Republicans' Trump revolt: Too little too late? -

Unfortunately, it is too little, too late. The only chance the GOP has of stopping Donald now is to deny him the nomination at the convention. Then things get fug ugly.

The GOP has two choices. They can get behind the people's choice which so far strongly appears to be Trump, or they can do what they tried to do in 1964 and replace him with their own preference. If they do the former, they lose a lot of power but they may very well save the country. If they try to "Goldwater" him, they will split the the vote and give Clinton a landslide victory just as they gave Johnson in 1964. And that I do believe will be the demise of the Republican Party for good and the United States will no longer be a nation of the people, by the people, for the people..

No, I doubt it will disappear, but it may suffer a near fatal blow. At least the GOP can blame the Donald, instead of making up another lame excuse for losing the WH again.
Republicans' Trump revolt: Too little too late? -

Unfortunately, it is too little, too late. The only chance the GOP has of stopping Donald now is to deny him the nomination at the convention. Then things get fug ugly.

The GOP has two choices. They can get behind the people's choice which so far strongly appears to be Trump, or they can do what they tried to do in 1964 and replace him with their own preference. If they do the former, they lose a lot of power but they may very well save the country. If they try to "Goldwater" him, they will split the the vote and give Clinton a landslide victory just as they gave Johnson in 1964. And that I do believe will be the demise of the Republican Party for good and the United States will no longer be a nation of the people, by the people, for the people..

No, I doubt it will disappear, but it may suffer a near fatal blow. At least the GOP can blame the Donald, instead of making up another lame excuse for losing the WH again.
The gop has to figure out what it's for.
I admit things are a bit screwy, but Trump is the revolt. Why can't these idiots understand it?
bullshit! trump is a dog and pony show.

That'e "President Dog and Pony" to you, retard.

Republicans' Trump revolt: Too little too late? -

Unfortunately, it is too little, too late. The only chance the GOP has of stopping Donald now is to deny him the nomination at the convention. Then things get fug ugly.

They are utterly fucked either way. As lets say that they deny him the nomination?

He runs as an independant. And breaks the party. There's no angle where the GOP doesn't take it right in the ass.

There is one way... Play the long game...

Concede and vote for Hillary... Tell the Tea PArty and RW fuckwits that there support is not guaranteed and if they pick ass hats they are off...

It is a high price but it is a deep hole... It would put the GOP establishment back in charge of its party again and make them electable...
The GOP been pushing for amnesty, pushing for more entitlements, pushing for big National Debt, and allowing more restrictions for decades now.

Trying to appease its own constituents even back then, was too little too late.

Now they are reaping what they sowed.

It's not our fault they didn't see it coming until now. God knows we told them often enough.

Who is We?

The average length of service for someone elected to the House is 13 years; for the Senate it is 9 years and it is only that short due to the higher numbers of retirements and deaths in the upper chamber.

This year 80-90% will keep their jobs.

The "revolution" is a fallacy.
The GOP been pushing for amnesty, pushing for more entitlements, pushing for big National Debt, and allowing more restrictions for decades now.

Trying to appease its own constituents even back then, was too little too late.

Now they are reaping what they sowed.

It's not our fault they didn't see it coming until now. God knows we told them often enough.

The GOP sold its contituency out a long time ago. It all started when it allowed the Party to be hijacked by Neocon (Nazi) madmen. Those folks are for anything but 'Small/Less Government.' They want their Police State and WWIII. The Party should expell them. They truly are madmen.

Trump is tapping into the anger and frustration in the Party. They want something different. In fact, i think most of the country wants it too. So many have had enough of the corrupt Career-Politician mess. It's why i have to support Trump.
change neo con Nazi mad men to the evangelical fringe right and you might be on to something ...

Neocons are made up of mostly evangelical fringe right nutters. The have a vision for the nation. And it's their Police State and starting WWIII.
It's the do-nothing establishment vs a lone man who gives a shit. Trump is shaking things up, making the establishment nervous. So they condemn. I say screw the establishment. The establishment has proved itself too weak to govern. The Dims have walked all over these clowns these past eight years.
Lol. More are revolting against the mcconnell types.

The Corporate Media doesn't wanna talk about that. And that includes Fox News. Ailes and Murdoch clearly have it in for Trump. Murdoch has been a big Clinton donor in the past and Ailes is a loyal Neocon (Nazi) Bushy. Trump is upsetting their order of things. And i love it. If he does do well today, it's gonna be a whole lotta fun watching Fox News lose it. I'll be watching.
Is it strange that the title says GOP, but the OP is a liberal, and the only people revolting against trump in this thread are liberals?

I guess you haven't been paying attention to anything but this thread. Republicans on every TV channel and radio station are revolting against Trump. I even heard one say everybody voting for him would go to hell.
Neocons are made up of mostly evangelical fringe right nutters. The have a vision for the nation. And it's their Police State and starting WWIII.

So, you have utterly no idea what a Neocon is. :thup:

I've seen and heard enough of them. They want their Police State and WWIII. It's time for the Party to expell them. Their dark vision for the nation is something i won't support.

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