The Government. The People. Our Nation!


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
It seems like every time I put the news channel on, go to the local news website, or even browse through this forum or my news feed on my Facebook, there are so many people unhappy about something. People make small problems into huge issues, and no one attempts to stop, or correct the issue, and it gets out of control.
Someone is always complaining about something.
Does the Government even listen to the people?

There are many issues in out country today, 2017, and I see more issues to come.

The biggest issue in my eyes, is that people no longer help one another.
Everyone is against one another.

What are some issues today that you think could be easily resolved and/or fixed?
And how would you fix it?
It seems like every time I put the news channel on, go to the local news website, or even browse through this forum or my news feed on my Facebook, there are so many people unhappy about something. People make small problems into huge issues, and no one attempts to stop, or correct the issue, and it gets out of control.
Someone is always complaining about something.
Does the Government even listen to the people?

There are many issues in out country today, 2017, and I see more issues to come.

The biggest issue in my eyes, is that people no longer help one another.
Everyone is against one another.

What are some issues today that you think could be easily resolved and/or fixed?
And how would you fix it?
Cable news is an entertainment business, nothing more. People like propaganda that they agree with. Facts don't matter anymore, it's fake news!
Too much money and power in our politics. It corrupts the entire process. Solution would be to work on major campaign finance reform and term limits
Many economic and crime issues would be helped by legalizing drugs. Would be a huge positive for our country
It seems like every time I put the news channel on, go to the local news website, or even browse through this forum or my news feed on my Facebook, there are so many people unhappy about something. People make small problems into huge issues, and no one attempts to stop, or correct the issue, and it gets out of control.
Someone is always complaining about something.
Does the Government even listen to the people?

There are many issues in out country today, 2017, and I see more issues to come.

The biggest issue in my eyes, is that people no longer help one another.
Everyone is against one another.

What are some issues today that you think could be easily resolved and/or fixed?
And how would you fix it?

Part of that mindset is there is a section called the far left that believes only the government should be the ones helping.

Neither party in Washington cares about the people they represent! It is all about getting rich and holding on to power. Do as little as possible, but make it look like you have done something.

The government was never supposed to be this big or have this much control. It was not what the framers wanted.

If government did what it was supposed to do, would we really care about elections and what party had control?
The biggest issue in my eyes, is that people no longer help one another.
Everyone is against one another.

...and yet, just yesterday, in southern Georgia, a young black male held a door for a white grandmother, who gave him a smile and a thank you - the young man responded with 'you're welcome ma'am...and they went about their business... it didn't make the news.

What are some issues today that you think could be easily resolved and/or fixed?
And how would you fix it?

I remember well the assassinations of a president, a civil rights leader and a presidential candidate....the gunning down of college students by National Guard troops (early '70)...the Texas tower the 60's. The Weather Underground bombings, the unibomber in the late 70's, the Oklahoma bombing in the 90's. We've had sickos, political and social activists willing to do harm among us for decades.

What I do not ever remember are political leaders who so publicly disparage huge segments of our society. Does the hate 'trickle down'...or is it voted in? For me - that is the biggest issue - do we want preachers of division representing us, or teachers of unity?...and I am speaking of our house, not the rest of world.

Do we have more sickos than ever, or more people than ever? I don't know. But, back in southern Georgia...
Legalize drugs, give them away for free, pay for those who want to clean up, and let all the addicts OD (no medical for them. It's their choice, let them make it.) We responsible citizens get rid of a bunch of violent trash, the thug/rebel culture/mentality that drives kids into drugs dies almost instantly, and gangs go out of business.

Biggest thing we could do is shut down media who pushes the "hate" narrative daily... hourly really. But we cannot do that, so label them all as entertainment and give up on "real" news because it's just not gonna happen anymore - journalists sold out years ago.

