The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.
I love how all the fossil fuel yachts were used to go to the last climate conference.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.
hey dean i was back in those threads too.....the LED bulbs were pretty damned expensive back then,thats what was being complained about....and they were complaining about those curly q ones with the mercury in they are pretty affordable....i use them everywhere except the garage door opener motor.....havent changed a bulb in at least 5 years,and some are on for hours at a time....
New technology is always expensive until it becomes commonplace.
I remember when the first CD ROM drives cost $1000 and now you can get one for 10.
then why did you not say that that was the main reason for the complaints,the price and the CFL mercury problems?...they were legit complaints especially disposing those horrible CFL bulbs....

It is this simple......

The left wingers decided, in their usual, irrational way.....that CFLs were good....that meant you must have them whether you wanted them or not....and if you refused, they would slowly ramp up the penalties to punish you for your obstinance....
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.
I love how all the fossil fuel yachts were used to go to the last climate conference.

Don't forget the private jets.......
Yo Derp I read yesterday first gen solar panels are at the end of their life cycle....guess what? No place to put them, landfills won't take them and recycling them is becoming more difficult
They are now labeling them used and sending them to third world countries who haven't got a clue the garbage were sending them.. And have no way to dispose of them. Inst the left so caring about these people.. They send them stuff that will poison and kill them when the chemicals get into their water supply... Wait... this is on purpose!

Where are you going to get the electricity to run your LED bulb. That's right from the 800,000 windmills it will take just to meet todays needs "if" they produced continuously and at a sustained rate. We don't hate green energy! Stupid Ideas are a different matter!:slap:
Your beloved windmills work just 12-22% of the time. They are unreliable and sporadic needing base load generation to keep the lights on...

More bull shit from left wing fools who haven't a clue how bad their beloved wind crap is..
Yo Derp I read yesterday first gen solar panels are at the end of their life cycle....guess what? No place to put them, landfills won't take them and recycling them is becoming more difficult
They are now labeling them used and sending them to third world countries who haven't got a clue the garbage were sending them.. And have no way to dispose of them. Inst the left so caring about these people.. They send them stuff that will poison and kill them when the chemicals get into their water supply... Wait... this is on purpose!

Where are you going to get the electricity to run your LED bulb. That's right from the 800,000 windmills it will take just to meet todays needs "if" they produced continuously and at a sustained rate. We don't hate green energy! Stupid Ideas are a different matter!:slap:
Your beloved windmills work just 12-22% of the time. They are unreliable and sporadic needing base load generation to keep the lights on...

And kill birds at an alarming rate
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.

The first LED bulbs WERE expensive. Thank the free market that you were able to fill your house with them without a second mortgage. Republicans love technology that works. Democrats, OTOH, judge things by their emotional impact.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.

I tried every crappy new-agey bulb around...and returned to incandescent. All the new junk has only one thing going for it, that being it uses slightly less electricity. Big friggin' deal! They all put out less light, and the light they do put out is of lower quality, and yes, I got a light meter. All burn hotter than incandescent, jacking up the temperature, which in turn requires more electricity for air conditioner or fans. One type poisons landfills. The other sort has a shorter life than incandescent. Both kinds are more expensive than incandescent, maybe not by much, but you still end up paying more for getting less. These hippy-dippy innovations are not how I would define innovative, so I'll be sticking with the old-fashioned sort.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.
Didnt and dont hate was the forced part...try to keep up.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.
I love mercury filled CFL’s! Great having to evacuate a building when you break one!
Just got rid of the last of those...what a hoax they were....put in the LEDs same rating qtr brighter than cfl...dont know if those dim with age or were falsely rated at 60W. Same with the 100 watt CFLs in bathroom Go with the reveal coating, put in the LEDs and she's asking if I put in stronger bulbs
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.
The GOP does not hate green energy...where do you get that from?....they are just cognoscente of the fact that green energy as it stands today doesn't come close to meeting the needs of America or the world for that matter....realism as opposed to fantasy wishing....

I think this is just a novel new variant on the established pattern of left wrong-wing retards trying to define basic decency, sanity, and common sense as “hatred”. In this case, the “hatred” is the recognition that certain things promoted as environmentally-friendly are significantly lacking in economic feasibility.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.
Republicans are the green, we are the farmers, you are the mouth
then why did you not say that that was the main reason for the complaints,the price and the CFL mercury problems?...they were legit complaints especially disposing those horrible CFL bulbs....

LIbErals are stuck in the pattern of dismissing any legitimate complaints about the adverse consequences of their bad policies, as “hate”. That's what the OP is all about, and that's what the very title of this thread is all about.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.
hey dean i was back in those threads too.....the LED bulbs were pretty damned expensive back then,thats what was being complained about....and they were complaining about those curly q ones with the mercury in they are pretty affordable....i use them everywhere except the garage door opener motor.....havent changed a bulb in at least 5 years,and some are on for hours at a time....
New technology is always expensive until it becomes commonplace.
I remember when the first CD ROM drives cost $1000 and now you can get one for 10.

But no one had to ban floppy drives or cassette drives to get people to use them.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.

Derp, aren’t LED bulbs considered “Green Energy”?

I own smart bulbs, they are more energy efficient than your bulbs will ever be. Maybe you should move out of the Stone Age and get into this century. Your bulbs are not that efficient.
GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs
I love LED bulbs. I redid myvwhole house when 5hey were $16 each at IKEA. I knew the price would drop in a few years, but it was new technology.

Your buying LED bulbs won’t get dumb shits like derp to change their mind about anything. He lives in stereotypes, ignorance and bigotry.
GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs
I love LED bulbs. I redid myvwhole house when 5hey were $16 each at IKEA. I knew the price would drop in a few years, but it was new technology.

Your buying LED bulbs won’t get dumb shits like derp to change their mind about anything. He lives in stereotypes, ignorance and bigotry.
That's the problem. People arent always who you think they are.
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.

Derp, aren’t LED bulbs considered “Green Energy”?

I own smart bulbs, they are more energy efficient than your bulbs will ever be. Maybe you should move out of the Stone Age and get into this century. Your bulbs are not that efficient.
my electricity bill went down a good deal after i installed LED's at my place.....they are way more efficient than the incandescents or florescent my experience anyway......
The GOP’s hatred of green energy reminds me of their hatred for LED bulbs.

Remember all the articles at the USMB on LED bulbs and how awful they were and how expensive they were and how they were no good?

All the ridicule and name-calling and even accusing LED bulbs of being a left-wing plot?

And now they’re everywhere. Every bulb in my house is an LED bulb.

I even have those little miniature solar bulbs that sit outside and charge during the day and light up during the night.

Sometimes it seems Republicans won’t be happy until we’re back living in caves and having a Stone Age Renaissance.

While the rest of the world moves on to clean energy Republicans want to circle the wagons and live in the past. It won’t work. The future is coming whether they want it or not.

I tried every crappy new-agey bulb around...and returned to incandescent. All the new junk has only one thing going for it, that being it uses slightly less electricity. Big friggin' deal! They all put out less light, and the light they do put out is of lower quality, and yes, I got a light meter. All burn hotter than incandescent, jacking up the temperature, which in turn requires more electricity for air conditioner or fans. One type poisons landfills. The other sort has a shorter life than incandescent. Both kinds are more expensive than incandescent, maybe not by much, but you still end up paying more for getting less. These hippy-dippy innovations are not how I would define innovative, so I'll be sticking with the old-fashioned sort.
All burn hotter than incandescent
you must have different LED'S than what i have...i can touch mine with no problem,they are warm not hot....

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