The Grim Reaper aka McConnell will cause people to stop working if they receive a one time check of 1400 bucks

It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
Last edited:
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far from the proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Because they picked an arbitrary value of compensation vs. anything else. My niece and her fiancee live with her parents they are each getting money as they are under the $75k threshold but they aren't remotely struggling. Both are still working and they don't pay rent or utilities. To them its just free money. Zero to do with COVID.
What are they doing with the money?
What money? The remaining $1.7Trn? Wasting it. Funding underfunded pensions, homeless wasteful spend, etc.

It is listed in the link just not spelled out. The Bill could have easily been $200bn.
What are your Niece and her Fiancee doing with the check they are getting?
No idea. Didn't ask them. I am guessing they will pocket the money. Maybe take a vacation?
Perfect. Thats the point... Take a vacation. Get some revenue flowing in the airlines and hotels and cities that have been starved of tourism over the past year. Thats what stimulus is for! It all comes back to the Gov. They are still charging Taxes last time I checked
Or you keep the $2,800? LOL

So why not give everyone free money? That logic is illogical. They don't need the money. Basing stimulus on income is insanity. My dad is embarrassed by it. He doesn't want or need it but qualifies as he is retired.
Some people want to institute a universal basic income. It isn't really illogical. Those who get and dont need it should go to local businesses and spend it... Thats the point, get it out in circulation. It comes right back to the Gov after a few cycles.
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
Not really. We can talk about need and execution and effectiveness if you’d like but this discussion was started on the basic premise that only 9% of the relief Bill had anything to do with COVID. I consider you an intelligent person so I hope we can agree that that point is absurd and the majority of the bill has to do with COvId though I think it safe to say that you disagree with the need for most of it. We on the same page with that?
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
Not really. We can talk about need and execution and effectiveness if you’d like but this discussion was started on the basic premise that only 9% of the relief Bill had anything to do with COVID. I consider you an intelligent person so I hope we can agree that that point is absurd and the majority of the bill has to do with COvId though I think it safe to say that you disagree with the need for most of it. We on the same page with that?
No we are not. They used COVID as an excuse to pass pork IMO. $200bn should have been enough. I believe in free markets so cutting checks to people is against my fundamental beliefs. I could Almost tolerate it if it were for those in the restaurant, fitness, hospitality, airline industries but the way they did it was stupid and inefficient. They used COVID as an excuse to issue checks to garner future votes IMO.
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
Not really. We can talk about need and execution and effectiveness if you’d like but this discussion was started on the basic premise that only 9% of the relief Bill had anything to do with COVID. I consider you an intelligent person so I hope we can agree that that point is absurd and the majority of the bill has to do with COvId though I think it safe to say that you disagree with the need for most of it. We on the same page with that?
No we are not. They used COVID as an excuse to pass pork IMO. $200bn should have been enough. I believe in free markets so cutting checks to people is against my fundamental beliefs. I could Almost tolerate it if it were for those in the restaurant, fitness, hospitality, airline industries but the way they did it was stupid and inefficient. They used COVID as an excuse to issue checks to garner future votes IMO.
Well I imagine mandated shut downs would be against you’re free market beliefs as well and since those happened and it impacted our entire nation then I’d think you’d understand and support the need to rectify and help support some of the damage done
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
Not really. We can talk about need and execution and effectiveness if you’d like but this discussion was started on the basic premise that only 9% of the relief Bill had anything to do with COVID. I consider you an intelligent person so I hope we can agree that that point is absurd and the majority of the bill has to do with COvId though I think it safe to say that you disagree with the need for most of it. We on the same page with that?
No we are not. They used COVID as an excuse to pass pork IMO. $200bn should have been enough. I believe in free markets so cutting checks to people is against my fundamental beliefs. I could Almost tolerate it if it were for those in the restaurant, fitness, hospitality, airline industries but the way they did it was stupid and inefficient. They used COVID as an excuse to issue checks to garner future votes IMO.
Well I imagine mandated shut downs would be against you’re free market beliefs as well and since those happened and it impacted our entire nation then I’d think you’d understand and support the need to rectify and help support some of the damage done
Right if you shut down you may improve health but you certainly weaken the earning potential of businesses and persons so it needs to be a balancing act. But the Govt must not interfere. It should be up to the individual. PPP loans have gone out of control and the criteria was so basic that many businesses that didn’t need the money still got it. Pretty sad and short sighted. I hate that program. I hate all bail outs.
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
