The Great Fakebook Purge of 2018

THIS is an exciting topic for me. Sometimes I'll argue each side just to see what new points I can get out of people. I'm somewhat undecided.

Should big government be able to tell private property Facebook they have to let me post? Does a bar have to let me stand in there and chant about the virtues of the Union Pacific Railroad or whatever?

Does this site have to let me post? Perhaps a site with over xxx,xxx clicks an hour does?

I'm a staunch supporter of private business and their right to operate as they please. However the argument can, and probably should be made in the proper legal venues, that Facebook, Google, etc have risen to the level of public utilities/common carriers. AT&T can't cut your phone service simply because they don't like what you say on their privately owned lines. Moreover, I think we need to redefine what really constitutes a "private business". Facebook is a PUBLICLY traded company.
What's funny about this whole thing is a number of left wing pages were taken down too, and of course their owners are screaming foul.

Examples: The Resistance (800k followers), Police the Police (1.9 million followers), Reasonable People Unite (2.25 million followers)...

$100 says they cheered Alex Jones being dumped. Reap what you sow, leftists.
InfoWars was only the beginning...

Now, anyone who has followed these pages for awhile and who doesn't have a pro-government, pro-corporation chip on their shoulder would be more than willing to say that these libertarian and anarchist pages were CENSORED, not removed for spam. These pages violated NO existing policies, and Facebook is LYING in order to claim otherwise.
Those people need to be taken to the Wood shed. I wonder what it would be with Nothing on Facebook except Progressives. Dull, Boring. Drab.

Liberty Dissident: Facebook Bans The Free Thought Project, Press for Truth, Anti-Media and 248 Other Alternative Media Pages
THIS is an exciting topic for me. Sometimes I'll argue each side just to see what new points I can get out of people. I'm somewhat undecided.

Should big government be able to tell private property Facebook they have to let me post? Does a bar have to let me stand in there and chant about the virtues of the Union Pacific Railroad or whatever?

Does this site have to let me post? Perhaps a site with over xxx,xxx clicks an hour does?
After the public congressional anal probe that Zuckerberg got a few months ago, it's very safe to say that the whole charade was an intimidation angle...Though he's probably not under any direct orders from anyone from The State, it is very apparent that he's doing his best to stay in the good graces of the people who would have no compunctions against ruing his business and putting him in the poor house if he didn't play ball...And while republicans might make a bunch of noise and give you a bunch of shit, they're pussies in the end...Zuc is playing to the hard left, as they have absolutely no compunctions against abusing the power of the state to punish their enemies....It's not personal, its survival.
I don't understand how ANYONE can still be on FB. The founder is a thief. Would you do your banking at one where they steal your money? Of course not. So why would you trust FB and its scumbag owner with your personal info? Because its how you keep in touch with family? Really? You forgot about the postal service and how to write long hand? You don't own a phone? WTF is wrong with you that you "need" to stay at a place that is so obviously crooked?

I just don't get it.
Facebook has become to the point, although they can do whatever they want since they are a company; and they solely rely on advertising more than anything else. More and more people are leaving the site. I am one of those people who are tired of the BS, so I left. I just canceled my account a few months ago. And have not been back there since.
I am on Twitter, but I am hardly tweeting on there like I used to.

I do wonder if Myspace didn't go the route they did, if they would be the same as Facebook or/and Twitter today? Or would they just be one of those platorms restricted Free Speech.
I'm only at Fakebook for the private groups....Mostly history, alternative news, model building, and anarchist shitposter groups...Don't think I put a post on my personal wall more than once or twice a month....It was fun and freewheeling until rather recently....This shit is bizarre.
I remember when I joined "thefacebook" back in 2004. It was only for college kids to interact with their teachers and professors at the time. Then in May 18, 2012, when Mark Zukcerberg decided to take his company public; I think his agenda was to stay left. But he has gotten so far left, he was pulling a Roger Goodell (The NFL Commissioner). Not caring if he loses advertising or sponsors because of his leftist agenda. So, he was basically "taking a knee" to anyone who tried to dispute his company's philosophy.

Of course, I could be totally wrong with this crap! Lol
You mean, when he STOLE the idea/concept from his college buddies. He's a thief. Once a thief, always a thief.
InfoWars was only the beginning...

Now, anyone who has followed these pages for awhile and who doesn't have a pro-government, pro-corporation chip on their shoulder would be more than willing to say that these libertarian and anarchist pages were CENSORED, not removed for spam. These pages violated NO existing policies, and Facebook is LYING in order to claim otherwise.

