Democrats’ strange obsession with drafting your daughters

Ah some good old Poutrage for the herd.

"While women officers and enlisted personnel serve with distinction in the U.S. Armed Forces, women have never been subject to Selective Service registration or a military draft in America. Those women who served in the past and those who serve today in ever increasing numbers all volunteered for military service."

Do you think the law is going to change anytime soon?
These are the exceptions and not the rule. And we have spent a lot of resources to prove primordial soup that developed millions and millions of years ago in nature is wrong with men and women as you promote religion as the real evil to pure equality. It is estimated women control around 80% of the wealth in our nation. They are the bosses in marriages just to start. They may genuflect but that is for show. We men can recognize it, but it makes no difference. Over the years women make more money and their homes are more screwed up as everything is complicated and it does not have to be.
It could be that Ashli's demeanour at the insurrection event could be illustrating an unsuitable mindset in woman, to take part in combat. Her lack of discretion must have played a part.

Did she believe that men with guns would see her as a woman and would deal with her differently?

There's little doubt that those who condemn the police officer saw the distinction and then base their case on it.
These are the exceptions and not the rule. And we have spent a lot of resources to prove primordial soup that developed millions and millions of years ago in nature is wrong with men and women as you promote religion as the real evil to pure equality. It is estimated women control around 80% of the wealth in our nation. They are the bosses in marriages just to start. They may genuflect but that is for show. We men can recognize it, but it makes no difference. Over the years women make more money and their homes are more screwed up as everything is complicated and it does not have to be.
My dad remembers the time that women stayed at home and nutured the children. There were no daycare centers.
My dad remembers the time that women stayed at home and nutured the children. There were no daycare centers.
Nothing but oppressive Patriarchal Nazism

They should be in the foxholes getting raped and maimed and killed for President Potatohead.
I once dated a muscular woman that spent most of her time flexing her biceps and taking selfies.
I spent 40 years working for DoD

In spite of all the grief about gays in the military, an overwhelming majority of the homosexuals I saw were females
When I see threads here there are people who always say they spent decades in this or that. At some point questions arise. What it gets down to is the costs and value for dollar spent. The military is not for everyone.
When I see threads here there are people who always say they spent decades in this or that. At some point questions arise. What it gets down to is the costs and value for dollar spent. The military is not for everyone.
I spent decades drinking coffee.
Great looking female back muscles.

Seems to be a simple matter of fairness. No wonder you hate it.
No one is saying that women shouldn't be in the military.
If they want to volunteer fine, but they should be the logistics and support cadre of the military not frontline soldiers.
Ah some good old Poutrage for the herd.

"While women officers and enlisted personnel serve with distinction in the U.S. Armed Forces, women have never been subject to Selective Service registration or a military draft in America. Those women who served in the past and those who serve today in ever increasing numbers all volunteered for military service."

Do you think the law is going to change anytime soon?
I think that women who enlist would prefer that the draft would make no distinctions. I think they would find that insulting.
Fwiw, this topic appears to be an attempt to make the war into 'nervous comedy', leading up to the debate.

Trump most likely won't be prepared to be honest about being antiwar for this one.

Unfortunately, announcing opposition to the war would be compromising his advantage so far. Russia can likely take control of events in the war, with the purpose of helping Trump's agenda to become more acceptable and legitimate.

Such as maybe a nuclear threat that has some teeth. The Cuba blockade event was an event that showed possibilities. Kruscheve said, get those nukes out of Turkey or else.
My dad remembers the time that women stayed at home and nutured the children. There were no daycare centers.
I do not think women should be stay at home moms if they do not want to be. I think that women should be stay at home moms if they want to be.
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Actually, you may have a point. I've known quite a few women that can beat a sissy lib any day of the week!!!

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