The Green New Deal is Actually Feasable

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.
That is kind of harsh on family budgets.

If we improved the electric grid, modernizing it, and put TMSR to supply all the energy we need, it wouldnt really require any manipulation of gas prices.
If the family contributes most to the carbon issue, isn't that where the emphasis must be? Every year, millions of drivers are added, increasing emissions. Maybe kids can start walking to schools or libraries or the arcade again.

This is the type of ridiculous liberal bullshit, that will do nothing. Everything is just a simple fix. Maybe stop lying to people, to try and make yourself seem more important. And no, I don’t have a solution. Maybe you should set an example by walking or riding a unicycle yourself. Lead by example for a couple years, and let us know how it works for you. I’m sure there are ways to improve and conserve energy, that don’t involve rebuilding the world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not a liberal, not lying to anybody, i'm old-not important, I walk to the gym, doctor's, blood clinic, convenience store, and landlord to pay rent. I do drive for groceries. Cutting down is not impossible-if you are too lazy or cynical to try anything then just sit down and be quiet. Nothing is mandatory here-did the same things when I was a kid-cars are a privilege and should be treated that way.

But no one is going to do that. You are the exception to the rule. Glad to hear you are not liberal. You are definitely benefiting your health more than anything, Most people are too lazy to walk, even if it’s feasible. Kids are fat fast food eaters. This is definitely not going to change things on a large scale.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But they did not try a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor.
I think such reactors are how this thing can work, primarily.
Those reactors are not operational. The "commercial scale prototype" expected to be up and running within four years, so in 2024. However, they had the same "within four years" prediction timeline back in 2015.
We have built them back in the 1950's. This is established off the shelf tech, not really new mostly.

The Chinese, India, Europe and Indonesia are going full speed into building Thorium reactors, and we should too.

Oh, please! You are betting on unproven technology, despite your claims. How will you use this system to power aircraft? They tried and failed to make it work.
You need to be more specific.

Why should we modernize our electric grid?

Why should we use Green energy?

Why should we mine Near Earth asteroids?

I'm n ot sure what you are asking.
All of the above. What’s wrong with using what we have?
Whats wrong with using a wood burning stove, a horse and buggy and gravel roads?

Nothing, it just isn't the best we have and I want the best for America.
Fossil is the most efficient we have right now (except nuclear).
The so-called renewables “rape the landscape”, quoting Lewis Medlock from Deliverance.
Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.
That is kind of harsh on family budgets.

If we improved the electric grid, modernizing it, and put TMSR to supply all the energy we need, it wouldnt really require any manipulation of gas prices.

More poor families means more families reliant on government largess. The party willing to pander the most, wins.
This will starve third-world poor before it ever generates any net job increase.
Seriously, why do you assert that?

If this is a reasonable side effect we need to mitigate it.
Until it’s economically feasible and if it’s in place of abundant fossil fuel resources, it only serves to drive the price of everything up. The poorest people in third-world countries will starve as those dictators will not take the economic hardship on the chin. They will pass those costs onto the poorest in their countries driving them from poverty to starvation.
But they did not try a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor.
I think such reactors are how this thing can work, primarily.
Those reactors are not operational. The "commercial scale prototype" expected to be up and running within four years, so in 2024. However, they had the same "within four years" prediction timeline back in 2015.
We have built them back in the 1950's. This is established off the shelf tech, not really new mostly.

The Chinese, India, Europe and Indonesia are going full speed into building Thorium reactors, and we should too.

Oh, please! You are betting on unproven technology, despite your claims. How will you use this system to power aircraft? They tried and failed to make it work.

Dude, did you actually6 read my response?


This is proven tech.

Seriously, so why not use it?
Until it’s economically feasible and if it’s in place of abundant fossil fuel resources, it only serves to drive the price of everything up. The poorest people in third-world countries will starve as those dictators will not take the economic hardship on the chin. They will pass those costs onto the poorest in their countries driving them from poverty to starvation.

I am talking about a program for the USA, not the Third World. I suppose eventually it rolls out to third world countries too, but only as a secondary effect.
[QUOTE="fncceo, post: 23025536, member: 60420"
More poor families means more families reliant on government largess. The party willing to pander the most, wins.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the third world thing was confusing me.

I would like to think that people are too smart to fall for pandering, unfunded pie-in-the-sky promises, but then we have elections and I am slapped in the face with Reality.
But they did not try a Thorium Molten Salt Reactor.
I think such reactors are how this thing can work, primarily.
Those reactors are not operational. The "commercial scale prototype" expected to be up and running within four years, so in 2024. However, they had the same "within four years" prediction timeline back in 2015.
We have built them back in the 1950's. This is established off the shelf tech, not really new mostly.

The Chinese, India, Europe and Indonesia are going full speed into building Thorium reactors, and we should too.

Oh, please! You are betting on unproven technology, despite your claims. How will you use this system to power aircraft? They tried and failed to make it work.

