The Gov't Spending Extension Bill

That's a joke really since no one but blue collar idiots believed he was a real Republican!

Nobody believed he was a real Republican. That's why he was elected. We got sick and tired of results like this from the Republican party. We elected him to be different than the rest of the Republicans.
Raye, come on, man, he was demolite and is crazy.
That's a joke really since no one but blue collar idiots believed he was a real Republican!

Nobody believed he was a real Republican. That's why he was elected. We got sick and tired of results like this from the Republican party. We elected him to be different than the rest of the Republicans.
Raye, come on, man, he was demolite and is crazy.

Maybe, but he didn't have any Democrat lite issues. He addressed conservative issues and again, that's why he was elected.
The Old Dogs know and understand the order in getting legislation thru....the far right thinks if they shout louder and stomp their feet they should get their way.....

Our founders created a system where railroading by the simple majority, is the least effective way and hardest way to get things done.....compromise, so to represent most all of the citizens is the easier way and more effective way, to get things done.

Compromise? The Democrats got everything they wanted except military spending. So where is the compromise that benefited Republicans? Not one major issue.

Sorry, but I don't call that a compromise by any stretch of the imagination. I call that caving.

So, you agree that Trump and the GOP caved.

Tired of winning yet?
I'm trying to figure out why you're happy about that. Are somehow immune to the debt we currently have?

Not happy about it at all. Kinda terrified if you ask me because if a man doesn't stand for anything, he will fall for everything, and Trump really doesn't seem to stand for much because of the way he keeps flip flopping on promises and issues that he was for, then against, and now for again. He has no rudder and you poor dupes bought it.

And, the tired of winning remark is meant to be sarcastic.
So where was shrill's rudder pointed? Or would you be ok with this deal if she had done it?
I'm watching Laura Ingram on "Bret Baier's" show on FNC and she's not happy! The list of items Schumer and the Dems "got" just went on and on from continuation of Planned Parenthood to funding Medicare Insurance payment for Puerta Rico which was over $250 M.! Funding of the arts and increased payments to fund Obamacare as well! It was a total capitulation to make sure the gov't didn't shut down and the Dems were "clowning" Trump and his stooges "on the right!" There was no funding for a wall and threats of defunding Sanctuary Cities stopped! This is what total power does for Republicans; have the Presidency and all of Congress and they can't do the simplest of tasks! All they can do is try to explain to their constituents "it's the obstruction of the Dems that did it!" BS! :badgrin: :biggrin: :9: :bang3: :blahblah:

It was Medicaid for Puerto Rico.

Do you think it's pay back time from the republican's for all the name calling Trump did in the campaign? Do you really think they are going to work with him? He said some pretty bigly ugly things about most of his own party.

That's a joke really since no one but blue collar idiots believed he was a real Republican! He couldn't run as an independent and the Dems would sooner Obama go ahead and "launch" instead of going through formality of having him lead them! It has nothing to do with retaliation; Trump promised things he knew he couldn't deliver! Repub. will just have to grin and bear it for the next 3+ years & hope Trump just drops in his tracks before the next election! :banana: :blahblah:
We should just grin and bear another doubling of the nations debt. Well that certainly will show us. Banana dance!

Nyah, Trump's going all the way Dem and proposed a gas tax to finance infrastructure work! That would kill 2 birds with 1 stone; added jobs and another stimulus to the economy! :321: :banana: :beer:
The Old Dogs know and understand the order in getting legislation thru....the far right thinks if they shout louder and stomp their feet they should get their way.....

Our founders created a system where railroading by the simple majority, is the least effective way and hardest way to get things done.....compromise, so to represent most all of the citizens is the easier way and more effective way, to get things done.

Compromise? The Democrats got everything they wanted except military spending. So where is the compromise that benefited Republicans? Not one major issue.

Sorry, but I don't call that a compromise by any stretch of the imagination. I call that caving.

So, you agree that Trump and the GOP caved.

Tired of winning yet?
I'm trying to figure out why you're happy about that. Are somehow immune to the debt we currently have?

Not happy about it at all. Kinda terrified if you ask me because if a man doesn't stand for anything, he will fall for everything, and Trump really doesn't seem to stand for much because of the way he keeps flip flopping on promises and issues that he was for, then against, and now for again. He has no rudder and you poor dupes bought it.

And, the tired of winning remark is meant to be sarcastic.
So where was shrill's rudder pointed? Or would you be ok with this deal if she had done it?

Dunno. She wasn't elected and I can't judge anything on her performance as president based on the 100 day yardstick. I will say that she has much more experience than Trump, but where would she have taken us? I can't say. I know that the various political gaffes that Trump has had with the leaders of other countries wouldn't have happened under Hillary, because she already knew how the situations worked.