Liberty Dissident: Facebook Bans The Free Thought Project, Press for Truth, Anti-Media and 248 Other Alternative Media Pages

They went pretty much apeshit. I wonder if it's some kind of intentional self-destruction?
So is this soul sucking device a 'utility' , or some archsits pissin' match?

Internet Bill of Rights | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Internet forums and social networks which provide free access to the public are a digital place of assembly, and individuals using such methods for public communication should not be subjected to censorship due to political beliefs or differing ideas. Conservative voices on many large public website platforms are being censored, based solely on a differing opinion. Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness. These actions directly violate personal liberty and stand at contrast with the bill of rights.

We the people demand action to bring our digital future into the light.
InfoWars was only the beginning...

Now, anyone who has followed these pages for awhile and who doesn't have a pro-government, pro-corporation chip on their shoulder would be more than willing to say that these libertarian and anarchist pages were CENSORED, not removed for spam. These pages violated NO existing policies, and Facebook is LYING in order to claim otherwise.

Liberty Dissident: Facebook Bans The Free Thought Project, Press for Truth, Anti-Media and 248 Other Alternative Media Pages
Ignorant rightwing nonsense and demagoguery.

FB is a private company at liberty to edit content as it sees fit.

And how FB edits its content manifests as neither ‘censorship’ nor an “Orwellian information purge.”

Conservative media entities have ample opportunities to propagate their fear, ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, racism, hate, and lies absent access to FB.
InfoWars was only the beginning...

Now, anyone who has followed these pages for awhile and who doesn't have a pro-government, pro-corporation chip on their shoulder would be more than willing to say that these libertarian and anarchist pages were CENSORED, not removed for spam. These pages violated NO existing policies, and Facebook is LYING in order to claim otherwise.

Liberty Dissident: Facebook Bans The Free Thought Project, Press for Truth, Anti-Media and 248 Other Alternative Media Pages
Ignorant rightwing nonsense and demagoguery.

FB is a private company at liberty to edit content as it sees fit.

And how FB edits its content manifests as neither ‘censorship’ nor an “Orwellian information purge.”

Conservative media entities have ample opportunities to propagate their fear, ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, racism, hate, and lies absent access to FB.

It's not a First Amendment violation, but it is censorship. I agree Facebook has every right to purge whatever they want. And with this latest move, they've proven they will. That's why I don't play Facebook.
Facebook has become to the point, although they can do whatever they want since they are a company; and they solely rely on advertising more than anything else. More and more people are leaving the site. I am one of those people who are tired of the BS, so I left. I just canceled my account a few months ago. And have not been back there since.
I am on Twitter, but I am hardly tweeting on there like I used to.

I do wonder if Myspace didn't go the route they did, if they would be the same as Facebook or/and Twitter today? Or would they just be one of those platorms restricted Free Speech.
‘Free speech’ concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or organizations, such as FB.

How FB edits its content has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’
InfoWars was only the beginning...

Now, anyone who has followed these pages for awhile and who doesn't have a pro-government, pro-corporation chip on their shoulder would be more than willing to say that these libertarian and anarchist pages were CENSORED, not removed for spam. These pages violated NO existing policies, and Facebook is LYING in order to claim otherwise.

Liberty Dissident: Facebook Bans The Free Thought Project, Press for Truth, Anti-Media and 248 Other Alternative Media Pages

THIS is an exciting topic for me. Sometimes I'll argue each side just to see what new points I can get out of people. I'm somewhat undecided.

Should big government be able to tell private property Facebook they have to let me post? Does a bar have to let me stand in there and chant about the virtues of the Union Pacific Railroad or whatever?

Does this site have to let me post? Perhaps a site with over xxx,xxx clicks an hour does?
Your questions are clearly rhetorical.

Government compelling private online platforms to carry certain content would be in fact un-Constitutional.

And private property owners cannot be compelled to accommodate speech they oppose, just as USMB cannot be compelled to allow you to post.

Your indecision is unwarranted.
Good thing I'm not on Facepalm and Twittles sites...............Leave them in droves and let them play with themselves..............

Best way to end there for the public to ditch their sorry asses.........In regards to can they do this........yes they can ........they are a private company......

And the public should respond with you can find new customers then.................leave them.
It's a shame to censor out the moonbats because such extreemes are great examples to maintain a centrist stance


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