Dude, did you actually6 read my response?


This is proven tech.

Seriously, so why not use it?

It is NOT proven technology or we would be using them.

The Russians seem to have a lot of reactor accidents that kill thousands. Ever wonder why? It is because they mess with this kind of shit!
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.

Yea but you won't be able to afford an electric car because you've taxed gas to the point that us truckers will have to charge you 10 times more for shipping so EVERYTHING you buy will be more expensive. WAY WAY more expensive. With every penny fuel goes up it costs our trucking company almost 1 million dollars a year in extra fuel costs which of course we pass along to our customers to deliver their products to them that they in turn pass on to the customers who buy their products, YOU.

You're one dumb son of a bitch if you think a tax on gas will only raise the price of gas and everything else will remain the same.
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.

Yea but you won't be able to afford an electric car because you've taxed gas to the point that us truckers will have to charge you 10 times more for shipping so EVERYTHING you buy will be more expensive. WAY WAY more expensive. With every penny fuel goes up it costs our trucking company almost 1 million dollars a year in extra fuel costs which of course we pass along to our customers to deliver their products to them that they in turn pass on to the customers who buy their products, YOU.

You're one dumb son of a bitch if you think a tax on gas will only raise the price of gas and everything else will remain the same.

Cut the name calling at ME! Do it to your old lady if you dare. I did not SAY diesel-I said gas-you know, trips to the ice cream store. Economics trigger the fastest change in behavior. I said SLOWLY tax gas and that WATER was the bigger problem-Jesus Christ, why don't you people read before you start wetting yourselves. And, just for good measure, my brother is a trucker!
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.

Yea but you won't be able to afford an electric car because you've taxed gas to the point that us truckers will have to charge you 10 times more for shipping so EVERYTHING you buy will be more expensive. WAY WAY more expensive. With every penny fuel goes up it costs our trucking company almost 1 million dollars a year in extra fuel costs which of course we pass along to our customers to deliver their products to them that they in turn pass on to the customers who buy their products, YOU.

You're one dumb son of a bitch if you think a tax on gas will only raise the price of gas and everything else will remain the same.

Cut the name calling at ME! Do it to your old lady if you dare. I did not SAY diesel-I said gas-you know, trips to the ice cream store. Economics trigger the fastest change in behavior. I said SLOWLY tax gas and that WATER was the bigger problem-Jesus Christ, why don't you people read before you start wetting yourselves. And, just for good measure, my brother is a trucker!

Sure! I can walk to the grocery store 7 miles from my house. You are exactly as described!
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.

Yea but you won't be able to afford an electric car because you've taxed gas to the point that us truckers will have to charge you 10 times more for shipping so EVERYTHING you buy will be more expensive. WAY WAY more expensive. With every penny fuel goes up it costs our trucking company almost 1 million dollars a year in extra fuel costs which of course we pass along to our customers to deliver their products to them that they in turn pass on to the customers who buy their products, YOU.

You're one dumb son of a bitch if you think a tax on gas will only raise the price of gas and everything else will remain the same.

Cut the name calling at ME! Do it to your old lady if you dare. I did not SAY diesel-I said gas-you know, trips to the ice cream store. Economics trigger the fastest change in behavior. I said SLOWLY tax gas and that WATER was the bigger problem-Jesus Christ, why don't you people read before you start wetting yourselves. And, just for good measure, my brother is a trucker!

How are you going to tax gas and not diesel? LOL You are a dumb son of a bitch if you dont think companies use vehicles that use gas.

I guess the stupidity is so thick in here even a gas mask can't fix it.
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.

Yea but you won't be able to afford an electric car because you've taxed gas to the point that us truckers will have to charge you 10 times more for shipping so EVERYTHING you buy will be more expensive. WAY WAY more expensive. With every penny fuel goes up it costs our trucking company almost 1 million dollars a year in extra fuel costs which of course we pass along to our customers to deliver their products to them that they in turn pass on to the customers who buy their products, YOU.

You're one dumb son of a bitch if you think a tax on gas will only raise the price of gas and everything else will remain the same.

Cut the name calling at ME! Do it to your old lady if you dare. I did not SAY diesel-I said gas-you know, trips to the ice cream store. Economics trigger the fastest change in behavior. I said SLOWLY tax gas and that WATER was the bigger problem-Jesus Christ, why don't you people read before you start wetting yourselves. And, just for good measure, my brother is a trucker!

Sure! I can walk to the grocery store 7 miles from my house. You are exactly as described!

YOU are old and feeble-go take a nap!
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.

Yea but you won't be able to afford an electric car because you've taxed gas to the point that us truckers will have to charge you 10 times more for shipping so EVERYTHING you buy will be more expensive. WAY WAY more expensive. With every penny fuel goes up it costs our trucking company almost 1 million dollars a year in extra fuel costs which of course we pass along to our customers to deliver their products to them that they in turn pass on to the customers who buy their products, YOU.