And, no, you can't defend Trump by asking what Hillary would do, she lost the election and Trump is in the white house, so I'm more concerned with how he is actually running the country than some theoretical pipe dream you dream up to defend him by denigrating Hillary.

Trump is president, Hillary isn't. Quit deflecting.
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
The Old Dogs know and understand the order in getting legislation thru....the far right thinks if they shout louder and stomp their feet they should get their way.....

Our founders created a system where railroading by the simple majority, is the least effective way and hardest way to get things done.....compromise, so to represent most all of the citizens is the easier way and more effective way, to get things done.

Effective? Lol! $20T debt, budget never balance. They globe-trot like kings and queens, retire at 4X what taxpayers SS is.........and become multi-millionares while making <$200K living in high priced DC and a phony home in district. Effective?

Its pitchfork time.
Yup. BUT THAT DEBT is because congress critters do NOT work together.....NOT because they have worked together the past decade....because they haven't....

It will lead to an economic meltdown to rival or maybe exceed the 1930s IMHO. The GOP is basically doing what the Dems would be doing if they controlled Congress, not much difference. And we've seen the results from that approach, almost no economic growth and massive debt/deficits due to out of control spending. So many times gov'ts have tried to spend their way out of the financial hole they've dug themselves into, and it always fails. EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's unsustainable and it's being ignored in the name of politics. And we keep sending the same ideological clowns back to Washington time after time. The one thing they're good at is kicking the can down the road but at some point you run out of road, and our kids and those that follow will be left to deal with the absolute mess we've left them.
Compromise? The Democrats got everything they wanted except military spending. So where is the compromise that benefited Republicans? Not one major issue.

Sorry, but I don't call that a compromise by any stretch of the imagination. I call that caving.

So, you agree that Trump and the GOP caved.

Tired of winning yet?
I'm trying to figure out why you're happy about that. Are somehow immune to the debt we currently have?

Not happy about it at all. Kinda terrified if you ask me because if a man doesn't stand for anything, he will fall for everything, and Trump really doesn't seem to stand for much because of the way he keeps flip flopping on promises and issues that he was for, then against, and now for again. He has no rudder and you poor dupes bought it.

And, the tired of winning remark is meant to be sarcastic.
So where was shrill's rudder pointed? Or would you be ok with this deal if she had done it?

Dunno. She wasn't elected and I can't judge anything on her performance as president based on the 100 day yardstick. I will say that she has much more experience than Trump, but where would she have taken us? I can't say. I know that the various political gaffes that Trump has had with the leaders of other countries wouldn't have happened under Hillary, because she already knew how the situations worked.

And, no, you can't defend Trump by asking what Hillary would do, she lost the election and Trump is in the white house, so I'm more concerned with how he is actually running the country than some theoretical pipe dream you dream up to defend him by denigrating Hillary.

Trump is president, Hillary isn't. Quit deflecting.
Since those were our two choices and she told you exactly what she was going to do if elected you can't even bring yourself to even considering what would have been done by now? We wouldn't have a good judge on the SC, all of the EO's that have been reversed wouldn't be. The spending would be way up, the crisis in NK would have no opposition.

We had to choose. This is probably our best option as shitty as it is at times.
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
I could be convinced of that but where is the gas tax money going now? It was supposed to be for roads and maintenance but...apparently not. So are these new increases actually going to be applied to the roads? I mean this time, this tax raise, this time for fucking sure it only goes to fixing roads. Unlike the other taxes that are already being paid for it but aren't being used that way.
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
I could be convinced of that but where is the gas tax money going now? It was supposed to be for roads and maintenance but...apparently not. So are these new increases actually going to be applied to the roads? I mean this time, this tax raise, this time for fucking sure it only goes to fixing roads. Unlike the other taxes that are already being paid for it but aren't being used that way.

If not I would agree with you, but I've never read anything that said our road tax money was going other places.

If our annual tax dollars raised 5 billion dollars a year for infrastructure and new roads, 5 billion dollars today is not what we got for 5 billion dollars in 2002.

We needed two new bridges going into downtown Cleveland. They were so bad that trucks were restricted from traveling on them due to concerns of a bridge collapse into the Cuyahoga river ten stories below. Obama's shovel ready money didn't even offer to contribute, so our Governor John Kasich found a way to get those bridges built.

Now they are built and not a day too soon. In morning rush hour, it was not abnormal to wait a half hour to get from one side of downtown to the other. If there was an accident--especially during bad weather off of Lake Erie during the winter, you are talking about an hour and a half to get through.

