The Greatest Pain in your Life

I didn't think of passing kidney stones. I have been spared but a few friends of mine have gone through it and described the pain very artfully. And the bad thing is that if you get one, there are likely to be more them in the future.
I really didn't have pain when I had to pass one, but the never ending urge to piss was very annoying.

My worst was last winter at work, broke a couple ribs slipping on ice with a piece of plywood under my arm. Landed with my full weight on the edge of the plywood right into my rib cage.

Even slamming a motorcycle into a car in my youth couldn't touch that rib cage pain.

Had one.

Kidney stone was far worse for me.

A big kidney stone (or two) is a special kind of pain. When they gotta go in and dig it out (or zap it with a laser) you know you got a big one.

I forget how big my stone was but I couldn't pass it and I was not able to work for an entire month.

As a close second for my worse pain, I once accidentally set my face and both arms on fire, while burning weeds around a pond with gasoline. My burnt skin was hanging from my arms and face. And as painful as it was, it was less than the kidney stone.
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... I once accidentally set my face and both arms on fire.....

That sounds like something you'd want to avoid.

Never going to burn with gas again.

I was splashing it onto the weeds, little at a time, from the gas can. Then, I would light a scrap piece of paper and toss that into the area. Then it started to rain, so I tried to hurry.

My last scrap of paper failed to ignite the gas, so I leaned over and tried to light it with the lighter and that's when it all went up in my face.
Worst pain I ever had...................

In my younger years, bicycle riding and racing was a way of life for me. Used to put in around 50 miles on days I worked, and on weekends, would do anywhere from 75 to 100 in a day. Spent most of my time on a bicycle, and got really good at it. So, one day I thought it would be a good vacation to take a couple of weeks worth of leave, and bicycle from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI. Well, my thighs were like stone from all the riding, and I got ONE FREAKING MILE away from home (completing the 1100 mile journey I had just spent 2 weeks on), and was stopped at a stop light. When the light turned green, I started to pedal again, but my foot slipped off the pedal just as I was doing a downstroke (was using Speedplay clipless pedals). My foot went to the ground, and the top bar of my bike smashed my left testicle between it and my left thigh. All I could do for the next 15 min was lie on the ground, retching and balled up in a fetal position. When I could finally see something other than white light (yeah, it was that bad), I managed to ride the last mile home, and promptly put myself to bed. About 2 hours later, I got up to use the bathroom, and my testicle had swollen to the size of a small orange. When I stood up, gravity took over, and it felt like I'd been kicked in the crotch. The Navy put me on 3 days bedrest because of it, and lemmie tell you, not only was the pain indescribable, but the humiliation of having to explain to the corpsman, my supervisor, my Chief, and my LT what had happened was just as bad for my ego. They didn't want to laugh at me, but they couldn't help it, and to be fair, a couple of months after I'd healed up, I could sorta see the humor in it, because it's ALWAYS funny to see another dude other than yourself take a shot to the crotch. Almost 30 years later, my left testicle is still quite a bit larger than my right, because of the accident. The 2 weeks it took for the swelling to go down was horrific, because as I said, every time I stood up, gravity was there to make me feel like I'd been kicked in the 'nards. Had to wear a jockstrap and bike shorts for those entire 2 weeks, because boxers just wouldn't cut it. But even then gravity still kicked me it the crotch from the blood flow and weight every time I went vertical.
What's interesting about this thread is how particularly you all remember the pain. Whereas childbirth, at least for me, is foggier. I remember bad pain--and then panic, I'm going to die, pain. But then of course, a baby. But the nature and strength of the pain is really foggy.

There's a reason for this as it turns out: once the baby is born, your brain floods with oxytocin, and it's an amnesiac. So you at least somewhat forget the pain (so you will have more babies. Ha!)
Kidney stones.

I've heard those are a bitch.
When to the emergency room with extreme pain in the kidney area and they found blood in my urine.
This was my first experience with Dilaudid.
I was able to enjoy it for all of about five minutes before I fell asleep.
Turned out I didnt have kidney stones and they never figured out what caused the pain.
For me it’s always fingers, toes, and mouth pain. The worst ever, scarily enough, I didn’t even know I was having until it went away…

Over two consecutive Mondays in September/October of 2003 I had 31 teeth extracted. Yep… all but the 1 wisdom tooth is had removed in high school. My mouth was so fucked up with busted teeth that almost all were infected and/or abscessed. As they took them out I screamed. Not from the pain but from the relief of pain I hadn’t even realized I was experiencing. They had to almost fully sedate me to get them all out.