You're one dumb son of a bitch if you think a tax on gas will only raise the price of gas and everything else will remain the same.

Cut the name calling at ME! Do it to your old lady if you dare. I did not SAY diesel-I said gas-you know, trips to the ice cream store. Economics trigger the fastest change in behavior. I said SLOWLY tax gas and that WATER was the bigger problem-Jesus Christ, why don't you people read before you start wetting yourselves. And, just for good measure, my brother is a trucker!

How are you going to tax gas and not diesel? LOL You are a dumb son of a bitch if you dont think companies use vehicles that use gas.

I guess the stupidity is so thick in here even a gas mask can't fix it.

Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Slowly tax gas so a new electric car is cheaper than driving your 4 year old car. My issue is water pollution-far worse than carbon and already a major shortage around the world.

Yea but you won't be able to afford an electric car because you've taxed gas to the point that us truckers will have to charge you 10 times more for shipping so EVERYTHING you buy will be more expensive. WAY WAY more expensive. With every penny fuel goes up it costs our trucking company almost 1 million dollars a year in extra fuel costs which of course we pass along to our customers to deliver their products to them that they in turn pass on to the customers who buy their products, YOU.

You're one dumb son of a bitch if you think a tax on gas will only raise the price of gas and everything else will remain the same.

Cut the name calling at ME! Do it to your old lady if you dare. I did not SAY diesel-I said gas-you know, trips to the ice cream store. Economics trigger the fastest change in behavior. I said SLOWLY tax gas and that WATER was the bigger problem-Jesus Christ, why don't you people read before you start wetting yourselves. And, just for good measure, my brother is a trucker!

How are you going to tax gas and not diesel? LOL You are a dumb son of a bitch if you dont think companies use vehicles that use gas.

I guess the stupidity is so thick in here even a gas mask can't fix it.-not if you put yours on backwards!/QUOTE]
So dumb son of a bitch is the extent of your intellect? Fine, I'll talk slowly. You don't think companies can deduct gas off their taxes? And get off the gas tax-the WATER is more important-you don't drink gas do you? You might actually.
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Government start-up $$$ will be squandered like a dope addict does with money for drugs. More BIG gov, more taxes.
Green jobs will never replace the jobs lost in fossil fuel industry. You want to take a guy supporting his family with a $30.00 and hour job and give him a job grinding up old tires to use on playgrounds at $11.00 and hour? Sure.
Green New Deal is another fantasy along the lines of,”We can have world peace!”
If the U.S. had a better public transportation in the infrastructure, it would be REALLY feasible. Take for example how Japan has so many high speed trains.
If the U.S. had a better public transportation in the infrastructure, it would be REALLY feasible. Take for example how Japan has so many high speed trains.
High speed trains would be a threat to that shit worthless liberal darling called Amtrak. Then you would have to deal with unions, environmentalists and all the other bullshit. High speed trains would work if we scrapped Amtrak and let private sector invest $$$ into the project and manage it. Only thing the federal government is good at is Armed Forces. Everything else the Touch turns to shit.
Yeah, I know everyone has heard a lot of BS about the GND, but it can actually be implemented and I plan to put a more detailed explanation in the Clean Debate forum.

I give two links to a Carlson interview with Robert Hockett discussing this. Of course, Carlson is 10% investigator and 90% entertainer and he is trying to make Hockett look like a typical Woketard, but Hockett isn't. The Green New Deal can actually work and I would like to upgrade and modernize our energy tech and resources. Most of this needs to be done independently of the Green New Deal or not.

Robert Hockett - Cornell law professor

There are some problems for Green New Deal with a simple and broad idea of how it can be addressed:
1) shrinking petroleum industry is a risk to the petro dollar - go to a commodities based US dollar.
2) existing industries to be replaced will fight it for survival - have partnerships with these industries to implement the GND and thus allow them to continue making revenue
3) how to pay for it? - by using government funds to act as catalyst instead of the sole implementing agent
4) What are these green new sources of energy? - Most are well known, but Thorium Molten Salt Reactors are totally green energy, it is existing technology, and can be put into place through a crash program. These TMSRs are 100% safe to people and the environment. Improving efficiency in our grid by using more locally based power generation would also be helpful. Our grid really needs to be upgraded.
5) how to keep people employed from replaced industries? - use these industries to implement the change, if they are willing to, the employment numbers can be maintained as they transition to new forms of energy
6) what to do with petroleum, coal and gas? - petroleum can still be used to make high grade plastic for construction, coal can be used to make carbon nanotube cable, and gas can be stored and used to keep the power grid stable during less green energy convenient times.

In addition, if we coupled the modernization of our power grid with a new industry of asteroid mining, with all its spin off industries and tech, full employment is easy peezy.

Hocket is a lying sleazoid.

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