It would also be nice if we could put some serious money into mental health research, but that'll just ultimately end up in the pockets of big pharma who's not really inclined to actually fix the problem we have; detection, natural resolution, etc. (They'll just pump out some snake oil medication that's outrageously expensive and lie that it "fixes" anything.)
Legalize drugs, give them away for free, pay for those who want to clean up, and let all the addicts OD (no medical for them. It's their choice, let them make it.) We responsible citizens get rid of a bunch of violent trash, the thug/rebel culture/mentality that drives kids into drugs dies almost instantly, and gangs go out of business.

Biggest thing we could do is shut down media who pushes the "hate" narrative daily... hourly really. But we cannot do that, so label them all as entertainment and give up on "real" news because it's just not gonna happen anymore - journalists sold out years ago.

It would also be nice if we could put some serious money into mental health research, but that'll just ultimately end up in the pockets of big pharma who's not really inclined to actually fix the problem we have; detection, natural resolution, etc. (They'll just pump out some snake oil medication that's outrageously expensive and lie that it "fixes" anything.)
So cleanse the population by supporting the death of all citizens who are struggling with addiction and then have government controlled media? I think Hitler tried something similar and it didn't work out so well.

Im with you on the mental health issue. We need to make better strides on that, but need to do better than throwing pills at anybody who is struggling.
Legalize drugs, give them away for free, pay for those who want to clean up, and let all the addicts OD (no medical for them. It's their choice, let them make it.) We responsible citizens get rid of a bunch of violent trash, the thug/rebel culture/mentality that drives kids into drugs dies almost instantly, and gangs go out of business.

Biggest thing we could do is shut down media who pushes the "hate" narrative daily... hourly really. But we cannot do that, so label them all as entertainment and give up on "real" news because it's just not gonna happen anymore - journalists sold out years ago.

It would also be nice if we could put some serious money into mental health research, but that'll just ultimately end up in the pockets of big pharma who's not really inclined to actually fix the problem we have; detection, natural resolution, etc. (They'll just pump out some snake oil medication that's outrageously expensive and lie that it "fixes" anything.)
So cleanse the population by supporting the death of all citizens who are struggling with addiction and then have government controlled media? I think Hitler tried something similar and it didn't work out so well.

Im with you on the mental health issue. We need to make better strides on that, but need to do better than throwing pills at anybody who is struggling.

... You clearly need a history lesson if you think Hitler let idiots overdose on drugs by their own choice son. Hitler attempted to genocide an entire race, simply because they didn't fit /his/ ideal race - there is absolutely /no/ comparison to /anything/ I said at all. Do you idiots on the left enjoy throwing around "Hitler"? It's so immature and childish, seriously...

As for the media, the current media we have is /not/ fucking media, they're a propaganda arm of political parties. As far as I'm concerned, they've crossed the line of being protected by "freedom of the press" because they are nothing more than TV commercials for various political agendas. To say that /I/ advocate for a state media, given my complaint is just your stupidity. They are already controlled by the fucking state a la "representative state" and it's a damn disaster for the country.

Throwing pills at everyone is just big pharma making bank, they get people addicted to shit they don't need, and frankly I'm not even sure the shit helps because so many of my buddies on anti-depressants are still depressed even on the meds - and just like junkies they whine that their doctors won't up their dosage and shit. I don't see where these meds do them any help at all - but then again, I don't like medications because they mess with my head, same reason I don't do drugs or drink (though drinking also tastes terrible to me too.) That said, there are a lot of people out there who are unable to cope with life, it's rather ironic since we've never had life so easy than in the modern world - and especially in America.

Personally I think it's a product of the "victim mentality" bullshit, or at a minimum that is adding to it, these adult children don't have the skills to handle life so they lose it; we'll be lucky if most of them are pussies; at least when they lose it they just off themselves, the "alphas" and "wanna-be alphas" that lose it are fucking dangerous to society. Sadly I think the damage is already done and we'll never be able to fix it because no one wants to believe the psychological connections between being a wussified victim and being unable to handle life during crisis (and crisis itself is a matter of personal perspective too; crisis to some lefty fruit loops is Trump winning the election, crisis for some is when a family member dies or they are going through a divorce, crisis for others is when they gain a disability in an accident or illness, crisis for still others is fighting in a war. On and on the list is literally endless.)

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