The growing liberal stampede to the left

Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So you see Liberals as wanting to break away from an intrusive, invasive, controlling central government?

Pick a war and you'll find Progressives like yourself rooting for and spying for the enemies of Freedom
I'm a Liberal. My people founded the place. Now get the fuck out of my country.

We know you're a Liberal, Jake

Your people founded Communist China, Stalin's Russia, Fidel's Cuba and Hitler's Germany.

Your people are the planets most prolific mass murderers
We founded this nation you moron. Just deal with it. And all four countries you listed hated liberals.

By 'this nation" did you mean the Welfare State, the Nation of Islam, or North Korea.

How bad does it suck that you're economically to the LEFT of former Communists who now realizes redistribution is a complete failure?
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So you see Liberals as wanting to break away from an intrusive, invasive, controlling central government?

Pick a war and you'll find Progressives like yourself rooting for and spying for the enemies of Freedom
I'm a Liberal. My people founded the place. Now get the fuck out of my country.

We know you're a Liberal, Jake

Your people founded Communist China, Stalin's Russia, Fidel's Cuba and Hitler's Germany.

Your people are the planets most prolific mass murderers
We founded this nation you moron. Just deal with it. And all four countries you listed hated liberals.

By 'this nation" did you mean the Welfare State, the Nation of Islam, or North Korea.

How bad does it suck that you're economically to the LEFT of former Communists who now realizes redistribution is a complete failure?
How bad does it suck to not know what State Capitalism is, or that Sweden is my preferred model, a mixed-economy and you don't know what that is either.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So tea partiers who want to slash taxes and the cost of government are liberals, and those who support the government and are fine with it's taxes are conservatives?

You really need to read your crap before you click "Post." LOL. Wow.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So tea partiers who want to slash taxes and the cost of government are liberals, and those who support the government and are fine with it's taxes are conservatives?

You really need to read your crap before you click "Post." LOL. Wow.
The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and they fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.
Another absurb post.
The left in this nation has always stood for big gov small citizen. Completely antithetical to the Founders.
One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.
The ones missing reality are your kind little friend, undereducated reactionaries.

Some facts for you:

The US was founded by Liberal Elites as a nation for just that.
We are not a democracy, you don't get to vote on everything.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.
Money doesn't grow on trees and taxes aren't evil.
Elections are a cycle and in a two-party system neither can hold an advantage for long.
Obama is just a man and Liberalism is alive and well, it if wasn't things like gay marriage wouldn't change so fast once people understood them.
Religion is not the moral basis of our government. That, hopefully, is liberalism with pragmatism.
Politics is the art of compromise, you won't get all that you want, ever.
We aren't going back to the 1950's and it wasn't that great then even if you were white.
America is not wise enough to run the world and should never have tried.
Capitalism is terrific but it has issue that only the government can address.
And, the government is not your enemy, it just seems like it at times, like when you get your taxes audited which is no fun but that's just a part of the game.

There's no free lunch and life is unfair. If you're a good person you try to always work on the last one. If you aren't then you become someone like yourself.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings, they offered to blow king George in exchange for maintaining and expanding government control over their existence
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and they fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.
Another absurb post.
The left in this nation has always stood for big gov small citizen. Completely antithetical to the Founders.
The Founders didn't want most people to have a vote, even the House of Representatives was a compromise. Liberals wanting a government to serve the needs of the people today is exactly what they wanted then, a government that that served their needs at that time. Stop living in the past, you miss the future.
We are a center-left nation made up of moderate and center-right people.

^^^ ahahaha and there's an example of the left's self delusion right there. :laugh: Moderate Democrats got bitch slapped in 2010 and 2014, Bush elected for 8 years in spite of the 24/7 MSM campaign to destroy him. GITMO still open for business. ACA their one big win destroyed the Democrat majorities. Its great seeing the left get theirs.
What happened to 2012? Oh right, we won the White House again and retained the Senate. I noticed you forgot to mention that?

Don't pick and choose reality, just start dealing with it, all of it.

