The Great Muslim Cover-up


May 15, 2012
Let's hear from the dhimmis once more. This should interesting.

The Great Muslim Cover-Up | FrontPage Magazine

"Western liberals respond to the problem with the same methods as Middle-Eastern Islamists. Their solution to everything is the great cover-up. Muslims cover up women, Western liberals cover up the Muslim abuse of women. Muslims are afraid of dealing with the idea that women are more than mobile property and Western liberals are terrified of dealing with the idea that this is what Muslims actually believe about women.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant, whether it’s for the bacteria that thrive under full body robes or the kind that thrive in ideologies which try to control everyone. No matter how many cover-ups are made and how many cloaks, hijabs and burkas are thrown over the truth, sooner or later the cover-ups have to end and the truth has to shine forth."
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No matter how much sunlight you want to use to disinfect, you cannot overcome the desire of women to be subjected to such abuse.
Muslims are afraid of dealing with the idea that women are more than mobile property and Western liberals are terrified of dealing with the idea that this is what Muslims actually believe about women.

With a rape every few minutes in the US of A, I assume you are a Muslim country, treating your women as property to be used as men require.

That or you are, as usual, talking crap. :)
Muslims are afraid of dealing with the idea that women are more than mobile property and Western liberals are terrified of dealing with the idea that this is what Muslims actually believe about women.

With a rape every few minutes in the US of A, I assume you are a Muslim country, treating your women as property to be used as men require.

That or you are, as usual, talking crap. :)

Rape in the USA has absolutely nothing to do with this. As usual, you are deflecting from the issue because you cannot accept the truth about Islam.
Muslims are afraid of dealing with the idea that women are more than mobile property and Western liberals are terrified of dealing with the idea that this is what Muslims actually believe about women.

With a rape every few minutes in the US of A, I assume you are a Muslim country, treating your women as property to be used as men require.

That or you are, as usual, talking crap. :)

Rape in the USA has absolutely nothing to do with this. As usual, you are deflecting from the issue because you cannot accept the truth about Islam.

You claim "muslims" so something because some do.
I was simply pointing you, you talk bollocks.
With a rape every few minutes in the US of A, I assume you are a Muslim country, treating your women as property to be used as men require.

That or you are, as usual, talking crap. :)

Rape in the USA has absolutely nothing to do with this. As usual, you are deflecting from the issue because you cannot accept the truth about Islam.

You claim "muslims" so something because some do.
I was simply pointing you, you talk bollocks.

Dumb as Brit. Go get your teeth cleaned.
Muslims are afraid of dealing with the idea that women are more than mobile property and Western liberals are terrified of dealing with the idea that this is what Muslims actually believe about women.

With a rape every few minutes in the US of A, I assume you are a Muslim country, treating your women as property to be used as men require.

That or you are, as usual, talking crap. :)

Thats not even remotely possible, if that were the case no one would have the time to do their jobs because everyone would be so busy raping or being raped that they couldn't do anything else and as the majority of people are actually hard at work at their Jobs, thats Bullshit
Muslims are afraid of dealing with the idea that women are more than mobile property and Western liberals are terrified of dealing with the idea that this is what Muslims actually believe about women.

With a rape every few minutes in the US of A, I assume you are a Muslim country, treating your women as property to be used as men require.

That or you are, as usual, talking crap. :)

Thats not even remotely possible, if that were the case no one would have the time to do their jobs because everyone would be so busy raping or being raped that they couldn't do anything else and as the majority of people are actually hard at work at their Jobs, thats Bullshit

Rape Statistics

Every 45 seconds someone in the United States is sexually assaulted (1).
1 out of every 7 women currently in college has been raped (2), however, 9 out of 10 women raped on campus never tell anyone about the rape (3).
1 in 10 men is raped in his lifetime (4), 1 in 7 of those victims will have been assaulted before the age of 18.
More than 61.5% of rapes are never reported to law enforcement (5).
Approximately 28% of rape victims are raped by their husbands, 35% by an acquaintance, and 17% by a relative other than spouse (6).
74% of sexual assaults are perpetrated by assailants well known to the victim (7).
A female child victim is 7 times more likely to be re-victimized as an adult (8).
Nearly 6 out of 10 sexual assaults occur at the victim’s home or the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor (9).
1 in 15 rape victims contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) as a result of being raped (10).
1 in 15 rape victims become pregnant as a result of being raped (11).
The United States has the world’s highest rape rate of all countries that publish such data- 13 times higher than England and more than 20 times higher than Japan (12).
An American woman is 10 times more likely to be raped than to die in a car crash (13).
61% of rape victims are females under the age of 18 (14).
Contrary to common belief that violent crime rates are notably lower in rural areas, a recent analysis of location data collected for the 1999 National Women’s Study found that 10.1% of women living in rural areas had experienced a completed rape as compared to 13.6% of women living in urban and suburban communities—hardly a notably lower rate.
Lewis, S. 2003. Unspoken Crimes: Sexual Assault in Rural America, Enola, PA: National Sexual Violence Resource Center


U.S. Department of Justice, 1994
Statistics on Sexual Violence Against Women, 1990; Woodruff & Koss
Rape Treatment Center of Santa Monica Longitudinal Study, 1995
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2002 & The American Medical Association, 2000
Indiana Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 2002
U.S. Department of Justice, 1994
U.S. Department of Justice, 1994
Indiana Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 2002
National Crime Victimization Survey, 1996
Statistics on Sexual Violence Against Women: A Criminological Study, 1990
Ibid. #10 Senate Judiciary Committee, 1990
Ibid. #12 American Medical Association, 2000

Let's do the maths.

2010 saw 84,767 reported rapes and 365 days in most years,
That means 232 rapes per day or about 10 per hour or one every 6 minutes.
That's reported rapes, not other sexual assaults or unreported crime.

Care to revise your post?
PS - A hint.

Before I make a claim, I research it to make sure I'm right.
That means I'm way too clever for you to attempt to argue with because you'll always lose.

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