I spent eight weeks with literally nothing in my mouth while my gums healed before I got my dentures.
I recently had the experience of having to rapidly warm my hands from extreme cold (everything's relative; I'm a wuss). If you have experienced it, you know that this can be VERY painful. It brought to mind something that happened several years ago. I had been riding my motorcycle one winter day, and at the end of the ride, despite having good gloves, by hands were "frozen."

Because I had to go out to dinner shortly after, I had to jump in the shower to get cleaned up. The pain in my hands caused by the warm water on by frozen hands was excruciating...I would say, the worst physical pain I have every experienced.

In my life, other occasions of great pain have been caused by carpentry mistakes with a hammer (you know what I mean), and a small number of basketball injuries, when I came down other peoples' feet from high-clying jumps, thereby turning my ankle.

My wife guessed that my worst would have been the time when I got my hand (2 fingers) crushed in a snow blower, and I actually fainted from that pain, but it actually seemed muted for some reason while it was going on. Strange. I was in shock, I guess.

Aside from childbirth, what have been your most physically painful moments?

Kidney stone 5 years ago. I pray every day I never get another one.
I've heard those are a bitch.
When to the emergency room with extreme pain in the kidney area and they found blood in my urine.
This was my first experience with Dilaudid.
I was able to enjoy it for all of about five minutes before I fell asleep.
Turned out I didnt have kidney stones and they never figured out what caused the pain.
One time I had two at the same time. They were so big my doctor had to go in and take them out.
I recently had the experience of having to rapidly warm my hands from extreme cold (everything's relative; I'm a wuss). If you have experienced it, you know that this can be VERY painful. It brought to mind something that happened several years ago. I had been riding my motorcycle one winter day, and at the end of the ride, despite having good gloves, by hands were "frozen."

Because I had to go out to dinner shortly after, I had to jump in the shower to get cleaned up. The pain in my hands caused by the warm water on by frozen hands was excruciating...I would say, the worst physical pain I have every experienced.

In my life, other occasions of great pain have been caused by carpentry mistakes with a hammer (you know what I mean), and a small number of basketball injuries, when I came down other peoples' feet from high-clying jumps, thereby turning my ankle.

My wife guessed that my worst would have been the time when I got my hand (2 fingers) crushed in a snow blower, and I actually fainted from that pain, but it actually seemed muted for some reason while it was going on. Strange. I was in shock, I guess.

Aside from childbirth, what have been your most physically painful moments?

Aortic aneurysm... Thank God for morphine.
Thankfully, I've never had kidney stones (knock on wood, I never will), but my Chief had them when we were stationed together at VFA-131. He ended up in the hospital for a week, and I visited him while he was there. Not only could you see the pain on his face and hear it in his voice when he talked, but watching him try to walk was like watching a 90 year old man try to get around (he was 35 and in pretty good shape before the stones). Just visiting him for that short period of time made me thankful I never had to experience them. But, it was also good to see him bounce back to full normal after they had passed.

He showed me what they looked like, and I gotta say, they looked SCARY. Ever seen those little sticker pods that are round and surrounded by sharp spikes all around? They looked kinda like that and were in his urinary tract. Apparently, every time they moved, they tore little holes wherever they went.
Thankfully, I've never had kidney stones (knock on wood, I never will), but my Chief had them when we were stationed together at VFA-131. He ended up in the hospital for a week, and I visited him while he was there. Not only could you see the pain on his face and hear it in his voice when he talked, but watching him try to walk was like watching a 90 year old man try to get around (he was 35 and in pretty good shape before the stones). Just visiting him for that short period of time made me thankful I never had to experience them. But, it was also good to see him bounce back to full normal after they had passed.

He showed me what they looked like, and I gotta say, they looked SCARY. Ever seen those little sticker pods that are round and surrounded by sharp spikes all around? They looked kinda like that and were in his urinary tract. Apparently, every time they moved, they tore little holes wherever they went.
Yeah, not fun.
when a hot soccer player gets substituted, at which point i stop watching, even if it's a huge game...i guess i don't have that much pain lol

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