The growing liberal stampede to the left


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
In another thread, a poster asked if there were any liberals becoming disgusted with their fellows' increasing race-baiting.

A broader subject deserves a thread of its own, though: The liberals' growing tendency to move ever farther and faster to the left in all things.

One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.

They really live in a fantasy world created by themselves and their cohorts. They will tell themselves that Michael Brown was surrendering when the cop shot him... telling themselves that so many times, that they will actually believe it, despite having heard no reliable testimony about it. And then, when the Grand Jury transcripts are released, showing six different witnesses (plus the cop) say that it wasn't that way at all, that he held his hands only to shoulder level and only for one second, before dropping his arms into a football blocking position and charging headlong at the cop, who kept yelling at him "Stop, stop!", before finally opening fire......

....The liberals will keep right on believing the (now obvious) lie anyway.

They have no connection to reality. They will believe their lie despite all evidence to the contrary. And then it is an easy step to believing that the cop WANTED to shoot a black man... and then just another small step to believing that the cop was secretly hunting black men to shoot... and on and on down into the depths of their delusions.

So why do I call that "one of the best things" about the liberals?

Because when they do that, more and more of them whose capacity for delusion is not quite as complete, eventually start realizing that the ones who keep doing it are insane, and hopelessly incorrigible. And they begin to distance themselves from the more extreme ones. And the extremists simply let them go... and even cast them off as "sellouts" or "closet conservatives"... still without ever considering the possibility that they, the extremists, are the ones who are wrong.

Liberalism carries in it, the seeds of its own destruction. Liberals cannot stay together as a group. Because some of them always run off the deep end and the group fragments, historically into a bloody civil war (or worse). There is no way to avoid this breakup. Sometimes it takes a long time (slightly more than a hundred years and counting in the United States), but the breakup always comes. (The Soviet Union only took 80 years, and post-WWI Germany only took around 25 years but got "help" from countries around them in their breakup).

The only problem with that the inevitability of leftist-liberal-fanatic breakups, is that if they gain enough political power before descending into the depths, they might take an entire country with them.

That other thread's question about any liberals being sick and disgusted with the race-baiting of their cohorts who are presently running things, will receive more and more "yes" answers as the division sharpens. But questions about people's disgust with class warfare, government expansion and micromanagement, cockeyed Keynesian economics, and all the other fatal tendencies of modern liberals, will likewise receive more and more "Yes" answers. But the division started generations ago, exemplified by people like Ronald Reagan who started as a Democrat, but eventually admitted "I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me". He recognized the inevitable destructive course of liberals quite early, and did the only sensible thing: Got out. As did many others.

It's the ones who maintain the same destructive course, despite all evidence and common sense, who will propel the party to its doom. But the fact that some of them presently occupy the highest offices in the land, puts the entire country at risk of being dragged down with them.

Elections like the one on Nov. 4, 2014, help reduce this number.

We can only hope that such elections aren't too little, too late.
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All true. there are no DEMOCRATS today that party has been fully infiltrated by socialist/communist. Hopefully the people in the country are waking up to this fact, and a good sign was them kicking out Obama's party from the House first and finished them off in these last elections by taking away the Senate in only SIX YEARS of the progressive party in charge under Obama.

time to take our country back folks. You've made a good start:clap2:
It's not just the Brown issue. They still think Obama isn't a liar too, even though there are countless videos where he says one thing, then later says the opposite. It must be that they can't come to terms with the fact that they were sold a bill of goods by this communist charlatan so they defend him to avoid admitting they were duped. Pride can be a very destructive thing, as liberals demonstrate every day.
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.

^^^ ahahaha and there's an example of the left's self delusion right there. :laugh: Moderate Democrats got bitch slapped in 2010 and 2014, Bush elected for 8 years in spite of the 24/7 MSM campaign to destroy him. GITMO still open for business. ACA their one big win destroyed the Democrat majorities. Its great seeing the left get theirs.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.

^^^ ahahaha and there's an example of the left's self delusion right there. :laugh: Moderate Democrats got bitch slapped in 2010 and 2014, Bush elected for 8 years in spite of the 24/7 MSM campaign to destroy him. GITMO still open for business. ACA their one big win destroyed the Democrat majorities. Its great seeing the left get theirs.
What happened to 2012? Oh right, we won the White House again and retained the Senate. I noticed you forgot to mention that?

Don't pick and choose reality, just start dealing with it, all of it.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.

^^^ ahahaha and there's an example of the left's self delusion right there. :laugh: Moderate Democrats got bitch slapped in 2010 and 2014, Bush elected for 8 years in spite of the 24/7 MSM campaign to destroy him. GITMO still open for business. ACA their one big win destroyed the Democrat majorities. Its great seeing the left get theirs.
What happened to 2012? Oh right, we won the White House again and retained the Senate. I noticed you forgot to mention that?

Don't pick and choose reality, just start dealing with it, all of it.