Not really. We can talk about need and execution and effectiveness if you’d like but this discussion was started on the basic premise that only 9% of the relief Bill had anything to do with COVID. I consider you an intelligent person so I hope we can agree that that point is absurd and the majority of the bill has to do with COvId though I think it safe to say that you disagree with the need for most of it. We on the same page with that?
No we are not. They used COVID as an excuse to pass pork IMO. $200bn should have been enough. I believe in free markets so cutting checks to people is against my fundamental beliefs. I could Almost tolerate it if it were for those in the restaurant, fitness, hospitality, airline industries but the way they did it was stupid and inefficient. They used COVID as an excuse to issue checks to garner future votes IMO.
Well I imagine mandated shut downs would be against you’re free market beliefs as well and since those happened and it impacted our entire nation then I’d think you’d understand and support the need to rectify and help support some of the damage done
Right if you shut down you may improve health but you certainly weaken the earning potential of businesses and persons so it needs to be a balancing act. But the Govt must not interfere. It should be up to the individual. PPP loans have gone out of control and the criteria was so basic that many businesses that didn’t need the money still got it. Pretty sad and short sighted. I hate that program. I hate all bail outs.
I’ll agree with you that the government is painfully horrible at executing pretty much everything except for military and emergency services. They waste and poorly plan and have no accountability. That’s a different conversation though. I could go all day about how bad government is at things. But the fact is they are playing with play money and it is in the interest of our economic success to get people healthy, back to school, back to work, and then out there spending money. Currency needs to circulate. Giving your dad a check isn’t that bad as long as he spends it. That shit gets taxed a few times and it’s right back in the the govs pocket. Cam you imagine how they would execute a plan that was more picky on qualifying people who were actually impacted to a point where they were really impacted and really need the money? Which is a ton of people BTW... it would be a disaster and take a decade for them to figure out. Speed is key here
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
Not really. We can talk about need and execution and effectiveness if you’d like but this discussion was started on the basic premise that only 9% of the relief Bill had anything to do with COVID. I consider you an intelligent person so I hope we can agree that that point is absurd and the majority of the bill has to do with COvId though I think it safe to say that you disagree with the need for most of it. We on the same page with that?
No we are not. They used COVID as an excuse to pass pork IMO. $200bn should have been enough. I believe in free markets so cutting checks to people is against my fundamental beliefs. I could Almost tolerate it if it were for those in the restaurant, fitness, hospitality, airline industries but the way they did it was stupid and inefficient. They used COVID as an excuse to issue checks to garner future votes IMO.
Well I imagine mandated shut downs would be against you’re free market beliefs as well and since those happened and it impacted our entire nation then I’d think you’d understand and support the need to rectify and help support some of the damage done
Right if you shut down you may improve health but you certainly weaken the earning potential of businesses and persons so it needs to be a balancing act. But the Govt must not interfere. It should be up to the individual. PPP loans have gone out of control and the criteria was so basic that many businesses that didn’t need the money still got it. Pretty sad and short sighted. I hate that program. I hate all bail outs.
I’ll agree with you that the government is painfully horrible at executing pretty much everything except for military and emergency services. They waste and poorly plan and have no accountability. That’s a different conversation though. I could go all day about how bad government is at things. But the fact is they are playing with play money and it is in the interest of our economic success to get people healthy, back to school, back to work, and then out there spending money. Currency needs to circulate. Giving your dad a check isn’t that bad as long as he spends it. That shit gets taxed a few times and it’s right back in the the govs pocket. Cam you imagine how they would execute a plan that was more picky on qualifying people who were actually impacted to a point where they were really impacted and really need the money? Which is a ton of people BTW... it would be a disaster and take a decade for them to figure out. Speed is key here
Speed = carelessness. I do not like but have to live with it. To me it's the name. If they called it the economic recovery plan I d have less issue with it but to call it a COVID plan is a lie. And it was 100% partisan. Prior bills, even under Trump and that idiot Bush were bi partisan. There is something rotten in Washington.
would cost about $422 billion,
Concede and fall on your sword like an honorable soldier... you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one day.

Feb 18th? lol this was changed like four times in the past 4 weeks lol
The $1400 checks wasnt changed and I just showed how that makes up $22% of $1.9T. If anything the recent changes made that % go up. Is that really the best argument you can make?! Come on. You’re done!!
Sorry loser
hahahahaha. You think this proves your point? Man you are more retarded than I thought. This half true fact check only shows that 9% of the bill is directed at combating the virus... Thats not what this discussion is about. This discussion is about the lie and ignorant statement below...

Less than 9% of this bill is going towards anything to do with Covid.
91% of it is pork/ giveaways/paybacks etc.
This bill is literally 10 years worth of normal pork and pocket packing.