Today, you can get from one side of downtown to the other with a five minute or less delay. It's fantastic because the bridge that carries eastbound traffic only is five lanes wide. But.....I-90 is an interstate highway that should have received some federal funding.
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
I could be convinced of that but where is the gas tax money going now? It was supposed to be for roads and maintenance but...apparently not. So are these new increases actually going to be applied to the roads? I mean this time, this tax raise, this time for fucking sure it only goes to fixing roads. Unlike the other taxes that are already being paid for it but aren't being used that way.
it's been a quarter of a century since it's been raised by the federal gvt, but states tax gas as well, I believe?

I don't think it's a good hits the poorest drivers the hardest in the pocketbook, and rural citizens much more than city folk who are within 5 miles of their jobs and not 35 miles one way to their job, and who also have public transit..

And it is not just roads, it's bridges and tunnels, and airport runways, and electric grids, and schools, in which most were built 50 plus years ago......and train lines/ railroads, and natural gas pipelines (we still don't have any where I live so oil is our only choice to heat....) And Libraries/ Museums and National Monument needed repairs if any...and solar expansions or wind expansions to the grid even....and Water infrastructure repairs for all the cities...

Why should only the people who drive, and have to drive the farthest for their job, have to pay for all those city bridges and libraries and Museums and electric grid expansions and repairs, and water line repairs.... needed for the mass populated areas?
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
I could be convinced of that but where is the gas tax money going now? It was supposed to be for roads and maintenance but...apparently not. So are these new increases actually going to be applied to the roads? I mean this time, this tax raise, this time for fucking sure it only goes to fixing roads. Unlike the other taxes that are already being paid for it but aren't being used that way.
it's been a quarter of a century since it's been raised by the federal gvt, but states tax gas as well, I believe?

I don't think it's a good hits the poorest drivers the hardest in the pocketbook, and rural citizens much more than city folk who are within 5 miles of their jobs and not 35 miles one way to their job, and who also have public transit..

And it is not just roads, it's bridges and tunnels, and airport runways, and electric grids, and schools, in which most were built 50 plus years ago......and train lines/ railroads, and natural gas pipelines (we still don't have any where I live so oil is our only choice to heat....) And Libraries/ Museums and National Monument needed repairs if any...and solar expansions or wind expansions to the grid even....and Water infrastructure repairs for all the cities...

Why should only the people who drive, and have to drive the farthest for their job, have to pay for all those city bridges and libraries and Museums and electric grid expansions and repairs, and water line repairs.... needed for the mass populated areas?

Why should people who pay their cell phone bill be paying for those free government cell phones?

Even people that never had a drivers license in their life use the roads. How does their mail get to their home? How does merchandise get to their stores? How do they get to the stores to buy that merchandise? How does emergency personnel get to their homes if needed?

So concerned about the poor paying their share, but I bet you weren't that concerned when DumBama tried to close down coal fired power plants that would have increase electricity costs that would have a much more impact on the poor. Or his sin tax that he instituted when he first took office which by statistics, penalized the poor and middle-class the most since those groups are the majority of tobacco users.
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
I could be convinced of that but where is the gas tax money going now? It was supposed to be for roads and maintenance but...apparently not. So are these new increases actually going to be applied to the roads? I mean this time, this tax raise, this time for fucking sure it only goes to fixing roads. Unlike the other taxes that are already being paid for it but aren't being used that way.
it's been a quarter of a century since it's been raised by the federal gvt, but states tax gas as well, I believe?

I don't think it's a good hits the poorest drivers the hardest in the pocketbook, and rural citizens much more than city folk who are within 5 miles of their jobs and not 35 miles one way to their job, and who also have public transit..

And it is not just roads, it's bridges and tunnels, and airport runways, and electric grids, and schools, in which most were built 50 plus years ago......and train lines/ railroads, and natural gas pipelines (we still don't have any where I live so oil is our only choice to heat....) And Libraries/ Museums and National Monument needed repairs if any...and solar expansions or wind expansions to the grid even....and Water infrastructure repairs for all the cities...

Why should only the people who drive, and have to drive the farthest for their job, have to pay for all those city bridges and libraries and Museums and electric grid expansions and repairs, and water line repairs.... needed for the mass populated areas?

It's a fair point. There are a lot of low income small business people who might not be able to afford the extra cost of fuel to get to where they need to be to do their job. I know a guy who's in the landscaping business and he drives all over the county to do various jobs for people. If you increase his transportation costs he might have to go out of business.
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
I could be convinced of that but where is the gas tax money going now? It was supposed to be for roads and maintenance but...apparently not. So are these new increases actually going to be applied to the roads? I mean this time, this tax raise, this time for fucking sure it only goes to fixing roads. Unlike the other taxes that are already being paid for it but aren't being used that way.
it's been a quarter of a century since it's been raised by the federal gvt, but states tax gas as well, I believe?

I don't think it's a good hits the poorest drivers the hardest in the pocketbook, and rural citizens much more than city folk who are within 5 miles of their jobs and not 35 miles one way to their job, and who also have public transit..