You call 2012 that a win? lmao After getting utterly destroyed in 2010, an historic loss you lamers were barely able to scrape back 6 seats of the 56 seats you lost I think you forgot to mention that. As for Obama he ran around lying his ass off, no surprise liberals have to lie to win elections. On the bright side (for us) we have another two years for Obama to finish the job of destroying the Democratic party. :banana:
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In another thread, a poster asked if there were any liberals becoming disgusted with their fellows' increasing race-baiting.

Not to speak of, no. They relish it. Liberalism is about talking points, sweeping statements and flagrant assumptions of truth unsupported by fact and justified by demagoguery and sanctimony. Why would someone who accepts all that say, oh, whoa, calling them racists is going to far?
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.

^^^ ahahaha and there's an example of the left's self delusion right there. :laugh: Moderate Democrats got bitch slapped in 2010 and 2014, Bush elected for 8 years in spite of the 24/7 MSM campaign to destroy him. GITMO still open for business. ACA their one big win destroyed the Democrat majorities. Its great seeing the left get theirs.
What happened to 2012? Oh right, we won the White House again and retained the Senate. I noticed you forgot to mention that?

Don't pick and choose reality, just start dealing with it, all of it.

You call 2012 that a win? lmao After getting utterly destroyed in 2010, an historic loss you lamers were barely able to scrape back 6 seats of the 56 seats you lost I think you forgot to mention that. As for Obama he ran around lying his ass off, no surprise liberals have to lie to win elections. On the bright side (for us) we have another two years for Obama to finish the job of destroying the Democratic party. :banana:
It's a two-party system dummy. Neither party can be destroyed since they cannot survive without each other. Learn a little history of elections and then you won't sound like such a fool, with his dancing cartoon banana.
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.

^^^ ahahaha and there's an example of the left's self delusion right there. :laugh: Moderate Democrats got bitch slapped in 2010 and 2014, Bush elected for 8 years in spite of the 24/7 MSM campaign to destroy him. GITMO still open for business. ACA their one big win destroyed the Democrat majorities. Its great seeing the left get theirs.
Starkey is a reactionary leftist

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and they fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.
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LIBERALISM IS the reason America is SINKING... MORALLY, FINANCIALLY and RESPECTABLY, and will continue to be the reason until we either have a second Civil War to crush the liberals, or the nation falls into complete ruin and is taken over by another nation, like China. Either way, LIBERALS will be the cause.

In all essence of the word, LIBERALISM is a DIRTY WORD.
LIBERALISM IS the reason America is SINKING... MORALLY, FINANCIALLY and RESPECTABLY, and will continue to be the reason until we either have a second Civil War to crush the liberals, or the nation falls into complete ruin and is taken over by another nation, like China. Either way, LIBERALS will be the cause.

In all essence of the word, LIBERALISM is a DIRTY WORD.
Liberalism founded your nation, learn it or go live with ISIS, your kind of folks.

And you've already been taken over by China. They made what you used to just post that, and probably every item of clothing on your body and most of what's in your house.
LIBERALISM IS the reason America is SINKING... MORALLY, FINANCIALLY and RESPECTABLY, and will continue to be the reason until we either have a second Civil War to crush the liberals, or the nation falls into complete ruin and is taken over by another nation, like China. Either way, LIBERALS will be the cause.

In all essence of the word, LIBERALISM is a DIRTY WORD.
Liberalism founded your nation, learn it or go live with ISIS, your kind of folks.

And you've already been taken over by China. They made what you used to just post that, and probably every item of clothing on your body and most of what's in your house.
Sorry, but no it wasn't, and it won't matter how many times you want to repeat that horse shit, you won't convince anyone other than possibly another one of your America hating, progtard bubble heads to believe it.

Move along, shit for brains.
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So you see Liberals as wanting to break away from an intrusive, invasive, controlling central government?

Pick a war and you'll find Progressives like yourself rooting for and spying for the enemies of Freedom
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So you see Liberals as wanting to break away from an intrusive, invasive, controlling central government?

Pick a war and you'll find Progressives like yourself rooting for and spying for the enemies of Freedom
I'm a Liberal. My people founded the place. Now get the fuck out of my country.
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So you see Liberals as wanting to break away from an intrusive, invasive, controlling central government?

Pick a war and you'll find Progressives like yourself rooting for and spying for the enemies of Freedom
I'm a Liberal. My people founded the place. Now get the fuck out of my country.

We know you're a Liberal, Jake

Your people founded Communist China, Stalin's Russia, Fidel's Cuba and Hitler's Germany.

Your people are the planets most prolific mass murderers
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So you see Liberals as wanting to break away from an intrusive, invasive, controlling central government?

Pick a war and you'll find Progressives like yourself rooting for and spying for the enemies of Freedom
I'm a Liberal. My people founded the place. Now get the fuck out of my country.

We know you're a Liberal, Jake

Your people founded Communist China, Stalin's Russia, Fidel's Cuba and Hitler's Germany.

Your people are the planets most prolific mass murderers
We founded this nation you moron. Just deal with it. And all four countries you listed hated liberals.

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