Your link literally explains why. Ready to concede yet?
You can’t do math lol
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday explained that he's opposing the $1,400 stimulus checks in President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion economic relief bill due to concerns that the payments could stop Americans from working.

McConnell Opposes $1,400 Stimulus Checks Because He Thinks People Could Stop Working (

He is out of touch with reality and should retire!!
Funny how you thought he was a godsend for Turning against trump and now all of a sudden you say he is out of touch with reality.what a hypocrite you are as always :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ,you are the perfect kind of hypocrite sorry as biased scum thst represents the demorats perfectly,a flopflopper.:up:
would cost about $422 billion,
Concede and fall on your sword like an honorable soldier... you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one day.

Feb 18th? lol this was changed like four times in the past 4 weeks lol
The $1400 checks wasnt changed and I just showed how that makes up $22% of $1.9T. If anything the recent changes made that % go up. Is that really the best argument you can make?! Come on. You’re done!!
Sorry loser
hahahahaha. You think this proves your point? Man you are more retarded than I thought. This half true fact check only shows that 9% of the bill is directed at combating the virus... Thats not what this discussion is about. This discussion is about the lie and ignorant statement below...

Less than 9% of this bill is going towards anything to do with Covid.
91% of it is pork/ giveaways/paybacks etc.
This bill is literally 10 years worth of normal pork and pocket packing.

Your link literally explains why. Ready to concede yet?
You can’t do math lol
I have an engineering degree. Math is my specialty. What is it you think I got wrong?
It comprises $400 billion
Not so fast lol math on that ?
No no. I’m not doing all the work here. I just showed you the numbers. If you think I’m wrong then show otherwise and prove me wrong but I’m not letting brain dead trolls waste my time. Your turn
You said it comprises to 1,400 .. how many Americans are getting this?
Haha. I’m not doing the work for you. I did my part now you do yours. Make a counter argument and show your math or concede what we both already know. I’m right and you’re wrong
Lol see your dishonest you’re counting Americans disqualified from getting any relief.
Prove it. You’re words don’t mean anything to me. Show your work
I asked you first let’s go boy
And I answered with numbers. Now it’s your turn. I’m not your bitch here to answer all your questions. I made my point and backed it up with math. If you think my math is wrong or numbers are wrong then show why. Stop being lazy, you’re losing this one.
You’re not even aware of that many Americans are excluded from getting Covid payments. Lol
Prove it... your just saying stuff now. I showed my work. You’re just saying shit. Aliens created the vaccine and are paying for the stimulus.... does that mean anything to you?! Because it’s on par with the way you are presenting your arguments
You gave no numbers to the amount of Americans getting checks.. aliens created the vaccine!? Huh
That’s because you skipped your turn Skippy. This is a give take thing. You don’t get to pepper me with question after question and do no work yourself. I gave you the numbers. Your argument was shredded and you look like a fool. Provide a substantial counter argument or retire to your cave. If you give a thoughtful response then I’ll address your next question
“ Comprise” is t math.. comprise right here let’s see them numbers skippy
Why are you arguing about this nonesense instead of just making a real counter argument and proving my number wrong. I think it’s because you’re lazy and you know you can’t do it so you’re distracting. That’s pretty weak
You never gave me numbers you said comprise. Lol
I'm sorry your "high"ness... Here you go

This latest Democratic proposal for $1,400 payments for singles earning up to $75,000 and couples earning up to $150,000 would cost about $422 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan arm of Congress that analyzes the costs of different legislation.

So $422B / $1.9T = 22% So I picked up an extra percent... And this is just one simple element of the stimulus. Your argument that only 9% is going towards Covid relief is shattered. It's quite embarrassing that you would even entertain that claim as true let alone stand behind it. Are you capable of thinking for yourself?
How is paying people $1,400 helping with COVID relief? I am not following the logic?
Really? Our economy has been decimated for a year with lay offs and shut downs. You don’t think providing direct checks to low and mid income citizens is providing relief and stimulus for the depression? I certainly do, it’s far front he proclaimed pet project pork that they are claiming comprises 91% of this Bill. what’s your argument that it is not Covid relief?
Every Economist says the economy is going to rebound jobs are coming back there is absolutely no reason to put our children into debt. Especially when 91% is going to foreign countries democrat donors lobbyist and buying votes.
I literally just showed how over 20% is going direct to the people. Not those entities you just named. What’s wrong with you... are you retarded?
So I count 9.83% for COVID...from your site and I am being generous with school lunch and animals