You call 2012 that a win? lmao After getting utterly destroyed in 2010, an historic loss you lamers were barely able to scrape back 6 seats of the 56 seats you lost I think you forgot to mention that. As for Obama he ran around lying his ass off, no surprise liberals have to lie to win elections. On the bright side (for us) we have another two years for Obama to finish the job of destroying the Democratic party. :banana:
It's a two-party system dummy. Neither party can be destroyed since they cannot survive without each other. Learn a little history of elections and then you won't sound like such a fool, with his dancing cartoon banana.

Liberal play book, when you have no rational argument call your opponent a dummy. I see my work is done here.
Once the liberals became the government in 1800, and adjusted to being the government, they began to use government for the benefit of the people instead of the elites. Voting laws were passed, people had more access to benefits that once were the domain of the elites, and that access-practice continues. One need only to look at our history to see the liberal changes in this nation and some even in our lifetime.
The real question, for many; are we becoming liberal too fast? When that feeling happens the nation uses the Republican party to slow things down.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So tea partiers who want to slash taxes and the cost of government are liberals, and those who support the government and are fine with it's taxes are conservatives?

You really need to read your crap before you click "Post." LOL. Wow.
The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.

Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So tea partiers who want to slash taxes and the cost of government are liberals, and those who support the government and are fine with it's taxes are conservatives?

You really need to read your crap before you click "Post." LOL. Wow.
The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.

Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.
Once the liberals became the government in 1800, and adjusted to being the government, they began to use government for the benefit of the people instead of the elites. Voting laws were passed, people had more access to benefits that once were the domain of the elites, and that access-practice continues. One need only to look at our history to see the liberal changes in this nation and some even in our lifetime.
The real question, for many; are we becoming liberal too fast? When that feeling happens the nation uses the Republican party to slow things down.
They slow things down alright. People who try to turn back the clock usually do.
Today's liberal elites were known as quislings
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So tea partiers who want to slash taxes and the cost of government are liberals, and those who support the government and are fine with it's taxes are conservatives?

You really need to read your crap before you click "Post." LOL. Wow.
The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.

Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.

You are a strange man, you just called the founding fathers who you said are liberals like you "teabaggers "and "reactionaries" like "most of the GOP these days."

When I clued you in to that, instead of re-reading and grasping what you said, you repeated it. Stupid is as stupid does and wow, you do stupid.

The founding fathers were classic liberals, which today are libertarians. You are an authoritarian leftist. You have nothing to do with classic liberals in any way.
Those were the Tories, your kind, you know, Conservatives, and the fled to Canada when they weren't spying on my people who threw the American Revolution.

So tea partiers who want to slash taxes and the cost of government are liberals, and those who support the government and are fine with it's taxes are conservatives?

You really need to read your crap before you click "Post." LOL. Wow.
The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.

Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.

You are a strange man, you just called the founding fathers who you said are liberals like you "teabaggers "and "reactionaries" like "most of the GOP these days."
No, I didn't you stupid moron. Learn how to read. And liberals today are the same as liberals in the past, we're just 230 years smarter. Libertarians are little more than selfish children, and not people the Founders would have respected.
Liberals stampeding to the left?

I am trying to put that in perspective regarding Clive Bundy's theft of government cattle land for grazing, while Idaho "militia men" are all parading around with high powered rifles daring the government to do something about it. I confess that it does not seem to me like it is the Left that is stampeding...
So tea partiers who want to slash taxes and the cost of government are liberals, and those who support the government and are fine with it's taxes are conservatives?

You really need to read your crap before you click "Post." LOL. Wow.
The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.

Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.

You are a strange man, you just called the founding fathers who you said are liberals like you "teabaggers "and "reactionaries" like "most of the GOP these days."
No, I didn't you stupid moron. Learn how to read. And liberals today are the same as liberals in the past, we're just 230 years smarter. Libertarians are little more than selfish children, and not people the Founders would have respected.

I do not know how anyone can think as you do. Today's liberals have NOTHING in common with the Founders. To think otherwise, is delusional and out right NUTS!
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The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.

Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.

You are a strange man, you just called the founding fathers who you said are liberals like you "teabaggers "and "reactionaries" like "most of the GOP these days."
No, I didn't you stupid moron. Learn how to read. And liberals today are the same as liberals in the past, we're just 230 years smarter. Libertarians are little more than selfish children, and not people the Founders would have respected.

I do not know how anyone can think as you do. Today's liberals have NOTHING in common with the Founders. To think otherwise, is delusional and out right NUTS!
You don't know any liberals so how the hell what you know what we think, you never bother to ask.

And we have much in common, it's our damn country founded by people like us. You just don't know them or us well enough to understand. All you know is what Fox and Talk Radio tell you. Just like the OP, you're clueless.
The Teabaggers are reactionaries. like most of the GOP these days, and the Founders were Liberal Elites. I learned my "crap", long ago, now it's your turn.

Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.

You are a strange man, you just called the founding fathers who you said are liberals like you "teabaggers "and "reactionaries" like "most of the GOP these days."
No, I didn't you stupid moron. Learn how to read. And liberals today are the same as liberals in the past, we're just 230 years smarter. Libertarians are little more than selfish children, and not people the Founders would have respected.

You are the village idiot
More pure projection.
Whiff! Re-read my post and what I was responding to, you completely boned on it.

The stupidity of your reply to it was hilarious by the way. Wow, you seriously don't grasp what you're discussing.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.

You are a strange man, you just called the founding fathers who you said are liberals like you "teabaggers "and "reactionaries" like "most of the GOP these days."
No, I didn't you stupid moron. Learn how to read. And liberals today are the same as liberals in the past, we're just 230 years smarter. Libertarians are little more than selfish children, and not people the Founders would have respected.

I do not know how anyone can think as you do. Today's liberals have NOTHING in common with the Founders. To think otherwise, is delusional and out right NUTS!
You don't know any liberals so how the hell what you know what we think, you never bother to ask.

And we have much in common, it's our damn country founded by people like us. You just don't know them or us well enough to understand. All you know is what Fox and Talk Radio tell you. Just like the OP, you're clueless.

I know many liberals and most are not nearly as ignorant as you.

The left controls nearly everything in this country. As such, it is impossible for any American not to know what liberals think, if they pay the slightest attention. We all see liberalism in action every day.

Liberalism has and continues to destroy nearly everything the Founders held dear. That is clear to anyone capable of such, you are excluded.
Nice projection, and that's what it is.

You are a strange man, you just called the founding fathers who you said are liberals like you "teabaggers "and "reactionaries" like "most of the GOP these days."
No, I didn't you stupid moron. Learn how to read. And liberals today are the same as liberals in the past, we're just 230 years smarter. Libertarians are little more than selfish children, and not people the Founders would have respected.

I do not know how anyone can think as you do. Today's liberals have NOTHING in common with the Founders. To think otherwise, is delusional and out right NUTS!
You don't know any liberals so how the hell what you know what we think, you never bother to ask.

And we have much in common, it's our damn country founded by people like us. You just don't know them or us well enough to understand. All you know is what Fox and Talk Radio tell you. Just like the OP, you're clueless.

I know many liberals and most are not nearly as ignorant as you.

The left controls nearly everything in this country. As such, it is impossible for any American not to know what liberals think, if they pay the slightest attention. We all see liberalism in action every day.

Liberalism has and continues to destroy nearly everything the Founders held dear. That is clear to anyone capable of such, you are excluded.
You have absolutely no clue what the Founders thought or what Liberalism is. And this is a liberal nation so suck it up and deal with it.

And what the Founders held dear? Who the fuck cares (beyond it's good to know), we don't live in 1789 now do we, so if the times have changed then change with them. They were men not gods and they expected us to create a government that works in our day just like they created one that worked in theirs. The Constitution wasn't carved in stone and they'd be dumbfounded at the fact we still use the bloody thing. We've been needing a new one for ages and they would have expected us to have done what they did, make up a government that works.

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