The height of absurdity


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
For all we know that could Captain Crunch under that sheet. Your adherence to your religion should take a back seat to my national security .

Please, please, please tell me this is a joke.

Look, it's possible that the lady (but who can tell) lifted that veil/mask long enough to reveal her/his face for comparison with the identification card. But the ID she presented shows that the hair and ears (two prominent identification features) are covered . I mean that's a serious WTF.

Plus, she (an assumption) looks like hell in that outfit. Apparently, Allah screwed up by making women so attractive that men couldn't control themselves. I am not God (I applied for the position, but was told I was overqualified); however, I think I could have found a better way. A little less testosterone, perhaps? Give every man a 10 inch schlong so there are no ego issues? Of course, there's the possibility of making women ugly, but the feminine face and form are nature's ultimate artistic triumph and changing that would be the worst form of aesthetic desecration imaginable . I am not opposed to Islam (hey, some of my best friends are Muslim); however, I cannot understand how God would create such beauty and others - in the name of God - would conceal it.

But that is just my own humble opinion (OK, I lied about the humble part).

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