Paid leave
School lunch
Public Health Workforce
Funeral Expenses
Restaurants and Bars
Total COVID$ 189
Total Bill$ 1,927
Why didn't you include unemployment? Surely you'd acknowledge that people lost their jobs because of COVID. Correct?
They already have unemployment and initially they got an extra $600 per week! I did include it in restaurants and bars as many lost jobs there and in PPP which is there to ensure that companies don't lay people off. Do you know how PPP works? How much more "free money" do people need when the vaccines are here and we are opening up vs. closing down?
I'm pretty conservative when it comes to spending so I do think this bill is way overloaded and lack accountability or responsible execution. However, right now I'm addressing the lie that only 9% has anything to do with COVID. Thats compete BS
My calculations show 9.83%. What did you want to add to it from your link? You saw my math.
Oh I think the majority of the bill has to do with COVID and the 9% thing is a totally ridiculous lie. I highlighted the $ totals in bold that I don't think have to do with COVID. The rest obviously does. You can argue that is too much or not necessary but you can’t say it’s unrelated to Covid

Ways & Means
Provide $1,400-per-person stimulus checks$422 billion
Extend unemployment programs through August 29 with a $400/week supplement$246 billion
Expand Child Tax Credit, Child Care Tax Credit, and Earned Income Tax Credit mostly for one year$143 billion
Provide grants to multi-employer pension plans and change single-employer pension funding rules$58 billion
Temporarily expand ACA subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage$45 billion
Extend paid sick leave and employee retention credit$14 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$8 billion
Repeal rule allowing multinational corporations to calculate their interest expenses including foreign subsidiaries-$22 billion
Other policies$9 billion
Oversight & Reform
Provide money to state governments$195 billion
Provide money to local governments, territories, and tribes$155 billion
Create paid COVID leave for federal workers and other policies$0.4 billion
Education & Labor
Provide funding for K-12 education$129 billion
Provide funding for colleges and universities$40 billion
Increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025$54 billion
Provide support for child care, grants to child care providers, and Head Start$40 billion
Subsidize COBRA coverage for laid-off workers*$10 billion
Extend nutrition assistance in place of school lunch for the duration of the emergency and other food assistance$7 billion
Human services, labor programs, and other policies*$11 billion
Energy & Commerce
Increase funding for testing and contract tracing$50 billion
Increase public health workforce and investments$19 billion
Fund vaccine distribution, confidence, and supply chains$16 billion
Increase Medicaid payments to states that newly expand Medicaid under the ACA$16 billion
Allow states to expand Medicaid coverage for prisoners close to release and for pregnant and postpartum women for 5 years$9 billion
Remove the cap limiting how much drug manufacturers must rebate to Medicaid for drugs that have increased quickly in price-$18 billion
Other policies*$31 billion
Transportation & Infrastructure
Increase funding for the Disaster Relief Fund and cover funeral expenses related to COVID$47 billion
Provide grants to transit agencies$28 billion
Provide grants to airports and aviation manufacturers$11 billion
Provide grants to communities under economic stress$3 billion
Grants to Amtrak and other transportation-related spending$2 billion
Financial Services
Provide emergency rental assistance and assist homeless$30 billion
Provide grants to airlines and contractors to freeze airline layoffs through September$12 billion
Use Defense Production Act to buy and distribute medical supplies$10 billion
Provide mortgage payment assistance$10 billion
Reauthorize and fund the State Small Business Credit Initiative$9 billion
Small Business
Provide grants to restaurants and bars that lost revenue due to the pandemic$25 billion
Provide additional EIDL Advance grants of up to $10,000 per business$15 billion
Allow more PPP loans and expand eligibility to certain non-profit and digital media companies$7 billion
Other policies$3 billion
Veterans’ Affairs
Provide funding for health care services, facilities, and copays for veterans$16 billion
Fund job training assistance programs for veterans and other VA administrative costs$1 billion
Increase nutrition assistance$6 billion
Pay off loans and other programs for socially disadvantaged farmers$5 billion
Purchase and distribute food to needy individuals$4 billion
Testing and monitoring for COVID in rural communities and among animal populations$1 billion
Foreign Affairs (no legislation reported yet)$10 billion
Natural Resources (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Science, Space, & Technology (no legislation reported yet)$1 billion
Total*$1.927 trillion
I disagree. So now what? We yell at each other. I have an MBA from NU and an undergrad in business and finance from Duke. I run my own financial consulting company. What are your credentials?
No, I don’t care if you disagree. You’re free to do so. If you want to debate any items I’m happy to do so. Also fine agreeing to disagree.

