"The Green New Deal is a non-binding resolution of values. It does not have a price tag or CBO score & costs $0" So let's save the planet, my friends!

we must act before its too late, my friends!
AOC has nice tits but she doesnt know shit about economics

we could learn as much talking to the bartender on Cheers
AOC's tits are fake news!

we must act before its too late, my friends!
AOC has nice tits but she doesnt know shit about economics

we could learn as much talking to the bartender on Cheers
AOC's tits are fake news!
Could be

we must act before its too late, my friends!
It's already too late. According to top scientists (AOC), we only have about 10 years left.

Algore warned us a long time ago we only had 10 years then too.

And before that (in the 90s), climatologist Ted Danson warned us we only had 10 years then.

Just accept that we're screwed. It's over.
in order to live, you must breathing. therefore, the purpose of living is breathing.

and we cant do that without the Green New Deal, my friends!

A WORLD ON FIRE threatens the viability of all corporations. that's why corporations should unanimously support the Green New Deal, my friends!
How many years until the world is on fire?
About 6 billion when our sun expands into a red giant engulfing the inner planets.

Earth is doomed by it's own star.

We got time.
Ok then, I throw in the towel.
Well, at least it isn't our fault.
in order to live, you must breathing. therefore, the purpose of living is breathing.

and we cant do that without the Green New Deal, my friends!

If the options are: Green New Deal or Death....

I choose DEATH.

BTW - an AOC presidency could very likely have a three letter ending... JWB, LHO, ???
you're stupid
Sez the one who thinks solar powered airliners and electric bullet trains to Europe is a good idea.
All that stuff that pundits said about the Green New Deal, ‘It’s unrealistic,’ ‘It’s radical,’ ‘It’s crazy,’ ‘It’s never going to happen’ ...all of that I believe could become possible in this moment because there is a rupture emerging.
All that stuff that pundits said about the Green New Deal, ‘It’s unrealistic,’ ‘It’s radical,’ ‘It’s crazy,’ ‘It’s never going to happen’ ...all of that I believe could become possible in this moment because there is a rupture emerging.
Gotta link to those solar powered 747s?
its the end of the world if we dont do something, my friends!

He keeps saying the same thing over and over about the end of the world....WHY THE FUCK ISNT THIS IN THE RUBBER ROOM??????


AOC predicted in 2018 that in 12 years the world would be totally fucked up by CO2 and global warming. Now if my math is correct 2070 is 50 years from now. Who is right? AOC or some nutjob from CNBC?

NEITHER is right.


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