And it is not just roads, it's bridges and tunnels, and airport runways, and electric grids, and schools, in which most were built 50 plus years ago......and train lines/ railroads, and natural gas pipelines (we still don't have any where I live so oil is our only choice to heat....) And Libraries/ Museums and National Monument needed repairs if any...and solar expansions or wind expansions to the grid even....and Water infrastructure repairs for all the cities...

Why should only the people who drive, and have to drive the farthest for their job, have to pay for all those city bridges and libraries and Museums and electric grid expansions and repairs, and water line repairs.... needed for the mass populated areas?

Why should people who pay their cell phone bill be paying for those free government cell phones?

Even people that never had a drivers license in their life use the roads. How does their mail get to their home? How does merchandise get to their stores? How do they get to the stores to buy that merchandise? How does emergency personnel get to their homes if needed?

So concerned about the poor paying their share, but I bet you weren't that concerned when DumBama tried to close down coal fired power plants that would have increase electricity costs that would have a much more impact on the poor. Or his sin tax that he instituted when he first took office which by statistics, penalized the poor and middle-class the most since those groups are the majority of tobacco users.
all those poor people getting that cheap coal for you, are using the benefits of Obamacare and many have black lung disease....and many other Americans have developed Asthma from all that dirty coal burning.

There is always two sides to the story....what you think is cheap, isn't always as cheap as you may think...
Gas tax hits poor very hard IMO. Cheap house, long commute eats lots of gas in an 88' Bonneville or landscaper in old pickup......yes illegals take hit too. I'm against any gas tax for poor man. Moonbeam is to raise CA to $0.70/gal? Or so I heard. Now at 1/2 that? Or $0.18/gal.....not certain.

I wouldn't mind paying a few cents extra for gasoline or diesel to repair our roads. Some of them are in pretty bad shape. Nothing improves for free, and we can't add anymore to our debt. Construction material keeps increasing in price as does construction personnel as well. It's got to be paid somehow, and a few cents per gallon is the only fair way.
I could be convinced of that but where is the gas tax money going now? It was supposed to be for roads and maintenance but...apparently not. So are these new increases actually going to be applied to the roads? I mean this time, this tax raise, this time for fucking sure it only goes to fixing roads. Unlike the other taxes that are already being paid for it but aren't being used that way.
it's been a quarter of a century since it's been raised by the federal gvt, but states tax gas as well, I believe?

I don't think it's a good hits the poorest drivers the hardest in the pocketbook, and rural citizens much more than city folk who are within 5 miles of their jobs and not 35 miles one way to their job, and who also have public transit..

And it is not just roads, it's bridges and tunnels, and airport runways, and electric grids, and schools, in which most were built 50 plus years ago......and train lines/ railroads, and natural gas pipelines (we still don't have any where I live so oil is our only choice to heat....) And Libraries/ Museums and National Monument needed repairs if any...and solar expansions or wind expansions to the grid even....and Water infrastructure repairs for all the cities...

Why should only the people who drive, and have to drive the farthest for their job, have to pay for all those city bridges and libraries and Museums and electric grid expansions and repairs, and water line repairs.... needed for the mass populated areas?

Why should people who pay their cell phone bill be paying for those free government cell phones?

Even people that never had a drivers license in their life use the roads. How does their mail get to their home? How does merchandise get to their stores? How do they get to the stores to buy that merchandise? How does emergency personnel get to their homes if needed?

So concerned about the poor paying their share, but I bet you weren't that concerned when DumBama tried to close down coal fired power plants that would have increase electricity costs that would have a much more impact on the poor. Or his sin tax that he instituted when he first took office which by statistics, penalized the poor and middle-class the most since those groups are the majority of tobacco users.
all those poor people getting that cheap coal for you, are using the benefits of Obamacare and many have black lung disease....and many other Americans have developed Asthma from all that dirty coal burning.

There is always two sides to the story....what you think is cheap, isn't always as cheap as you may think...

If it were not we wouldn't be using it.

Point is that the left is not that concerned about the poor when it comes to advancing their agendas.
sounds like the city of Cleveland has failed big time in taking care of their infrastructure. then again I do not believe in fixing things to help business. let the business pay through the nose for that.
sounds like the city of Cleveland has failed big time in taking care of their infrastructure. then again I do not believe in fixing things to help business. let the business pay through the nose for that.

Some have and some haven't. The ones that have left the country and took the jobs with them. The ones that haven't (yet) are still here for now.
good. They are bad businesses not wanted here. They don't respect America.

Glad you think you speak for all of America, but I do want them here. Why? Because we depend on those businesses to operate our delivery service. No company, no deliveries to make. No company, no jobs. And when your company is targeted by the government and you lose your job because of it, then say Good.

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