The GREATEST war crime


You lost in Vietnam. An army of pathetic, nip peasents defeated the US Miltitary, in fact you were humiliated. How sad and pathetic you are. Now you are being defeated in Afghanistan. Will you never learn? You people need to fight an army consisting of old women and old men perhaps then you might win.

No chance I served in Vietnam. Thats where idiot Americans went to die in the name of "Glory and country". I protested the Vietnam war at every opportunity. I honestly feel that those who served in Vietnam were complict to murder. They will burn in the firey pits of eternal hell.
No chance I served in Vietnam. Thats where idiot Americans went to die in the name of "Glory and country". I protested the Vietnam war at every opportunity. I honestly feel that those who served in Vietnam were complict to murder. They will burn in the firey pits of eternal hell.

I know you idiot. from other forums. may you rot in hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you not just slightly ashamed that your vaunted US Marine Core was soundly defeated by VC peasents? That they were able to chase your lilly white backsides from their country was and is truly emarkable but they did prove that the US Military is really nothing more than a group of little boys dressed up like soldiers - they cant fight, never could and never will.
I have no problem with peasants at all. Peasants are like flies and maggots they are to be tolerated and hopefully obliterated one way or the other.The US was defeated and withdrew. Withdrew with VC firing the backs of the great USMC. How sad you people are ...........................
Up until the last few posts I was willing to give Yukonman the benefit of the doubt but the last few posts really show how utterly stupid he is.
If you werent there you dont know shit, sport.
The US Army and Marines were let down by the government and liberal pussies in this country. WE went because we were asked/ordered. The "defeat" came because we werent allowed to win.
I just realized that this is a waste of my time . Trying to convince someone like you is like trying to teach a pig to dance. It is a waste of time and annoys the teacher.
How about you fix whats wrong in your country and keep out of mine.
Up until the last few posts I was willing to give Yukonman the benefit of the doubt but the last few posts really show how utterly stupid he is.
If you werent there you dont know shit, sport.
The US Army and Marines were let down by the government and liberal pussies in this country. WE went because we were asked/ordered. The "defeat" came because we werent allowed to win.
I just realized that this is a waste of my time . Trying to convince someone like you is like trying to teach a pig to dance. It is a waste of time and annoys the teacher.
How about you fix whats wrong in your country and keep out of mine.

"We Were Soldiers" Joseph Galloway. My best Read on Viet Nam. Permanently changed my perspective.

From the Link. Product Description
Each year, the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps selects one book that he believes is both relevant and timeless for reading by all Marines. The Commandant's choice for 1993 was We Were Soldiers Once . . . and Young.
In November 1965, some 450 men of the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, under the command of Lt. Col. Hal Moore, were dropped by helicopter into a small clearing in the Ia Drang Valley. They were immediately surrounded by 2,000 North Vietnamese soldiers. Three days later, only two and a half miles away, a sister battalion was chopped to pieces. Together, these actions at the landing zones X-Ray and Albany constituted one of the most savage and significant battles of the Vietnam War.
How these men persevered--sacrificed themselves for their comrades and never gave up--makes a vivid portrait of war at its most inspiring and devastating. General Moore and Joseph Galloway, the only journalist on the ground throughout the fighting, have interviewed hundreds of men who fought there, including the North Vietnamese commanders. This devastating account rises above the specific ordeal it chronicles to present a picture of men facing the ultimate challenge, dealing with it in ways they would have found unimaginable only a few hours earlier. It reveals to us, as rarely before, man's most heroic and horrendous endeavor.

[ame=] We Were Soldiers Once...and Young: Ia Drang - the Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam (9780345475817): Harold G. Moore, Joseph L. Galloway: Books[/ame]
War crime? War crimes are in the eyes of the victors.

At least someone understands that the entire idea of a warcrime is relative at best, its defining moment depends solely on the man holding judgment.

I may be wrong but I thought at that time there were only two bombs available. Am I mistaken? I have no source other than a memory of an old public tv educational prsentation.

They were working on the third bomb during the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Nagasaki was actually the third target too, not the 2nd target. The second target was a military institution, which changed to Nagasaki primarily due to the skies over the particular target. Knowing that, had the 2nd bomb gone according to plan, there would have been far fewer military deaths. Nagasaki was only the 3rd choice for the trio-bombs in the extreme unlikelihood that there was no surrender, but as I said it became the 2nd location because there was smoke across the 2nd target that was meant to be nuked.

I'm assuming they were innocent because they were civilians. What crime could they have possibly committed that warranted us vaporizing them, especially the children? The opinion of two warmongers is not a convincing argument.

I would agree that it's not the worst thing that has ever been done, especially considering the purges of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. However, it's certainly one of the worst things our government has ever done.

Maybe the children were innocent, much like the mideastern child that would pick up an AK-47 to shoot at an armed soldier. But the civilian populace in Japan were well trained in the Bushido arts thanks to tradition. Japanese culture dictated that all Japanese would learn self-defense and various offensive techniques in the Bushido tradition. It was considered dishonorable and disgraceful for any family not to be trained, even the women were often trained to fight.

The last time you tried that we burned down your Capital and your President's home (white house). I'm sorry but you people can't fight, never could fight, and never will be able to fight. Your battle cry is "feet do yo thing". Fat and lazy................

Even in the war 1812 the British-Canadian forces took their tail behind their legs and ran home after their defeat.

When you target civilians you are guilty of a war crime.

This is only true to those who support the Geneva Convention and UN/ICC to begin with. Without either entity, there would be no such thing as a warcrime, which by itself is a contradiction. War is about winning, period.

Er correction GUNNY, the US did start that conflict because it allowed Japan to attack the US. The Jpas were given all the right signals, anyone with an ounce of brain knew before the 1st shot was fired that Japan never had a hope in wining against the US and its allies just like Hitler never had. It was just all part of the big plan, the one that continues to this day.

America stopped selling oil to Japan and it was because of this and other reasons that provoked Japan into Attacking the US and the US Government knew it was going to be attacked.

I would daresay that FDR committed treason when he approved of embargoing the oil from the Japanese. The greatest crime of WWII is the fact we got involved without crushing Stalin-USSR. We were right to crush Hitler and Germany, but not crushing Stalin while people like FDR marginalized Stalin's critics tells me the cold war was just propaganda aside from the Truman and Reagan administrations.
What does Bushido or self-defense have to do with this? The fact is that our government purposefully targeted civilians that had committed no crime other than being citizens of a country we were at war with and dropped an atomic bomb on them.

As for your Mid-eastern child analogy, it doesn't fit. A child that picks up a gun and shoots at someone is not innocent. They may be forced to do so against their will, or they may be too young to understand what they're doing but they're not innocent. Those Japanese civilians had done no harm to us.
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What does Bushido or self-defense have to do with this? The fact is that our government purposefully targeted civilians that had committed no crime other than being citizens of a country we were at war with and dropped an atomic bomb on them.

There was no such thing as a civilian to the Japanese.

As for your Mid-eastern child analogy, it doesn't fit. A child that picks up a gun and shoots at someone is not innocent. They may be forced to do so against their will, or they may be too young to understand what they're doing but they're not innocent. Those Japanese civilians had done no harm to us.

I didn't say whether or not either were innocent. My belief is that all children are innocent, no matter the condition.

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