The Hell Testimonies

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
These are the testimonies of people who were saved from going to hell through salvation in Jesus Christ. This first testimony is from John Ramirez who came out of the bondage of Satanism and into a relationship with Jesus Christ where he received his freedom at last. He is a born again Christian serving the Lord today. This is his story:

Meet Curtis Kelley. He has an amazing testimony. His Father tried to kill him while he was in his mothers womb! He was trying to force Curtis's mother to have an abortion! This is an amazing testimony. Listen to this! Talk about the Grace of God! Wow! Wow! Wow! I praise God that Curtis is alive today and able to give this testimony to the Glory of God!

Here is another powerful testimony of someone saved by Jesus Christ and out there working in the harvest to win souls today! It is an eleven part series - this is #11.

Part 11- of the confession of a former witchcraft practitioner, black magician, occultist, wizard and warlock but now a practicing Christian and international evangelist devoted to serving Jesus Christ. He continues his testimony of how he was saved and delivered from the kingdom of darkness by the Lord Jesus Christ.
When are you gonna to admit you are a minion of satan...trying to convince everyone of the evils of blackie?
When are you gonna to admit you are a minion of satan...trying to convince everyone of the evils of blackie?

I'm not a racist, Nutz. I do not use the names you use when speaking about black people. A black person is no different than I am. We are all a part of the same race. It's called the human race. You should read my thread Pride and Prejudice. You'll find the information helpful I believe.
Everyone makes their own hell.

No. Everyone makes their own choice, Bodie. To go to hell or not to go to hell. It's up to you. You have a free will. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. If you desire to be free like these men were set free? You can be. It is up to you. No one else can make that decision for you.
This brother has a book written about how Jesus saved him - his testimony. God is doing great things all over the earth - JESUS SAVES!

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. - Ezekiel 22:30
When my ex learned that she was pregnant with our first child, she tried to overdose on Tylenol PM. I remember her striking her protruded belly and cursing it. She was fucking insane. Did I pray to Jesus? Of course not. I sat that bitch down and read to her from the book of Mr. H.

What saved me from my deepest darkest hours was not Jesus, but a very simple quote that I had read in a National Geographic article. "Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home".

I no longer live in the fear of God, or with the threat of eternal damnation in Hell. To me, those are delusions of a very insecure individual.
When my ex learned that she was pregnant with our first child, she tried to overdose on Tylenol PM. I remember her striking her protruded belly and cursing it. She was fucking insane. Did I pray to Jesus? Of course not. I sat that bitch down and read to her from the book of Mr. H.

What saved me from my deepest darkest hours was not Jesus, but a very simple quote that I had read in a National Geographic article. "Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home".

I no longer live in the fear of God, or with the threat of eternal damnation in Hell. To me, those are delusions of a very insecure individual.

I am deeply sorry for your suffering, Mr. H. It is clear that it is still a very painful memory for you and I cannot imagine the horror you felt at her striking her own unborn child and cursing it - trying to overdose taking Tylenol - she sounds like she was a very tormented person and was oppressed - or possessed even - with demons. The spirit world is real, you know. And Jesus Christ is real too. Why not listen to the last video posted here and listen to that man's testimony? Samuel Kalco? Or any of the other videos - each testifies to the true power of God, Mr. H. Jesus does not want you to go to hell! Satan is the one fighting to take you there. Please give yourself a chance and just listen to one of the testimonies! What could it hurt?

One more thing. I know you may find it impossible within yourself to forgive that woman but would you be willing to ask God to forgive her through you? You could tell him you are not able to do this on your own but are willing to let Him forgive her through you so you can be free of it. I think you need to do that. God loves you, Mr. H. He loves you.
I'll be praying for you - that the LORD will help you and heal you of that terrible memory, Mr. H. Good night.
Everyone makes their own hell.

No. Everyone makes their own choice, Bodie. To go to hell or not to go to hell. It's up to you. You have a free will. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. If you desire to be free like these men were set free? You can be. It is up to you. No one else can make that decision for you.
Everyone makes their own hell...yours is a doozie.
Jeff Fenholt was never a member of Sabbath. He was hired for a Tony Iommi solo project, some of which ended up being reworked for a later Sabbath album. But Fenholt never recorded anything as a Sabbath project and never went on tour with the band.
Steven_R. Listen to testimony post # 8. He's got an important message for you. You need to hear it. (all of it)
Brian Welch:

Former guitarist and co-founder of heavy rock group Korn, Brian Welch talks about the amazing turn his life took when he accepted God for who He is. Saved from drugs and addiction, Welch tells his amazing testimony of Jesus' love and salvation. See his testimony on post #17.
I wouldn't put too much on the testimony of anyone associated with Korn. If there's any one thing that flat out proves there is no god, it's that Korn ever existed in the first place.

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