The guy that murdered 4 students in Idaho

President Biden self-reported the documents.

The former 1-term fuckup tried to hide them in his ass.
that’s a lie. he has them hidden for 6 years. A lawyer he paid to clean his office found them and snitched.
The point<--------------------------------------------------------->BBQromance

I found a shirt for BBQromance!!!
The guy in Idaho is not cooperating.

That being said, Basement Joe should be impeached for something.
His last breath will probably be drawn in a death sentence chair. 5 months and 13 days is more than a couple of weeks before he meets his maker. The judge showed mercy to someone who seems to be on a downhill trip on the side of a mountain of evidence against him, and he is considered innocent, after all, till proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. If any of his handlers makes a mistake in 5 months that could be his ticket to life in prison. It's a pretty ugly crime that ended 4 lives of youthful people. By now, their parents are no longer in shock, although I taste salt of those tears being shed of a hole in their hearts that may never see repair for such a loss. To any of them, 3 best friends plus their son or daughter is likely overwhelming. 😢 To never see one's beloved child again is nothing short of horrible. Prayers are up for those parents and family members who must be suffering on account of a person who drew a jerk card out of his planned sin to get even with a real or imagined slight. He likely thinks of himself as the real victim of his own canard.

There have been so many countless deaths due to mob violence in this nation for the last two or three years. I'm wondering if this is the product of such mindless hatred being played out week after week and month after none without mercy were slain by anonymous terrorists on dark streets in the dead of night of black on black murders, in particular.
When a society agrees to not punish people based on their skin color, it comes down to night street chaos. I hope and pray our Congress will put an end to unfairness and reinstate punishments to stop the thoughtless murders. It's especially sad to me when one of their bullets hits a baby in a stroller or its mother. 😭 Hopefully all this sadness will end when our Congress takes steps to stop the madness out on the streets where cartels are encouraged to do their heinous acts out on American streets because the Executive Branch is ignoring all things unpleasant except for revenge against the half of the nation that he considers are "fascists" because it makes him feel good to isolate and annihilate good citizens all because they voted for his adversary, when that same adversary spent 4 years defending his honor against one lie after another which were supported by the well-paid Soros press nitwits.
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You're one of the most gullible people/liberal hack I've ever seen if you think he self reported himself. That is funny!!!
Naw, President Obama declassified all documents that he or President Biden touched already.


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