I think my points and arguments matter more than my credentials but since you asked... I have a mechanical engineering degree from UCSB and have been involved in 6 different start ups from founding level, to VP, to BOD, to consultant level. I currently run and own two small businesses and spend my free time coaching golf for a high school
Then explain how *other helps COVID-19. How is funding underfunded pension fund help with COVID-19? How is issuing checks to those unlikely to be impacted by the virus help cure the virus?
I believe I highlighted the “others” and the pension items amongst those that I thought were not relevant to COVID. Issuing checks is the quickest and cleanest way to get money to those in need and to stimulate an economy that has been depressed because of COVID
But we are determining need based on false criteria. My parents for example. We are measuring income vs wealth.
Not really. We can talk about need and execution and effectiveness if you’d like but this discussion was started on the basic premise that only 9% of the relief Bill had anything to do with COVID. I consider you an intelligent person so I hope we can agree that that point is absurd and the majority of the bill has to do with COvId though I think it safe to say that you disagree with the need for most of it. We on the same page with that?
No we are not. They used COVID as an excuse to pass pork IMO. $200bn should have been enough. I believe in free markets so cutting checks to people is against my fundamental beliefs. I could Almost tolerate it if it were for those in the restaurant, fitness, hospitality, airline industries but the way they did it was stupid and inefficient. They used COVID as an excuse to issue checks to garner future votes IMO.
Well I imagine mandated shut downs would be against you’re free market beliefs as well and since those happened and it impacted our entire nation then I’d think you’d understand and support the need to rectify and help support some of the damage done
Right if you shut down you may improve health but you certainly weaken the earning potential of businesses and persons so it needs to be a balancing act. But the Govt must not interfere. It should be up to the individual. PPP loans have gone out of control and the criteria was so basic that many businesses that didn’t need the money still got it. Pretty sad and short sighted. I hate that program. I hate all bail outs.
I’ll agree with you that the government is painfully horrible at executing pretty much everything except for military and emergency services. They waste and poorly plan and have no accountability. That’s a different conversation though. I could go all day about how bad government is at things. But the fact is they are playing with play money and it is in the interest of our economic success to get people healthy, back to school, back to work, and then out there spending money. Currency needs to circulate. Giving your dad a check isn’t that bad as long as he spends it. That shit gets taxed a few times and it’s right back in the the govs pocket. Cam you imagine how they would execute a plan that was more picky on qualifying people who were actually impacted to a point where they were really impacted and really need the money? Which is a ton of people BTW... it would be a disaster and take a decade for them to figure out. Speed is key here
Speed = carelessness. I do not like but have to live with it. To me it's the name. If they called it the economic recovery plan I d have less issue with it but to call it a COVID plan is a lie. And it was 100% partisan. Prior bills, even under Trump and that idiot Bush were bi partisan. There is something rotten in Washington.
Everything is partisan now. Covid is the cause for the need for this bill and the majority of it funds things effected by Covid. Again, we cam debate the need and effectiveness of the details and there’s damn sure much waste in it not it certainly is not 91% pork
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday explained that he's opposing the $1,400 stimulus checks in President Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion economic relief bill due to concerns that the payments could stop Americans from working.

McConnell Opposes $1,400 Stimulus Checks Because He Thinks People Could Stop Working (

He is out of touch with reality and should retire!!
Funny how you thought he was a godsend for Turning against trump and now all of a sudden you say he is out of touch with reality.what a hypocrite you are as always :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ,you are the perfect kind of hypocrite sorry as biased scum thst represents the demorats perfectly,a flopflopper.:up:

I never liked him and you can see why.
would cost about $422 billion,
Concede and fall on your sword like an honorable soldier... you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one day.

Feb 18th? lol this was changed like four times in the past 4 weeks lol
The $1400 checks wasnt changed and I just showed how that makes up $22% of $1.9T. If anything the recent changes made that % go up. Is that really the best argument you can make?! Come on. You’re done!!
Sorry loser
hahahahaha. You think this proves your point? Man you are more retarded than I thought. This half true fact check only shows that 9% of the bill is directed at combating the virus... Thats not what this discussion is about. This discussion is about the lie and ignorant statement below...

Less than 9% of this bill is going towards anything to do with Covid.
91% of it is pork/ giveaways/paybacks etc.
This bill is literally 10 years worth of normal pork and pocket packing.

Your link literally explains why. Ready to concede yet?
You can’t do math lol
I have an engineering degree. Math is my specialty. What is it you think I got wrong?
Me and al Did the math, you might want to get your money back from that school lol

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