The government swings into action?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The recent arrest of a 25-year-old security contractor in Georgia for leaking classified documents raises some serious questions about our national security apparatus. Reality Winner-her real name not the name of a horse running the Kentucky Derby-is currently jailed and will likely be charged with serious crimes against the US government. She leaked classified documents to the press regarding Russian interference in our election process. One question is why is a 25-year-old issued a high level security clearance?

Another question would be why is Hillary Clinton not in handcuffs? Is the arrest of a hapless security underling like Reality Winner supposed to distract us from the crimes of the truly wicked in our society? It certainly looks that way. Clinton didn’t leak one thing-she leaked everything-into private servers she casually set up with no security at all. She did it to personally control highly classified information for her own convenience at the expense of the national security of every citizen in the country. Clinton was absolutely aware of security protocol, she just ignored it. If Reality Winner is guilty of a single leak then Clinton is guilty of blowing up the dam. Again, why is this woman not in jail awaiting trial for espionage?

There is something very fishy about how our government is operating especially with respect to elitist highbrows like Susan Rice and Loretta Lynch who brazenly and openly thumbed their noses at the proper conduct of high level officials. Rice lied right through her teeth to anyone who would listen in the Benghazi debacle and Lynch conspired with Bill Clinton to cover Hillary’s backside on the tarmac of an international airport.

Now it’s time for the government to swing into action and throw the book at a sacrificial lamb to make it appear that the government is honest, professional and doing its job to protect the citizens. The people of America will no doubt sleep better now that an immature kid who very clearly committed a crime, is about to be thrown in the slammer while Clinton, Rice and Lynch are still in business corrupting our society.

Americans can rest assured that the FBI’s James Comey, who bounced back and forth like a pinball in a supposed investigation into wrongdoing, will continue to represent us in the same competent and skillful manner. Another question comes to mind: Are the rats in our country leaving a sinking ship or are they sailing it?
Reality Winner is a start, hope she gets the full 10-years.
IMHO the senate and congressional committees will eventually get around to Rice, Lynch, and Hillary.
My main concern is how many more Trump haters are still in the intel agencies?
I have seen corruption at high levels in my time, and it would amaze people at just how weak these corrupt people are once they are dethroned or separated from their power. I have seen high level officials kindly walked out of their jobs at a huge corporation by the law, and never to return to that power again.
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There is a very real danger that people will lose confidence in all levels of the US government. Let's hope that does not happen.
Well she's a contracted employee, not a true government employee. And an Air Force vet .

Why do you hate our vets !?!
Reality Winner is a start, hope she gets the full 10-years.
IMHO the senate and congressional committees will eventually get around to Rice, Lynch, and Hillary.
My main concern is how many more Trump haters are still in the intel agencies?
Ten years is not enough. She is x military and knows better! I bet she got the job because she was x military.
She should be taken to Gitmo as a enemy combattant water boarded then tried and shot.

We need to stop treating traitors as common criminals.
Well she's a contracted employee, not a true government employee. And an Air Force vet .

Why do you hate our vets !?!
Timmy showcasing his stupidity again...

Who hates vets? We know how Obama treated wounded veterans.
Well she's a contracted employee, not a true government employee. And an Air Force vet .

Why do you hate our vets !?!
Timmy showcasing his stupidity again...

Who hates vets? We know how Obama treated wounded veterans.

Well this reality girl is a vet! And she's being hated .
Well she's a contracted employee, not a true government employee. And an Air Force vet .

Why do you hate our vets !?!

Uh...she's a traitor?

How so? She leaked info on Russian hacking . According to our prez and the righties , that never even happened .

So she leaked nothing !

Info that proves nothing other than Russia tried to hack the election.
Which should be no surprise since we do the same on the regular.
Well she's a contracted employee, not a true government employee. And an Air Force vet .

Why do you hate our vets !?!

Uh...she's a traitor?

How so? She leaked info on Russian hacking . According to our prez and the righties , that never even happened .

So she leaked nothing !
Your post is a fail in every way. None of what you said is true.

So there WAS Russian hacking ? Come on, admit it!
Well she's a contracted employee, not a true government employee. And an Air Force vet .

Why do you hate our vets !?!

Uh...she's a traitor?

A traitor is a person who sells state secrets to the enemy. This girl sent proof that Russians tried to hack the election machines to a right wing blogger.

Are you saying that right wingers who deny Russian interference in the election are the enemy?

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