"The Green New Deal is a non-binding resolution of values. It does not have a price tag or CBO score & costs $0" So let's save the planet, my friends!

its the end of the world if we dont do something, my friends!

He keeps saying the same thing over and over about the end of the world....WHY THE FUCK ISNT THIS IN THE RUBBER ROOM??????


AOC predicted in 2018 that in 12 years the world would be totally fucked up by CO2 and global warming. Now if my math is correct 2070 is 50 years from now. Who is right? AOC or some nutjob from CNBC?

NEITHER is right.

consistency is a virtue, my friends!
its the end of the world if we dont do something, my friends!

He keeps saying the same thing over and over about the end of the world....WHY THE FUCK ISNT THIS IN THE RUBBER ROOM??????


AOC predicted in 2018 that in 12 years the world would be totally fucked up by CO2 and global warming. Now if my math is correct 2070 is 50 years from now. Who is right? AOC or some nutjob from CNBC?

NEITHER is right.

consistency is a virtue, my friends!

Idiocy is dangerous...

'Stuck in our own experiment': Leader of trapped team insists polar ice is melting
The leader of a scientific expedition whose ship remains stranded in Antarctic ice says the team, which set out to prove climate change, is "stuck in our own experiment."

But Chris Turney, a professor of climate change at Australia’s University of New South Wales, said it was “silly” to suggest he and 73 others aboard the MV Akademic Shokalskiy were trapped in ice they’d sought to prove had melted. He remained adamant that sea ice is melting, even as the boat remained trapped in frozen seas.

This scientist, actually believed that the ice down in Antarctica was gone, and he and his stupid idiot friends, all got stuck in a frozen mass of ice. Then they had to send in another ship that got stuck. Finally they got a icebreaker down there to free them of the ice that wasnt supposed to be there? Wonder what the global warming zelots would of thought if they couldnt get an icebreaker down there and they all died?

Last entry in my GW journal ---- stuck in ice, freezing to death, but this will prove that Global Warming...errr...I mean Climate Change is for real. Fuck it is cold....End of journal.

its the end of the world if we dont do something, my friends!

He keeps saying the same thing over and over about the end of the world....WHY THE FUCK ISNT THIS IN THE RUBBER ROOM??????


AOC predicted in 2018 that in 12 years the world would be totally fucked up by CO2 and global warming. Now if my math is correct 2070 is 50 years from now. Who is right? AOC or some nutjob from CNBC?

NEITHER is right.

consistency is a virtue, my friends!

Your computer used petroleum products to be produced. You should immediately stop using it...............ya know, so you are consistent and virtuous and shit.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: 200 species are going extinct every day. do we not care about human extinction? have we become diabolical?
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: 200 species are going extinct every day. do we not care about human extinction? have we become diabolical?
Why isnt this in the Rubber Room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bullshit 200 species are not going extinct every fucking day....Stop being such a retard and parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells you to.

How many species are we losing?
How many species are we losing?
Well... this is the million dollar question.

And one that’s very hard to answer.

Do you know why it is hard to answer? Because they just dont know, that is why they have asked the question.

Experts, never get it right either, they are always under estimating or over estimating.

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