The Great event of hajj - Chanting “Labaik Allahuma Labaik”

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
MOUNT ARAFAT: Saudi Arabia’s top religious figure urged Muslims on Monday to avoid divisions, chaos and sectarianism, without explicitly speaking of the turmoil unleashed by the Arab Spring.

Hell is the final abode for those who spill the blood of an innocent human, said Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Sheikh, the Grand Mufti of the Ka'aba.

“Islam does not allow terrorism at any cost. Islam condemns all violence and terrorism plaguing the world today. Muslims should demonstrate a love for peace and unity,” he said.

The Grand Mufti recalled the Islamic prohibition of killing and aggression, while insisting there is “no salvation or happiness for the Muslim nation without adhering to the teachings of the religion.”

The top cleric also urged Muslims to avoid divisions, chaos and sectarianism.

“Your nation is a trust with you. You must safeguard its security, stability and resources,” he said in his address to the Muslim world. “You should know that you are targeted by your enemy... who wants to spread chaos among you ... It's time to confront this.”

Officials said around 1.5 million pilgrims descended on the site, where they offered prayers and listen to the annual sermon from the Saudi top cleric.

Read more:
Islam strictly forbids terrorism, says Grand Mufti in Hajj sermon - DAWN.COM
Pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah is an obligation once a life for muslims who are able to perform it.

It is the largest pilgrimage in history.


The month of “tho el hejja” is when Hajj is done according to Islamic calendar.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated annually on the 10th day of the 12th and the last Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah of the lunar Islamic calendar. Eid al-Adha celebrations start after the Hajj, descend from Mount Arafat.

Granny says, "Don't worry `bout it...

... it's just the Arabic version of rap...

... it ain't gonna last.

Hajj is a unique religious, political, cultural and human event. It is spectacular, indeed the greatest of spectacles ever put on by human beings. No religion and no civilization ever witnessed or sustained a similar event.

The effect of hajj on the participant is always radical. It shatters his personality by convincing him of its futility or vanity; and it reconstructs that personality and orients it towards Allah and His cause. It destroys every vestige of individualism, egotism, every trace of subjectivism and isolationism, every tendency to particularism and nationalism and finally, every touch of inferiority or superiority complex. It restores and instills in the participant's mental health, emotional equilibrium, concern for humans across every boundary or race or colour, of culture, language and social classification. It makes or reinforces his consciousness of himself as an ummatic being endowed with a universal mission. With all this, hajj lifts the participant above the flow of space and time, and confirms him as the guide and leader of that flow. ( Islam: The Way of Revival, "Inner Dimensions of Worship")


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